on Jun 17, 2023industrialforegoing-1.12.2-1.5.8-95
on Jun 17, 2023industrialforegoing-1.12.2-1.5.6-93
on Jun 17, 2023- Changed how the mobs are grown in the AnimalGrower
- Added cleaning recipes for the Black Hole Units and Black Hole Tank
- Increased Block Resistance of the Wither Builder and fixed and edge case where it could place the skulls even if the full structure wasn't present
- Added a Fluid Pump
on Jun 17, 2023- Removed the farmland part of the Hydrator to fix #88 but increased the range by 1
on Jun 17, 2023- Fixed #87
- Added some safety checks for the BHU and BHT
on Jun 17, 2023industrialforegoing-1.12.1-1.5.2-85
on Jun 17, 2023- Fixed dirt to diamonds
- Updated zh_CN
on Jun 17, 2023- Updated TCL Version fixing some GUI issues like #74
- Added ExNihilo Creatio dust to the StoneWorks
on Jun 17, 2023- Try to fix #71 as it is hard to track
- Fixed #70
- Changed
and changed to a IForgeRegistry - Added Protein Reactor with JEI Handler and Craftweaker support.
- Added Protein Generator that produces 320RF/t with protein.
- Sneak+Right Click a IF Block with the manual in the hand will open the manual entry of the block directly
- Fixed BHUC not being able to insert into a BHU if it was empty
- Added Hydrator Block to help plant growth
- Fixed Item Splitter voiding items when connected to inventories that aren't simple
on Jun 17, 2023industrialforegoing-1.12.1-1.4.2-69
on Jun 17, 2023- Fixed an issue where some machines would crash if you tried to insert fluid into them when you weren't supposed to.
- Added some ores to the Laser Drill: Aluminum, Nickel, Draconium, Yellorium, Cobalt, Osmium and Ardite.
on Jun 17, 2023- Fix #54
- Better GUI Syncing for some machines
- Added Energy Field Addon and Energy Field Provider to wireless power machines. (Place an Energy Field Provider and give it power, Get an Energy Field Addon Shift+Right Click to the Provider Block and add it to another machine in the range of the Energy Field Provider)
- Fixed Bioreactor not filtering the slots
- Added OreDictionary Converter to convert between different types of OreDictionary Entries. Supported types: "ore", "ingot", "nugget", "gem", "dust", "block", "gear" and "plate"
- Fixed Villager Trade Exchanger not syncing to server. Closes #55
- Added a manual and documentation
- Fixed some book stuff
- Fix #57
on Jun 17, 2023- Changed some names
- Improved ItemStack handling of the Black Hole Unit a lot. Closes #51
- Fixed Resourceful furnace not outputing fluids
- Improved ItemStack handling of the Black Hole Unit Controller
on Jun 17, 2023- Added a Machine Produce JEI Handler that shows what produces some of the machines
- Added a Villager Trade Exchanger that trades with villagers automatically
- Added JEI Handler to show how much power it would produce something in the Petrified Fuel Generator
- Added Pink Slime Entity
- Fixed #47, #45, #19, #40, #43
- Improved Block break rendering for the Tree Fluid Extractor and now its shared between blocks
- Added Pink Slime Creation in the Mob Slaughter Factory
- Added Inverted Lens that will decrease the chance of an item spawning in the Laser Drill
- Changed The Straw Registry By: Coded
- Added JEI button to the machines
- Made the Laser Drill a bit more expensive
- Made Non Electric machines more abstract to open it's sideness easier
on Jun 17, 2023#1.2.1
- Fixed issue #37
- Removed crafttweaker loading dep to fix #38
- Reverted Plastic Oredictionary in recipes
- Added Resourceful Furnace, it produces Essence when doing furnace operations.
- Made all inputs of the machine enabled by default.
- Fixed issue #31
- OreDicted Recipes that Contained Plastic.
- Fixed Space Checking for the entities when they were spawned.
- Added some extra space for the BHU when empty.
- Added a config option for the Mob Duplicator to increase essence used based con health (Default 12).
- Removed some GUI pieces that weren't needed.
- Added support for Forestry fertilizer in Crop Enrich Material Injector (Closes #33)
- Improved JEI Plugins
- Fixed Plant Sower Filter Colors
- Fixed Bioreactor allowing more of the same type of input
- Added API Support for the BioReactor (Removed Config support for the entries)
- Added API Support for the Laser Drill (Removed Config support for the entries)
- Added Support for the BioReactor in Crafttweaker
import mods.industrialforegoing.BioReactor;
- Added Support for the Laser Drill in Crafttweaker
import mods.industrialforegoing.LaserDrill;
LaserDrill.add(1, <minecraft:stone>, 10); // Arguments: (LaserItemMetadata, ItemStack, ItemWeight)
- Added a PlantRecollector API to add custom ways to harvest plants.
- Reduced PlantRecollector and sower waiting time. (Fixes #34)
- Changed Block Placer to use a FakePlayer to place the block.
- Added Support for the Sludge Refiner in Crafttweaker
import mods.industrialforegoing.SludgeRefiner;
SludgeRefiner.add(<minecraft:wheat_seeds>, 10); //Arguments: (ItemStack, ItemWeight)
- Fixed some wierdness with creative tabs (Closes #36)
on Jun 17, 2023+ Added Black Hole Tank
+ Decreased slot stack size limit to 16 for the Plant Sower
+ Added a Contributor Reward as a Patreon Reward
+ Added support for pumpkins and melon for the Plant Recollector
on Jun 17, 2023+ Added a straw (TheCodedOne)
+ Added a config for the Petrified Fuel Generator. Closes #25
% Laser Drill uses the first oredicted entry only
% Fixed bucket handling in fluid creating machines. Fixes #26
on Jun 17, 2023% Improved the Machine Area Render
+ Fixed Block Breaker being able to break any block. Fixes #24
+ Fixed #23
on Jun 17, 2023% Fixed a casting issue with Binnies mod's
on Jun 17, 2023+ Fixed bad code added in transition to the 1.12 update
% Updated to Forge 1.12
% Fixed Animal Growth Increaser not having a recipe. Fixes #20
+ Dropped Tesla as a hard dependency. No need to add it as a mod.
% Fixed a casting issue present in 1.11.2