Create 0.5e
Enhancements & Fixes
- Trains now try to wait for chunks to load in when player passengers are present
- Trains now sync clientside speed with the servers' tps to avoid overcorrection
- Hoppers can now be picked up by the wrench
- Reduced false positives for train/player collisions during lag spikes
- Fixed entity-specific interactions causing schedule interaction to be ignored
- Fixed players dismounting trains/minecart contraptions causing them to be placed at incorrect locations
- Reduced tps impact of basin recipe lookups noticeable in larger modpacks
- Fixed Brass tunnels distributing back into the side items get inserted from
- Fixed Brass tunnels distributing into sides blocked by an inserting funnel
- Cargo Conditions in schedules now match any cargo if no filter is specified
- Added allowBrewingInMixer config
- Fluid valves, hand cranks, valve handles and smart pipes can now be waterlogged
- Fixed Movement Behaviours not resetting state when minecart contraptions are picked up
- Added ai deterrents for crossing track blocks
- Extended Saw behaviour to work with mangroves
- Fixed Saw leaving behind floating bee nests
- Saws can now be used to cut down big mushrooms
- Fixed Drills not leaving water sources when breaking ice blocks
- Fixed Ploughs not able to break track blocks
- Fixed Harvester replanting crops in invalid locations
- Fixed Train Relocation not always triggering when targeting long bends
- Display boards no longer predict trains behind wait conditions other than "timed delay"
- Fixed scoreboard and deathcount display sources cropping entries before sorting
- /create dumpRailways -> /create trains
- Fixed contraption interaction not firing when it happens far away from the contraptions origin
- Fixed inaccurate contact point motion for collisions with oriented contraptions
- Updated ae2 compat recipes
- Fixed parts of blaze burners not rendering correctly on rotated contraptions
- Fixed arms not being able to place more than one item into a composter
- Added "compostable" item attribute
- Tweak "blastable" attribute's descriptions
- Replaced allowBiggerFireworksInCrafter config with maxFireworkIngredientsInCrafter
- Fixed fluid pipes occasionally losing fluid content when distributing to multiple containers
- Tweaked jei display of seq. assembly success chance to display <1 and >99 respectively
- Adjusted mechanism recipe to a more rounded success chance (.80537 -> .8)
- Fixed toolbox overlay showing for spectating players
- Tagged sturdy sheets with forge:plates
- Compatibility Recipes for BYG (MarioSMB)
- Fixed "Station Powered" wait condition not working correctly in non-overworld dimensions (falxie)
- Added client-side bobbing animation on contraptions (Alex2772)
- Added descriptive hover tooltips for material checklists (Xstoudi)
- Fixed item duplication bug with mechanical crafters (Xstoudi)
- Fixed Game crash caused by Attribute Filter (MoarDm)
- Updates to ru_ru.json by luffypirat
- Updates to zh_cn.json by Demonese
- Updates to de_de.json by Andre601
- Updates to it_it.json by 435THz
- Updates to pl_pl.json by Mrucznik
Create 0.5d
- Requires Flywheel 0.6.5
Enhancements, Fixes
- Re-separated item sections in the Creative menu
- Fluid Pumps now orient themselves at adjacent pipes when placed
- Deployers mounted on minecart contraptions can no longer pick up minecart contraptions using a wrench
- Potential fix for spout ponder crash with other mods installed
- Fixed train navigation not behaving correctly near portals
- Fixed Fluid Pipes having parts of their model culled away by performance enhancing mods
- Refactored worldgen code to be cleaner and support datagen
- Fixed zinc ore only generating on chunk corners
- Remove fan_heaters block tag
- Fixed stockpile switches not preserving settings after being printed
- Large refactors to creates internal registry code
- Fixed printed funnels not having filters
- Fixed printed deployers not keeping mode
- Fixed filters not rendering in schematic renders
- Fixed incorrect lighting on funnels in schematic renders
- Fixed natural scoria from old save files not migrating into scoria
- Improve rendering of block breaking overlays in ponder
- Fixed arm interaction point initialization issues
- Fixed sequenced gearshift structure rotation
- Fixed encased cogwheel rotation, mirroring, and structure transformation
- Refactored JEI plugin implementation
- Fix placards' schematic requirements not including NBT
- Removed unused config values
- (SuperCoder79) Door blocks now break when rotated vertically by a contraption
- (SuperCoder79) Fixed deepslate emerald ore providing cobblestone when crushed
- (SuperCoder79) Added item and mode information to deployer goggle tooltip
- (hewxle) Improvements to the consistency of english advancement texts
- (nphhpn) Fix fluid duplication exploit with hose pulley
- (Zergatul) Improve mod compatibility of the third person camera on trains
- (PssbleTrngle) Added tag create:pressurized_air_sources for custom backtanks
- (TBiscuit1) Fixed kinetic blocks able to surpass the rpm limit
- (PiTheGuy) Fixed crash in the TorquePropagator
- (PiTheGuy) Mechanical Drills can now be waterlogged
- Compressed assets
- Refactored Maven coordinate scheme:
- Artifact ID: "Create" -> "create-{minecraft_version}"
- Artifact Version: "{mod_version}.{patch}-{build_number}"
- Excluded datagen cache from built jars
- Included LICENSE file in build jars
- Added uk_ua.json by Borusu1
- Updates to zh_tw.json by andersonwu2000 and Akagiyoukai
- Updates to ja_jp.json by CKenJa et al.
- Updates to ru_ru.json by luffypirat
- Updates to it_it.json by 435THz
- Updates to de_de.json by LexinonCraft
- Updates to pl_pl.json by Shadow75857
- Updates to pt_br.json by vyhi
- Updates to es_es.json by muriplz
- Updates to ko_kr by qkrehf2
- Updates to zh_cn.json by Demonese et al.
Create 0.5a
for Minecraft 1.18.2
Now using flywheel 0.6.4
Enhancements, Fixes
- Replace project page button with separate CurseForge and Modrinth
- Fixed incompatibility with Entityculling
- Fixed Contraptions not properly supporting modeldata
- Trains no longer briefly derail when moving through portals
- Trains no longer track coupling stress between carriages that are currently in different dimensions
- Fixed quark closing double doors when opened
- Boilers made of creative fluid tanks now provide a max level water supply
- Crafter ponder scene no longer uses an outdated recipe
- Reduced steam release effect of bogeys that haven't travelled far since the last stop
- Fixed crash when moving pulleys on a contraption
- Renamed Throttle schedule instruction to avoid confusion
- Fixed girders not paving straight tracks with the correct orientation
- Fixed steam engines not updating power output when their boiler is removed
- Fixed crash when assembling funnels onto a train
- Fixed crash caused by missing sounds when assembling a train
- Fixed train consuming fuel from every slot simultaneously
- Fixed spouts culling visible faces
- Fixed crash when listing empty inventory contents on something other than a display board
- Tracks can no longer bend when connecting two sloped tracks
- Fixed Schematicannon no longer supporting half of Create's blocks
- Fixed Station UI showing tooltip text of non-visible buttons
- Fixed track placement hint not updating when changing angle but targeting the same position
- Fixed Portable fluid interface not able to fill multiple tanks with identical liquids
- Players are no longer considered valid drivers to schedules
- Fixed blaze burners on contraptions tracking invisible players
- Add global providers to movement and interaction behavior registries
- All blocks tagged #wooden_doors or #wooden_trapdoors are now interactable on contraptions
- Fixed crash with Starlight when moving empty contraptions with downward-facing Mechanical Pistons
- Updates to ru_ru.json by luffypirat
Create 0.5
for Minecraft 1.18.2
now using Flywheel 0.6.3
- Added Display Link
- Added Display Board
- Added Steam Engine
- Added Steam Whistle
- Added Metal Girders
- Added Train Casing
- Added Train Track
- Added Train Station
- Added Train Signal
- Added Train Observer
- Added Train Schedule
- Added Train Controls
- Added Placard
- Added Andesite, Brass and Copper Ladder
- Added Train Door and Trapdoors
- Added Framed Glass Door and Trapdoor
- Added Rose Quartz Block and Rose Quartz Tiles
- Added Rose Quartz Lamp
- Added Sturdy Sheet
- Removed Furnace Engine
Enhancements, Fixes
- Art rework of the Copper Lineup
- Art rework of Create's item sprites
- Reworked Blaze Burner assets
- Reworked the Flywheel model
- Added a globally managed track-graph system able to be navigated without loading chunks
- Re-designed the super glue mechanic as areas instead of individual connections
- Streamlined several crafting recipes in the survival progression
- Added Recipes for new Content
- Added a new recipe type for manual item on block interaction
- Changed casing recipes
- Pulse Repeaters and Extenders can now be inverted using right-click
- Added Ponder Scenes for new Content
- Modified Ponder Scenes of changed Content
- Added Ponder Categories for Railway Equipment, Display Sources and Display Targets
- Ponder Scenes now show a "Next Up" Prompt after completion
- Added a "Next up:" prompt to make sure people are aware of other scenes
- Fixed mob spawner displaying a pig in the blaze burner scene
- Haunted and Peculiar bells now accept redstone power
- Fluid tanks become boilers when engines are attached
- Nixie tubes no longer have a base plate
- Nixie tubes can now mount to walls
- Nixie tubes display signal info when mounted to a signal box
- Shafts can now be encased with girders
- Fixed passengers dismounting from contraptions teleporting into the ceiling for a tick
- Fixed a memomy leak in contraption creation
- Fixed serverside collision mask not updating when doors open on a contraption
- Fixed kinetic components showing speed requirement popups when moving very slowly
- Fixed reversed tooltip for stress capacity
- Modified stress capacity tooltips to show max achievable su
- Fixed Players riding a mount standing on a contraption getting kicked for 'flying'
- Cleaned up and expanded integration recipes and tags with other mods
- Addressed the brief visual gap between contraptions disassembling and blocks re-appearing in world
- Completely reworked the advancement tree
- Removed integration recipes for discontinued mods
- Added cutting recipes for a number of modded wood types
- Fixed ore crushing recipes referring to incorrect tags
- Contraptions now render properly in flywheel's batching render mode
- Fixed non-player passengers endlessly kicking each other from seats
- Backtanks now warn a player when reaching 10% and 0% respectively
- Pulleys can now be monitored with a Stockpile Switch
- Third person view now zooms out when riding a train
- Removed op permission requirement from contraption assembly highlight command
- Active windmill bearings can now be moved by contraptions, returning to their running state after the new contraption disassembled
- Framed glass now uses vanilla's glass palette
- Increased bone meal yield from crushed calcite
- Basins now attempt to dump existing output content into newly created auto-outputs
- Builders Tea can now be scooped out of basins manually
- Basins now prioritise output tanks when filling held items
- Fixed pulley contraptions not receiving light updates below y=0
- Belts launched by a schematicannon can no longer replace bedrock
- Contraptions now send block changes to other clients when doors are opened
- Players can now "climb" up contraption-assembled ladders
- Added the ability to add station markers to maps, working similar to banners
- Fixed minecart contraption relocation sending nearby players to the moon
- Blaze burners now render independently when on a contraption
- Fixed issues with mouse button keybinds on the linked controller
- Changed redstone link range to 256
- Fixed bearings rotating their top even on contraptions that do not support stabilisation
- Fixed inconsistent deployer facing for oriented contraptions
- Added JEI item assignment support to schedule conditions
- Fixed constant updates firing from stockpile switches
- Assigned more suitable map colours to Create's blocks
- Fixed Fluid pipes not reacting to modified fluid tanks in specific arrangements
- Fixed lighting and uv incosistency on windowed fluid pipes
- Hose pulley now scans adjacent fluid columns for sources
- Andesite alloy is now tagged #forge:ingots
- Fixed the hose pulley fill infinite config not working correctly
- Generified Connectivity Handlers used in tanks & vaults for addons
- Fixed potential dupe glitch with stackable fluid containers
- Implemented curios integration for Engineer's Goggles
- Nether Gold crushing now yields 18 nuggets instead of 7.5
- Fixed tree fertilizer not working on azalea trees
- Fixed an edge case where funnels with an amount will refuse to transfer items
- Fixed Contraptions briefly being offset by half a block when assembled on a cart assembler
- Fixed crash when pressing the toolbox hotkey in the same tick as it was placed
- Added the #create:casing tag
- Super glue captured by schematics or /c clone now gets cropped to the selected boundary
- Stationary contraptions now save their anchor block position in relative coords
- Improved the way Mechanical Arms store interaction points (breaking change)
- Fixed Mechanical Arms being able to insert any item into composters
- Encased fans can no longer provide stress capacity as generators
- Removed speed requirements from tooltips
- Fixed Belts behaving strangely after being placed where another was destroyed previously
- Fixed schematics rendering layers in the wrong order
- Adjusted some vertical offsets for seated passengers
- Driver entities will now wear a hat when their train is given a schedule
- Fixed bug causing potentially moving contraptions to re-upload their light every tick
- Instancing support for Train Bogeys
- Instancing support for Train Tracks
- Nixie Tubes no longer animate text from "dynamic" vanilla text components
- Created "Display-target" behaviour for Signs, Display Boards, Lecterns and Nixie Tubes
- Created "Display-source" behaviour for Train Stations, Clocks, Nixie Tubes, Content Observers, Stockpile Switches, Respawn Anchors, Depots, Belts, Belt Tunnels, Command Blocks, Target Blocks, Train Observers, Boilers, Seats, Speedometers and Stressometers
- Fixed Contraption passengers not visible to clients whenever the seat position offsets them out of ticking chunks just after loading in
- Fixed previous passengers not being removed from seat when player uses it
- Portable Storage Interfaces now stay connected until a contraption departs
- Seats can now collect entities when collided with on a contraption
- Clicking on seats now tries to mount any leashed mobs first
- Added "/create dumpRailways" command
- Fixed an item duplication issue with belts
- Spectators can no longer interact with contraptions
- GUIs and HUDs now respect spectator mode and the hideGui option
- Blaze burners no longer turn towards the player if they are invisible
- Fixed Wrench rotation in 3rd person
- Brought JEI plugin up-to-date
- Added the "/create passenger" command
- Fixed sails coloring adjacent sails with different orientations
- Updates to pt_br.json by vyhi
- Updates to es_es.json by muriplz
- Updates to zh_cn.json by Demonese
- Updates to de_de.json by MelanX