on Jun 17, 2023+ Added Animal Growth Increaser
+ Added Lockeable inventories to: Black Hole Unit, Black Hole Controller, Potion Evervator
+ Added Fortune to the Ore Processor
+ Changed how Essence gets collected in the Mob Relocator
+ Added Material StoneWork Factory. It Generates cobble and process it in a bunch of ways like Grinding, Burning or crafting.
% Increased meat feeder tank a bit.
% Improved The Enchantment Aplicator to Fix #18
% Increased version to release
% Changed the Plant Sower to accept IPlanteable
on Jun 17, 2023% Improved BlackHoleController and Unit item extraction and slots counts. Fixes #17.
% Changed how the Crop Enrich Material Injector works. Fixes #15.
% Crop Recolector Chops down leaves first to provide better interaction with fast leaf decay mod.
+ Generate Constants only in dev
% Increased distance of chopping a bit so it will get full trees
on Jun 17, 2023% Crop Recollector Chops down leaves first to provide better interaction with FastLeafDecay.
% Improved/Fixed Black Hole Unit/Controller ItemHandler. Fixes #17
% Changed how the Crop Enrich Material Injector Works. Fixes #15
on Jun 17, 2023% Improved tree chopping. Closes #13
% Animal Resource Harvester uses a bucket to interact with cows
% Tree Fluid Extractor use the log randomly
% Fixed Ore Parsing in the config Closes #14
% Improved Mob spawning
on Jun 17, 2023+ Fixed ore parsing in the config
% Improved mob spawning
on Jun 17, 2023% Improved tree chopping
% Tree Fluid extractor consumes the log randomly
% Animal Resource Harvester uses buckets to interact with cows
on Jun 17, 2023Updated to 1.12
This is the first 1.12 update, stuff changed, everything is tested so it shouldn't have big issues.
on Jun 17, 2023+ Added support for Slime Trees in the Plant Recolector.
% Fixed Black Hole Controller not functioning if the prev output slot is not full.
% Fixed Black Hole Controller not dropping items.
- Nerfed fisher a bit, it now has a random chance of not working.
% Fixed Tree Fluid Extractor not working when the world time didn't change.
% Updated version number.
on Jun 17, 2023+ Added redstone control to constantly working machines
- Disabled Redstone control for the Mob Detector
+ Added Inverted Redstone Control Addon
% Updated Adult Addon Texture
% Changed to release
on Jun 17, 2023- Fixed Mob Relocator leaving mobs at 0 health.
- Updated to JEI API Version 4.5.0
- Fixed a crash with the Black Hole Unit. [Closes #6](
- Removed debug
on Jun 17, 2023Fixed Mob Relocator not dropping some loot. (Blaze)
Improved Tree Chopping in the Plant Recolector. (Big issue, Huge lag problems with big farms)
on Jun 17, 2023A fix for the Bioreactor for sure
Made Machines that accept Radius Upgrade work faster depending of their Radius and Speed Upgrades
Added Oredictionary entry for the Plastic
Reduced Tree Blocks Choped by default (Needs already created config a manual change)
on Jun 17, 2023Fix for the BioReactor I hope
Increase Forge Version to
Changed the Recipe of the Latex Processing unit to use Iron instead of Plastic
Removed the Bucket Latex Recipe
Fixed an issue with the fluid producing machines
on Jun 17, 2023ADDED:
Black Hole Controller (Holds up to 9 Black Hole Units allowing you to access the items that are inside of them.)
Dye Mixer (Makes dyes more efficiently, needs a lens to select the color)
Enchantment Invoker (Enchants items with a level 30 enchant using 3 buckets of essence)
Spores Recreator (Spreads mushrooms spores to grow mushrooms)
Creative Tab Icon
Bosses can't be picked up with the Mob Imprisionment Tool
Plant Recolector now harvests Cactus and Sugar Cane
Plant Enrich Material Injector now bonemeals double tall flowers
XP Requirement for the Enchantment Aplicator
Fluid Producing Machines now accept empty buckets. (Issue #2)
Enchanted Books data stored in the wrong way. (Issue #4)
on Jun 17, 2023First beta with recipes (Survival Friendly). This beta contains the machines said in the Overview page