Minecraft: Java Edition
Supported environments
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Licensed MPL-2.0
Published last year
Updated last week
- Added 6,875 Special Pokémon using shaders, rather than textures for zero bloat
- All Pokémon now have the following specials:
- Galaxy: Darkens Pokémon and adds dark, heavy purples/blacks, while also applying an animated star-y mask
- Sketch: Shifts Pokémon mostly black, while adding a sketch-like white outline effect
- Shadow: Converts Pokemon to a grayscale, then Darkens Pokémon towards mostly deep, dark blues
- Vintage: Applies a nice soft grayscale texture that looks good on pretty much everyone
- Pastel: A brightened effect with pink & blue pastel shading. This will mostly only look good on Pokémon that are brighter to begin with
- These won't be perfect for every Pokémon, experiment! We'll still add normal nice specials with textures over time such as cosplay's and whatnot we had before- that'll take some time
- Creators: These are not a global configuration, they are individually configured in each of their config.jsons, so you can turn off any of these on anyone in favor of a custom one (ie if you want to have a custom textures Shadow Pikachu instead of using the Shadow shader)
- Added Mew DNA Fiber extraction using DNA Splicers
- Added DNA Extraction information on Mew Summary screen
- Added Ultrite tier of tools and armors, end game content which can also have trimming on
- Added tooltips to moves in battle when you hover over them to display their description
- Added Syrupy Apple
- Added Ball Loot messages to inform you what you've received
- Added Timed PokeBall Loots
- Added Silver Knowledge Symbol
- Added JEI/REI compatibility support for RKS Machine
- Added JourneyMap and Xaero's compatibility support for entity icons
- Added some support for Mr Crayfish's catalogue
- Changed Curry to be a bit more basic for now, due to the constant issues, we'll tackle this in a future update
- Reworked RKS recipes to allow for shapeless recipes instead of specific placements
- Reworked Iceroot/Shaderoot so they vanish on use instead of enchanted/unenchanted versions
- Fixed crash with mail
- Fixed statue bounding box
- Fixed Chisel menu not updating
- Fixed crash when flavor is null on Curry
- Fixed Compressed Stone recipe due to conflict with Deeplsate Tiles
- Fixed Elevator sound being too loud
- Fixed Tao and Regigigas Shrine not rendering
- Fixed sprite shading in GUI's
- Fixed MultiBlocks replacing other blocks when placed nearby
- Fixed some misc blocks missing tags, such as being breakable
- Fixed Time Capsules ignoring untradeable tag
- Fixed Scarecrows being per chunk, now 32 block radius
- Fixed Lighting Lantern missing data
- Fixed Megas losing their abilities
- Fixed Shaderoot and Iceroot not dropping from carrots
- Fixed Rotom Catalog not working
- Fixed Psychic TMs displaying as Bug type
- Fixed Reveal Glass not toggling Therian Forms
- Fixed Iron Valiant unable to be made from Gallade
- Fixed Krabby PokeDoll texture
- Fixed Shadow Lugia's eyes
- Fixed HDTV's lang entry
- Fixed Ditto being stretchy in animations
- Fixed Terapagos Stellar being a bit wonky
- Fixed Vivillon being a bit wonky
- Fixed Zubat glowing
- Fixed Shoulder Mounts being invisible
- Fixed an error with Heartflame Mask
- Fixed couch sitting positions and heights
- Fixed Pastel Bean Bags
- Fixed Box's sprite being too basic
- Fixed Female Pikachu missing sprite
- Fixed Park Ball texture being wrong color
- Fixed a handful of blocks not dropping when broken such as Double Street Lamps
- Fixed Defog, Mystical Fire, Roost showing as Blank TMs
- Fixed Pokémon able to have moves they aren't supposed to when converted to another species in an RSK Machine
- Fixed Plasma Armor textures missing
- Fixed RKS Machine giving you a blank Pokémon sprite item if you click the Time Capsule before it is finished the process of making a Pokemon
- Fixed BiomesOPlenty Dryland, Wasteland, Wasteland Steppe having no spawns
- Fixed Corsola, Clauncher, Clawitzer, Mareanie, Toxapex, Bruxish, Pincurchin not spawning due to invalid is_reef spawn set, now spawn in is_warm_ocean
- Fixed Silicon tools being better than Netherite
- Fixed Solgaleo's face
- Fixed Hisuian Electrode missing its mouth
- Fixed Genesect form change to match the drive it holds
- Changed Curry to be a bit more basic curry-ntly, due to the constant issues. Curry will default to Milcery Rating for now until Curry Dex is implemented in full. We'll tackle this in a future update.
- Fixed Yet Another Chance Booster in the modpack conflicting with shiny rate config edits
- Fixed armors not having armor values
- Fixed Zygarde Cell spawnrates
- Fixed Zygarde 50% being able to be created from only 10 Cells
- Fixed Zygarde Cube opening menus when collecting
- Decreased Zygarde Cell collection noise
- Fixed Zygarde Cell collection text firing off twice
- Fixed lang typos
- Fixed and added new lang to Chinese and French
- Fixed Arceus's eyes
- Fixed RKS Machine causing multiplayer networking issues
- Fixed recipe for crafting Unown Block letters
- Fixed Dacite Shore no spawns
- Fixed a few dozen Pokemon spawns
- Fixed Swift, Substitute, Grassy Terrain, Supercell Slam showing as Blank TMs
- Fixed Supercell Slam lang
- Fixed an error with Heartflame Mask
- Fixed Tentacool/Tentacruel having gray instead of red orbs
- Fixed Kyruem fusion and defusion with DNA Splicer
- Fixed Shaderoot and Iceroot not dropping from carrots
- Reworked Iceroots and Shaderoots so they vanish on use instead of enchanted and unenchanted versions
- Pillars should now connect properly
- Fixed Pokeball chests being 1 pixel up
- Fixed overwriting Time Capsule Pokemon
- Fixed Ruby, Sapphire, Silicon, Crystal, Evolution Stone Blocks un-craft recipe
- Fixed and reogranized symbol loading order
- Fixed Kantoian Pikachu not being able to evolve
- Fixed Arceus/Silvally type changes when holding their respective item
- Fixed Silvally/Arceus being able to have any type without having to hold the respective plate
- Fixed Pokémon able to have moves they aren't supposed to when converted to another species in an RKS Machine
- Fixed Chisel menu not updating. Statue GUI picture should now update when you change things
- Fixed Time Capsules ignoring untradeable tags