Generations-Core 1.0.0 (Forge)
on Mar 8, 2025Generations-Core 1.0.0 (Fabric)
on Mar 8, 2025- Added 6,875 Special Pokémon using shaders, rather than textures for zero bloat
- All Pokémon now have the following specials:
- Galaxy: Darkens Pokémon and adds dark, heavy purples/blacks, while also applying an animated star-y mask
- Sketch: Shifts Pokémon mostly black, while adding a sketch-like white outline effect
- Shadow: Converts Pokemon to a grayscale, then Darkens Pokémon towards mostly deep, dark blues
- Vintage: Applies a nice soft grayscale texture that looks good on pretty much everyone
- Pastel: A brightened effect with pink & blue pastel shading. This will mostly only look good on Pokémon that are brighter to begin with
- These won't be perfect for every Pokémon, experiment! We'll still add normal nice specials with textures over time such as cosplay's and whatnot we had before- that'll take some time
- Creators: These are not a global configuration, they are individually configured in each of their config.jsons, so you can turn off any of these on anyone in favor of a custom one (ie if you want to have a custom textures Shadow Pikachu instead of using the Shadow shader)
- Added Mew DNA Fiber extraction using DNA Splicers
- Added DNA Extraction information on Mew Summary screen
- Added Ultrite tier of tools and armors, end game content which can also have trimming on
- Added tooltips to moves in battle when you hover over them to display their description
- Added Syrupy Apple
- Added Ball Loot messages to inform you what you've received
- Added Timed PokeBall Loots
- Added Silver Knowledge Symbol
- Added JEI/REI compatibility support for RKS Machine
- Added JourneyMap and Xaero's compatibility support for entity icons
- Added some support for Mr Crayfish's catalogue
- Changed Curry to be a bit more basic for now, due to the constant issues, we'll tackle this in a future update
- Reworked RKS recipes to allow for shapeless recipes instead of specific placements
- Reworked Iceroot/Shaderoot so they vanish on use instead of enchanted/unenchanted versions
- Fixed crash with mail
- Fixed statue bounding box
- Fixed Chisel menu not updating
- Fixed crash when flavor is null on Curry
- Fixed Compressed Stone recipe due to conflict with Deeplsate Tiles
- Fixed Elevator sound being too loud
- Fixed Tao and Regigigas Shrine not rendering
- Fixed sprite shading in GUI's
- Fixed MultiBlocks replacing other blocks when placed nearby
- Fixed some misc blocks missing tags, such as being breakable
- Fixed Time Capsules ignoring untradeable tag
- Fixed Scarecrows being per chunk, now 32 block radius
- Fixed Lighting Lantern missing data
- Fixed Megas losing their abilities
- Fixed Shaderoot and Iceroot not dropping from carrots
- Fixed Rotom Catalog not working
- Fixed Psychic TMs displaying as Bug type
- Fixed Reveal Glass not toggling Therian Forms
- Fixed Iron Valiant unable to be made from Gallade
- Fixed Krabby PokeDoll texture
- Fixed Shadow Lugia's eyes
- Fixed HDTV's lang entry
- Fixed Ditto being stretchy in animations
- Fixed Terapagos Stellar being a bit wonky
- Fixed Vivillon being a bit wonky
- Fixed Zubat glowing
- Fixed Shoulder Mounts being invisible
- Fixed an error with Heartflame Mask
- Fixed couch sitting positions and heights
- Fixed Pastel Bean Bags
- Fixed Box's sprite being too basic
- Fixed Female Pikachu missing sprite
- Fixed Park Ball texture being wrong color
- Fixed a handful of blocks not dropping when broken such as Double Street Lamps
- Fixed Defog, Mystical Fire, Roost showing as Blank TMs
- Fixed Pokémon able to have moves they aren't supposed to when converted to another species in an RSK Machine
- Fixed Plasma Armor textures missing
- Fixed RKS Machine giving you a blank Pokémon sprite item if you click the Time Capsule before it is finished the process of making a Pokemon
- Fixed BiomesOPlenty Dryland, Wasteland, Wasteland Steppe having no spawns
- Fixed Corsola, Clauncher, Clawitzer, Mareanie, Toxapex, Bruxish, Pincurchin not spawning due to invalid is_reef spawn set, now spawn in is_warm_ocean
- Fixed Silicon tools being better than Netherite
- Fixed Solgaleo's face
- Fixed Hisuian Electrode missing its mouth
- Fixed Genesect form change to match the drive it holds
- Changed Curry to be a bit more basic curry-ntly, due to the constant issues. Curry will default to Milcery Rating for now until Curry Dex is implemented in full. We'll tackle this in a future update.
- Fixed Yet Another Chance Booster in the modpack conflicting with shiny rate config edits
- Fixed armors not having armor values
- Fixed Zygarde Cell spawnrates
- Fixed Zygarde 50% being able to be created from only 10 Cells
- Fixed Zygarde Cube opening menus when collecting
- Decreased Zygarde Cell collection noise
- Fixed Zygarde Cell collection text firing off twice
- Fixed lang typos
- Fixed and added new lang to Chinese and French
- Fixed Arceus's eyes
- Fixed RKS Machine causing multiplayer networking issues
- Fixed recipe for crafting Unown Block letters
- Fixed Dacite Shore no spawns
- Fixed a few dozen Pokemon spawns
- Fixed Swift, Substitute, Grassy Terrain, Supercell Slam showing as Blank TMs
- Fixed Supercell Slam lang
- Fixed an error with Heartflame Mask
- Fixed Tentacool/Tentacruel having gray instead of red orbs
- Fixed Kyruem fusion and defusion with DNA Splicer
- Fixed Shaderoot and Iceroot not dropping from carrots
- Reworked Iceroots and Shaderoots so they vanish on use instead of enchanted and unenchanted versions
- Pillars should now connect properly
- Fixed Pokeball chests being 1 pixel up
- Fixed overwriting Time Capsule Pokemon
- Fixed Ruby, Sapphire, Silicon, Crystal, Evolution Stone Blocks un-craft recipe
- Fixed and reogranized symbol loading order
- Fixed Kantoian Pikachu not being able to evolve
- Fixed Arceus/Silvally type changes when holding their respective item
- Fixed Silvally/Arceus being able to have any type without having to hold the respective plate
- Fixed Pokémon able to have moves they aren't supposed to when converted to another species in an RKS Machine
- Fixed Chisel menu not updating. Statue GUI picture should now update when you change things
- Fixed Time Capsules ignoring untradeable tags
Generations-Core 5.0.0-Beta (Forge)
on Dec 6, 2024Generations-Core 5.0.0-Beta (Fabric)
on Dec 6, 2024Our FINAL BETA is here! Please report bugs- new and old in case we missed something important. We hope to have our official release in a couple weeks, we just want some time to collect new bug report and have some time to fix any that arise.
- Added lang for fr_fr and zh_cn
- Added lang for missing moves
- Added missing alolans: pichu, pikachu, exeggcute, cubone, coffing, mimejr
- Added all missing sprites
- Added stack data for unimplemented items so they stack
- Added spawn data for Pecharunt & Tarapagos
- Added Ogerpon masks
- Various pokemon size adjustments
- Reworked Time Capsules to make them look nicer and fix log spam errors
- Fixed Pokémon textures flickering black on Forge
- Fixed all Galarian forms not working
- Fixed Psychic type missing in our species features
- Fixed Chandelure, Centiskorch flames
- Fixed Cursola pulsing
- Fixed varoom, revavroom anims
- Fixed Bellibolt missing yellow Orb
- Fixed Mewostic & Indeedee M/F forms
- Fixed Hoopa Unbound
- Fixed a handful of swimming pokemon
- Fixed a handful of flying pokemon
- Fixed BaseScale being applied to our models, so models are now their intended sizes again
- Fixed poster lang missing
- Fixed Sparkling Stone having the wrong type requirement to charge
- Fixed all form change items
- Fixed a crash with red chain in anvils
- Fixed a crash with mail items
- Fixed an exploit with a handful of legendary mechanics
- Fixed an exploit with PokeLoot being used infinitely (old loots can be fixed with a sidemod we're publishing in #plugins-mods)
- Fixed a crash on Fabric with vending machines (temporarily disabled shops)
- Temporarily hard coded Manaphy/Phione to be 10,000 walk steps (so clients can connect to vanilla servers aka server hubs)
- Removed Paradox spawns since they're crafted in RKS Machine now
Server Owners: We believe it is safe enough to use in production now. If you've generated a world, use our sidemod to fix old PokeLoots in the plugins-mods channel. This will convert old infinite use PokeLoots to one time per player loots. We'll add more modes soon. Not all structures are implemented yet, but most are. We recommend either starting with a smaller world, or make a resource world that you will regenerate periodically
Note: This is BETA 5.0. When we release, we're going back down to 1.0 and adjust any improperly labeled versions and/or remove old/confusing ones on our Curse/Modrinth pages.