0.15.0 and 0.14.0
This update finally brings Mythic Metals to 1.19 (with an update for 1.18 too!).
It also features an initial Carmot re-work, some new ore variants + features, and the next balance pass.
Carmot Re-work
Carmot is now a material that builds off Kyber gear, similar to how you upgrade Banglum.
The armor itself now grants you extra max health (up to 5 hearts with the full set).
It also features the Carmot Shield ability, which is a passively regenerating shield.
It can block up to 5 incoming damage per piece (blocks up to 20 damage with the full set).
The tools also contain some abilities.
The sword has an extra level of looting, while the rest have an extra level of fortune.
Also, thanks to paintedwithdrugs for the new Carmot Ingot sprite!
Carmot Staff
You can now create a mystical staff out of Carmot, allowing you to channel the inner power of different metal blocks.
Currently there are only a few blocks that react with it, which is specified in this list:
- Iron - Fling opponents up, makes the staff stronger
- Gold - Grant yourself luck for two minutes
- Copper - Summon lightning on yourself
- Bronze - Smite whoever you strike with lightning
- Netherite - Powerful melee weapon, makes the staff much stronger
- Metallurgium - Highest single hit damage in the entire mod
Balance Changes
Buffed Morkite's fuel value from 1000 to 1200 ticks (from smelting 5 to 6 items per fuel).
Made the Blast Mining ability of Legendary Banglum respect Silk Touch.
Fixed some inconsistent recipes with Metallurgium.
Reduced Banglum Ore Explosion chance in overworld and with fortune, and increased it in the nether.
Reduced the durability of the Aegis swords, and re-assigned their repair materials.
Increased the durability of Hallowed, and Mythril tools.
Increased the mining speed of Durasteel slightly.
Reduced the durability of Prometheum and Bronze tools.
Increased the chance to find Banglum Chunks and Aquarium Pearls if you have luck.
Prometheum will no longer cancel block breaking when regaining durability.
Star Platinum no longer requires Carmot to be crafted.
Runite can now be found in Deepslate.
Tightened the spawn range of Starrite, making it more common.
The Aegis Swords now have different recipes:
- The Sword of The Aegis is crafted from an Adamantite Sword with a Palladium block in a smithing table
- The Blade of The Aegis is crafted from a Hallowed Sword with a Hallowed block in a smithing table
Other Changes
Re-worked the Hallowed Armor model (thanks Pois1x!).
Re-worked all durasteel assets, plus raw quadrillum (thanks Pois1x!).
You can now make an Adamantite Block Alloy Forge.
Re-implemented steel tools and armor.
Made Unobtainium ores slightly luminous.
Fixed a crash related to EnchantmentHelper for entities with no gear.
Added a resource condition to validate nuggets.
Fixed Natural Aqua Affinity not applying on tools.
Improved the textures of Bronze and Osmium armor.
Overhauled all armor and tool effect particles.
Added a new armor model for Carmot (thanks Dr. Zeal!).
The Carmot Staff texture was also made by her.
0.15.0 and 0.14.0
This update finally brings Mythic Metals to 1.19 (with an update for 1.18 too!).
It also features an initial Carmot re-work, some new ore variants + features, and the next balance pass.
Carmot Re-work
Carmot is now a material that builds off Kyber gear, similar to how you upgrade Banglum.
The armor itself now grants you extra max health (up to 5 hearts with the full set).
It also features the Carmot Shield ability, which is a passively regenerating shield.
It can block up to 5 incoming damage per piece (blocks up to 20 damage with the full set).
The tools also contain some abilities.
The sword has an extra level of looting, while the rest have an extra level of fortune.
Also, thanks to paintedwithdrugs for the new Carmot Ingot sprite!
Carmot Staff
You can now create a mystical staff out of Carmot, allowing you to channel the inner power of different metal blocks.
Currently there are only a few blocks that react with it, which is specified in this list:
- Iron - Fling opponents up, makes the staff stronger
- Gold - Grant yourself luck for two minutes
- Copper - Summon lightning on yourself
- Bronze - Smite whoever you strike with lightning
- Netherite - Powerful melee weapon, makes the staff much stronger
- Metallurgium - Highest single hit damage in the entire mod
Balance Changes
Buffed Morkite's fuel value from 1000 to 1200 ticks (from smelting 5 to 6 items per fuel).
Made the Blast Mining ability of Legendary Banglum respect Silk Touch.
Fixed some inconsistent recipes with Metallurgium.
Reduced Banglum Ore Explosion chance in overworld and with fortune, and increased it in the nether.
Reduced the durability of the Aegis swords, and re-assigned their repair materials.
Increased the durability of Hallowed, and Mythril tools.
Increased the mining speed of Durasteel slightly.
Reduced the durability of Prometheum and Bronze tools.
Increased the chance to find Banglum Chunks and Aquarium Pearls if you have luck.
Prometheum will no longer cancel block breaking when regaining durability.
Star Platinum no longer requires Carmot to be crafted.
Runite can now be found in Deepslate.
Tightened the spawn range of Starrite, making it more common.
The Aegis Swords now have different recipes:
- The Sword of The Aegis is crafted from an Adamantite Sword with a Palladium block in a smithing table
- The Blade of The Aegis is crafted from a Hallowed Sword with a Hallowed block in a smithing table
Other Changes
Re-worked the Hallowed Armor model (thanks Pois1x!).
Re-worked all durasteel assets, plus raw quadrillum (thanks Pois1x!).
You can now make an Adamantite Block Alloy Forge.
Re-implemented steel tools and armor.
Made Unobtainium ores slightly luminous.
Fixed a crash related to EnchantmentHelper for entities with no gear.
Added a resource condition to validate nuggets.
Fixed Natural Aqua Affinity not applying on tools.
Improved the textures of Bronze and Osmium armor.
Overhauled all armor and tool effect particles.
Added a new armor model for Carmot (thanks Dr. Zeal!).
The Carmot Staff texture was also made by her.
0.13.1 and 0.12.2
Fixed multiple issues with anvils, causing them to be slow to break and not drop
on older versions fixes this issue till next restart).
- Added anvils to the
tag. - Added a new resource condition to properly validate anvils being disabled.
Fixed a settings issue with custom armor items (Hallowed, Metallurgium, Palladium, Legendary Banglum).
Moved unused Fabric tool tags to Common.
Added all pickaxes to the minecraft:cluster_max_harvestables
Fixed an issue where mining Banglum Ore could crash a server.
Updated advancements to work better as a guide for new players.
Fixed some issues regarding the language files not using correct translation keys.
Fixed Banglum TNT not respecting who detonated it.
Fixed the Smite ability not applying correctly.
Added missing recipes for Legendary Banglum tools and smelting ores into drops.
Increased the fuel value of Morkite in an Alloy Forge.
Adjusted the Hallowed Helmet model slightly.
Replaced EnchantGiver with a custom ability system.
PLEASE NOTE that these STACK with enchantments, and ignore vanilla enchantment restrictions.
Thanks to clarenre, Kasualix and leocth for working towards the Simplified Chinese (zh_ch) translation!
Morkite has been added
This new ore drops a new crystal-like metal, which works as fuel.
One piece of morkite is able to melt five items.
Morkite can be found around the stone/deepslate border underground.
Banglum has recieved a major re-work:
- Regular Banglum armor now only has Blast Padding on all pieces (Blast Protection 1)
- Nether Banglum ores have been added.
- Banglum Ores are now volatile. The ores have a chance to explode that scales with the levels of efficiency and fortune on your pickaxe.
- Silk Touch drastically reduces this explosion chance.
- Banglum Ores have a higher chance to explode when placed in The Nether. Being in The Nether also makes the explosion stronger.
- You can use Banglum Chunks in order to upgrade Banglum to Legendary Banglum, with various natural enchants
- The set has Spiked Helm (Thorns which always activates), Blast Protection 6, Projectile Protection 5, and Feather Falling 4.
- The pickaxe has a powerful explosion ability, which lets you create strip-mines easily
- Banglum Chunks are recieved as a rare drop from Banglum Ore (0.2%) and Nether Banglum Ore (3%).
- Added Banglum TNT, which has the same explosive power as an End Crystal.
Aquarium has been buffed following the EnchantGiver replacement:
- All the natural enchantments have been increased by one level
- A new item, the Aquarium Pearl has been added as a rare drop from Aquarium
- This item can be used in order to craft a Trident from Prismarine Shards and a Heart of the Sea
Other changes:
Tweaked the White Aegis sword texture slightly.
Adjusted all hardness values of ores, and made ores harder to mine with the wrong tool (especially if you have efficiency).
Changed the Aegis blades to use their own material, so that they can be repaired with Palladium instead of Celestium.
Slightly buffed the attack speed of Orichalcum and Osmium tools.
Updated the armor item textures for Durasteel, Palladium, and regular Banglum.
Made Unobtainium slightly more common.
Removed Vermiculite.
Fixed an oversight where mining orichalcum with silk touch would return mythril ore.
Improved the armor textures of hallowed and bronze.
Added the final ore texture courtesy of Haunted Chest.
Set the EnchantGivers override to false, allowing the config to be changed.
Minor internal tweaks to reduce overhead in DefaultedRegistry.
Balancing changes:
Buffed Celestium armors speed trait.
Increased Celestiums harvest level to mythic, and made the blocks require the same level
(same as Metallurgium and the unobtainium block).
Buffed Metallurgium and Star Platinums base damage by 1.
Increased Hallowed Armors toughness up to 4, but decreased its durability.
Split debug command into /mythicmetals range console
and /mythicmetals range file
File will dump config into CSV, while console will dump the config in a readable format into chat/logs.
Added animated stormyx ore textures.
Slight texture adjustments.
Removed steel gear.
Shoutouts to Starmute for updating the Terralith compat!
Balancing changes:
Hallowed tools recieved a small increase in durability.
Ores have recieved new height ranges! Be sure to double check your config if you are a modpack creator,
or simply delete your old config file to update your ore spawns.
A deepslate variant of Carmot was added.
A new debug command was added (/mythicmetals range everything
), which dumps all the height ranges of ores.
Higher tier items recieved some rarity tweaks.
New ore textures for Osmium, Runite, Tin, and Silver.
Turned Vermiculite into an actual fertilizer (bone meal).
Added a CATLOL translation.
Added new textures for Star Platinum, mainly tools.
Added low level documentation in the form of Advancements!
Balance changes:
Palladium recieved multiple QOL features, like being able to stand on magma blocks, campfires, and in powder snow.
Added recipes for forging ore blocks into ingots.
Gave Quadrillum some useful industrial recipes (buckets, shears, rails, hoppers).
Slightly reduced enchantability of quadrillum, as well as increasing its damage.
Reduced osmium armor values, but in return gave it knockback resistance, more durability, and armor toughness.
Increased the durability of Hallowed gear.
Increased the armor of runite and Kyber.
Tweaked the armor values of silver.
Reduced the armor of aquarium, but increased the durability of its gear.
Globally increased the armor values of all boots.
Buffed Osmiums mining level.
Tewaked Star Platinums armor values, and increased its attack speed slightly.
0.10.0 - Caves and Cliffs
This update contains the biggest changes in the history of Mythic Metals.
A lot has been removed from the mod, which includes:
- All of Aetherium
- All of Argonium
- All of Brass
- All of Discordium
- All of Electrum
- All of Etherite
- All of Truesilver, which has been replaced in favor of Palladium
- All of Tantalite
- All of Quicksilver
- All of Ur
- All of Zinc
- Copper Ingots/Blocks, which have been replaced by vanilla variants
- Tin equipment
- Starrite gear, which has been replaced in favor of Star Platinum
- Quadrillum armour
Even though this update removes ores I have written a datafixer which should replace all the missing ores with stones, making this version compatible with older worlds.
!!!This is experimental, so please make a backup before installing this update!!!
A lot of changes have been made:
- Added deepslate variants of Adamantite, Mythril, Orichalcum and Unobtainium.
- Added a tuff and smooth basalt variant of Orichalcum.
- Added a calcite variant of Kyber. Normal Kyber spawns rarely in the world, but it spawns in large veins in calcite (mainly from amethyst geodes).
- Added a blackstone variant of Stormyx.
- Nether ores now have their own custom feature for spawning in the overworld (portal remnants and mod compat).
- Added a calcite variant of Starrite. Starrite now spawns rarely anywhere in the world.
- Added an End Stone Ore of Starrite, which is the main source of Starrite.
- Added a deepslate variant of Prometheum, since it can now be found in Lush Caves.
- Tweaked Unobtainium spawn rates (it is now more common to find per-world, but will be VERY hard to find in caves).
- Ores heights have been tweaked, even respecting the max world height/bottom.
- The world-gen is mainly balanced around the Caves and Cliffs Datapack, fully utilizing the new height range from 320 to -64.
- For the optimal experience I recommend using it, or any other mod that changes the world height.
- Added some secrets
A lot of the artwork has been changed in the mod. Shoutouts to the artists who have worked on Mythic Metals:
- Matpac
- RGBeet
- Amoraire
- DH
- Tector
- Temreno
- Shiftless
- Pois1x
- Henchman
Codewise there has been a lot of internal changes. Re-naming of features, a new solution for configs, and new "sets" which function as bundles for registering items. A lot of balancing changes have been made, and considering the removal of old materials here are some of the new ones:
- Star Platinum is an alloy from Starrite, Platinum, and Carmot. It provides protection similar to Diamond, and is a component for Celestium.
- The armor set made from Star Platinum has the damage bonus from the Etherite set.
- Celestium is now an end-game metal, focusing on movement speed. It is crafted from Star Platinum, Kyber, and Unobtainium.
- Prometheum has recieved a re-design, and is now a high tier metal. It has recieved Discordiums effects.
- To compensate for the strengths of the hallowed ores (adamantite, mythril, orichalcum) they have been given some weaknesses.
Hotfix - Fixes an issue with the configs loading from old Autoconfig instead of Cloth2
Unembedded Cloth Config from the mod, you now have to download it yourself.
Added dust support for Indrev and Mechanical Tech.
Unobtainium can now spawn exposed in caves and similar, making it easier to find.
SLightly buffed hoes and high-tier axes.
Major interal refactors of the code.
Added new hallowed and metallurgium armor models, as well as changing aetherium, adamantite, mythril and orichalcum ones.
Various re-colours and texture changes.
Added missing tags for gold and hallowed dusts.