Create 6.0.4:
Bug Fixes
- Fixed crash when using mechanical arms with composters #7965
- Fixed chocolate and honey having the wrong map color #5409
- Fixed goggles not swapping with helmet when equipped #7977
- Fixed fluid pipe visuals rendering with incorrect uv scale
- Fixed Re-packager creating invalid item stacks when factory gauges were assigned larger stacks #7963
- Fixed nixie tubes not updating their text in ponder scenes #7978
- Clicking conveyors with chains or the wrench now takes priority over picking up packagers from them
- Fix Processing recipes ignoring item components (1.21) #7962
Create 6.0.3:
Bug Fixes
- Fixed certain block entities not rendering on contraptions #7790 #7782 #7774
- Fixed sign text and color getting removed by display links #7250
- Changed sandpaper item rendering to use Gui transform
- Fixed crash when using or viewing sandpaper polishing recipes (1.21)
- Fixed crash with recent versions of ftb library
- Fixed belts interacting with horizontal crushing wheels inconsistently #7445
- Allow Re-Packager to split packages with multiple crafting recipes into single packages
- Fixed contraptions not able to break ice blocks #4415
- Increased rope pulley view distance #4836
- Fixed create datagen running in addon workspaces (#7862)
- Fixed Fluid recipes missing outputs, and crash when using create fluid buckets on basin (#7884)
- Fixed crash when placing empty linked controllers in lecterns #7876
- Fixed issues with elevator contact display link behavior
- Fixed double chest lighting on contraptions
- Added flywheel optimisations for fluids in windowed pipes
- Fixed bogey lighting not updating correctly while switching between styles
- Fixed cardboard sword not being enchantable #7736
- Fixed crash with redstone requester #7788
- Fixed being able to enchant cardboard swords with other enchantments when using anvils
- Fixed metal ladders being able to hang in wrong directions #7395
- Fixed player chain conveyor animation playing when game is paused #7390
- Fixed elevator floor description rendering being offset from the controls block
Create 6.0.2:
Bug Fixes
- Fix warning getting logged when CC: Tweaked isn't installed
- Fix crash when using LecternDisplayTarget #7579 #7600
- Fix crash with fluids on contraptions
- Fixed Shopping lists disappearing when clicking a different table cloth #7548
- Fix mixin conflict with immersive portals
- Fix factory gauge display sources causing crashes #7645
- Fix Schematics sometimes rendering block entity elements when it shouldn't #7639
- Fix Chiseled Bookshelves having wrong the blockstates when placed with a schematic cannon #7642
- Fix horizontal crushing wheels not working properly #7445
- Fix rotating shader not correctly handling color
- Fix StockKeeperCategoryScreen filter buttons being clickable outside the window bounds #7668
- Fix diving armor being trimmable (1.21.1)
- Fix diving helmets not having aqua affinity #7433 (1.21.1)
- Fix crash when using deployers wielding weapons #7704 (1.21.1)
- Fix threshold switch UI causing a crash if opened too quickly after breaking the storage block it was looking at #7676
- Fix rotated steam engines still working #7616
- Fix button of contraption controls not rendering on contraptions #7701
- Fix error/crash with CurrentFloorDisplaySource #7700
- Fix the ability to redeem shopping lists at other shop networks #7657
- Add bowls, mushroom stew and suspicious stew to the upright on belt tag
- Fix shopping lists not working on servers
- Fix rotation keybind not supporting mouse buttons
- Fixed deployers not being able to harvest honeycomb with modded shears #4570
- Safety check for schedule pointer exceeding the total count #7492
- Fixed packager unpacking leading to item multiplication in special modded inventories #7426
- Fixed redstone links not updating neighbours when toggling from receiver to transmitter #7715
- Fix KineticStressDisplaySource not working properly #7659
- Fix sequenced assembly not correctly handling errors (1.21.1)
- The JEI search bar is now synchronised to the stock keeper search bar (configurable)
- Fixed JEI plugin modifying ingredient fluid amounts for visual purposes
- Fixed belts moving a sneaking player even when not wearing the full cardboard set #7691
- Packagers can now read multiple lines on signs for package addressing
- Factory Gauge request interval is now configurable
- Fixed train map integration crashing when there are derailed trains or trains in another dimension (1.21.1)
- Fixed cardboard armor rendering not respecting custom player scaling
API Changes
- Implement custom unpacking API
- Implement InventoryIdentifier API
- Lock Create's registrate instance behind a caller check, prevent other mods and addons from using it
- Implement CreateRegistrateRegistrationCallback
Create 6.0.1:
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Shopping lists not updating when adding purchases (1.21) #7449 #7393
- Fixed Frogport ponder scene not animating correctly (1.21)
- Fixed broken address filter in second stock ticker ponder scene (1.21)
- Fixed crash when modifying pipe structures while they are transporting fluids (1.21) #7515
- Fixed shift-inserting into toolboxes causing items to be voided (1.21) #7519
- Fixed inconsistent component serialisation in backtank BE (1.21)
- Fixed table cloths not showing tooltips and enchantment effect when configured (1.21)
- Fixed shopping list tooltip expanding as its viewed (1.21) #7503
- Fixed crash when selling enchanted items on a table cloth (1.21) #7516 #7536
- Added a tooltip for the stock keeper address input
- Fixed crash when re-packaging a duplicated package fragment #7456
- Fixed crash when ctrl-click copying a gauge #7431
- Safety check for unexpected string modifications in address edit boxes #7409
- Fixed crash with fluid propagator
- Fixed a crash when using factory gauges
- Fixed debug info command not translating the graphics mode text
- Fixed cardboard sword not being able to damage arthropod mobs other than the spider
- Fixed a crash that occurred when placing a stock link on a re-packager
- Fixed an issue where wearing diving boots and sprinting would force you into the swim position and then out of it right away
- Fixed item group attribute filters crashing
- Fixed mixin conflict with immersive portals
- Fixed processing output not supporting itemstack components
- Fixed crash when shift-clicking items in the package filter UI #7497
- Fixed crash caused by the create menu button when loaded too early #7521
Create 6.0.0
Now using Flywheel 1.0
- Chain conveyor
- Item hatch
- Packager and Re-packager
- Cardboard packages
- Package frogport
- Package postbox
- Stock link
- Stock ticker
- Redstone requester
- Factory gauge
- Table cloths and covers
- Pulse timer
- Desk bell
- Pulp and the cardboard ingredient
- Cardboard armor set
- Cardboard sword
- Package filter
- Cardboard block
- Cherry and bamboo windows
- Industrial iron window
- Weathered iron block and windows
Art Changes
- Palette and model updates to all copper-based components
- Rope and hose pulley motion now uses a scrolling texture
- Increased vertical size of train and contraption controls to a full block
- Updates to display and redstone links
- Updates to metal sheet items
- Copper roof blocks now use connected textures
- Added missing shaft detail to the backtank armor
- Updates to various UI screens and components
- Bars and window item models are now consistent with vanilla
Gameplay Changes
- Redstone links are now andesite tier
- All links now use a new ingredient item, the transmitter
- New advancement chain for high logistics components
- New ponder scenes and category for high logistics components
- Tracks and Trains now have special integration with FTBChunks and Journeymap
- Depots can now be used as storage blocks on contraptions
- Brass tunnels now try to distribute an item more quickly when it first arrives
- Brass tunnels now always prefer filtered sides over non-filtered sides
- Added train schedule instructions for delivering or retrieving packages
- Basins no longer limit to 16 items per slot
- Mechanical crafters waste less time on empty animation frames
- In common cobblegen scenarios, stationary drills now skip breaking blocks and just insert the result items into open inventories directly below
- Held clipboards can now copy entries from other in-world clipboards
- Filters, Clipboards and Schedules can now be copyied in the crafting table
- Metal ladders no longer require a wall if another ladder block is above them
- Bells assembled to elevator contraptions now activate when arriving at a floor
- Sliding doors placed in front of contraption-mounted sliding doors now open and close automatically
- Fully outlined text on filter slots for better readability
- Added recipes where cardboard substitutes leather
- Play at most four steam engine sounds at once per side of a boiler
- Increased default max rope length to 384
- Implemented a system for generating certain recipes at runtime to improve mod compat
- Boiler gauge now disappears when blocks are clipping into it
- Added a keybind that opens a radial menu for rotating blocks with the wrench
- Wood cutting recipes in mechanical saws
- Added pressing recipes for coarse dirt and rooted dirt which both produce dirt paths (#7186)
- Updated JEI integration and added potion fluids to the JEI sidebar (#6934)
- Chain Drives can now be crafted from zinc nuggets
- Redstone lamps can now be picked up with the wrench
- New compatibility recipes for Immersive Engineering
- Added missing deploying recipes for copper oxidisation
- Framed and tiled glass panes can now be obtained via stonecutting
- Schematicannon on 'replace blocks with empty' now send block updates at the edges after printing
- The player hitbox used in contraption collision is now slightly shorter
Bug Fixes
- Deployers can no longer take a seat
- Fixed contraptions keeping pressure plates and tripwires activated (#7255)
- Steam engine placement assist now shows a normal shaft
- Fixed schedule screen not showing tooltips in the entry editor
- Fixed tracks creating signal block intersections despite being in different dimensions
- Fixed non-effect fans resetting processed belt items (#7298)
- Fixed mechanical saw considering scaffolding as leaves
- Fixed entity name display source not working for players on signs
- Fixed certain blocks messing up the order scheduled ticks (#7141)
- Fixed unbreakable superglue not being usable (#6253)
- Fixed update suppression (#7176)
- Fixed comparator output of depots ignoring the items' max stack size (#7179)
- Fixed deployers retaining the damage attribute of their last held weapon (#4870)
- Fixed an exploit allowing people to create clipboards that execute commands (#7218)
- Fixed redstone links not updating their redstone output when they've been taken out of receiver mode (#7226)
- Fixed rare crash related to sliding doors (#6184)
- Verify that schematics are gzip-encoded before trying to read from them (#6087)
- Fixed ConditionContext nbt in trains containing a large number of empty tags
- Fixed deployers not placing fish from fish buckets (#3705)
- Fixed gasses not being visible in basins and item drains (#7236)
- Set vault capacity config limit to 2048 slots
- Fixed InventorySorter able to take items from ghost/filter inventories
- Fixed typo in better end compat recipe
- FTB buttons no longer show in create screens
- Fixed mechanical arm interactions with jukeboxes (#5902)
- Fixed toolboxes not giving a comparator output signal (#6973)
- Fixed copper slabs and stairs being missing from the respective tags (#3080)
- Fixed Fix waterlogged bracketed kinetics dropping the bracket (Fabricators-of-Create#1552)
- Switched away from using streams in ContraptionCollider fixing a rare crash (#5043)
- Fixed pumps not placing fluids into flowing fluids of the same type (#5884)
- Fixed schematicannons not consuming the right number of group items (#6983)
- Fixed backtanks getting incompatible enchants via smithing tables (#6687)
- Fixed Lectern Controllers storing ItemStacks from nbt (#7143)
- Optimized spout recipe generation by avoiding filling non-empty items (#7274)
- Fixed crash when dying nixie tubes with dye depots dyes (#6694)
- Fix enchantments getting trimmed from non-filter items (#7216)
- Fixed sandpaper polishing recipes not working in sequenced assembly recipes (#7259)
- Fixed mechanical drills and saws using the friendly creatures sound source instead of the blocks sound source (#7038)
- Fixed backtank crashing on ctrl+pick block (#7284)
- Improved memory usage of drain category in JEI (#7277)
- Fixed getSize() throwing an error on newly loaded display link peripherals (#7059)
- Fixed inability to mill cactus when Quark is installed (#7215)
- Fixed rare spout crash and offset rendering (#7025)
- Fixed deploying food resulting in missing particles and not returning the correct items (#7288)
- Fixed trains not properly pathfinding to stations with an opposing signal just behind the destination
- Fixed stations voiding schedules when disassembling the train
- Fixed lighting on signal block indicators
- Fixed vaults and tanks rotated in place not updating their multiblock correctly
- Hose pulley now deletes lilypads and other surface foliage
- Fixed crushing wheels not applying looting to killed entities
- Updated contraption chunkban protections, corrected limits and made them much harder to hit
API Changes
- Versioning change:
, starting with6.0.0
- Ponder is now a separate library mod. It comes shipped with the create jar.
- Added
to mark items as valid for riding a chain with - Added
for items - Added
to allow the mechanical saw to work with custom sugarcane variants (#7263) - Added
to disallow blocks that the mechanical harvester would otherwise try to harvest - New API for custom storage block behaviour on contraptions.
For simple cases, create provides the
block tags. - Added
to mark blocks that cannot be broken by block-breaking kinetics - Removed LangMerger and related classes
- Implemented an api to allow mods to register schematic requirements, partial safe nbt and contraption transforms without implementing interfaces (#4702)
- Add a method that developers can override to change the icon in goggle tooltips
- Refactored Item Attributes types, Fan processing types and Arm interaction points, all 3 now use registries
- Synced AllPortalTracks with Create Fabric
- Implemented DyeHelper api (#7265)
- Implemented api to add custom block train conductors (#7030)
- Convert Potato Cannon projectile types into a dynamic registry
- Everything can be done with datapacks now, and there is no need to write a mod unless you need to add new Render Modes, Entity Hit Actions or Block Hit Actions
- Reworked the AttachedRegistry class into SimpleRegistry and added Provider functionality
- Exposed all custom registries as API
- Exposed a handful of previously internal classes to the API, and gave them some cleanup
- BlockSpoutingBehaviour
- MovementBehaviour
- MovingInteractionBehaviour
- DisplaySource
- DisplayTarget
- ContraptionMovementSetting
- BoilerHeater
- PortalTrackProvider
- BlockMovementChecks
- ContraptionType
- MountedDispenseBehavior
- BlockStressValues
- OpenPipeEffectHandler
- Restored compatibility with NeoForge on 1.20.1 (fixed crash when breaking funnels)
- Fixed portable storage interface not always connecting on assembly
- Fixed crash when train loads in with an invalid position in its save data (IThundxr)
- Fixed crash when recipes contain invalid fluid ingredients (IThundxr)
- Fixed crash when fluid tanks spawn as part of a generated structure
- Minimum required forge version is now 47.1.43
- Added missing load conditions for some of the compatibility recipes (IThundxr)
- Vaults and tanks no longer place in bulk when a symmetry wand is active
- Fixed a memory leak in funnels and observers (IThundxr)
1.18 and above:
- Fixed deployers not replacing replaceable blocks like water (IThundxr)
- Fixed IC2 compatibility recipes crashing the game
- Fixed moving single-tile tanks and vaults leading to crashes
- Fixed negative values displayed on kinetic generator goggle overlay
- Fixed items in ponder being culled incorrectly (IThundxr)
- Prevent basins from endlessly queuing up particle information when no players are near
- Fixed some containers not limiting stack sizes when inserted into by mods like AE2
- Addressed a bunch of item duplication and schematic printing issues
- Fixed elevator doors not always updating their collision shape (EliteTK)
- Fixed Creative Tab randomly missing items when addons are installed (IThundxr)
- Layered ore stones now generate with more shape variation (KdotJPG)
- Conductor hat positioning is now data driven and can now be introduced and customised by other mods (GizmoTheMoonPig)
- Remove outdated and erroring compatibility recipes for other mods
- Added back the "Item Group" attribute filter option (HateMeLikeAPro)
- Fixed potato cannon not dropping xp and not applying enchantments correctly (Blazified)
- Added block tag for blocks supposed to be treated like mangrove roots by a Mechanical Saw (jodlodi)
- Fixed Honey Buckets & Chocolate Buckets not showing up in creative tabs (IThundxr)
- Fixed Display links not writing to signs (HDR)
- Fixed Schematic preview not disappearing when item is taken out of the hotbar (IThundxr)
- Fixed hidden and invalid items being added to the creative mode search tab
1.19 and above:
- Community-submitted compatibility recipes for "Good Ending", "Forbidden Arcanus", "Quark" (attackeight)
- Fixed powered display link not lighting up its indicator
1.18 and above:
- New and updated translations from CrowdIn
- Fixed Elevator cabins loading in at y=0 instead of their previous location
- Fixed schematic renderers not correctly being invalidated on resource reloads (IThundxr)
- Fixed Tiled Glass not requiring Silk Touch to harvest (kkempfer)
- Item and fluid storage on contraptions is now sorted from bottom to top (Moon-404)
- Item Vaults and Fluid Tanks will now try to remain in the same grouping after being assembled and disassembled by a contraption
- Fixed modded signs getting wiped when moved by contraption or printed in a schematic
- Added schematic compatibility for the mod "framed blocks"
- Fixed redstone-locked smart chutes scanning inventories for extractable items
- Fixed some Display Link integrations updating even while the link is redstone-locked
- Seated Players now sync their camera rotation to the movement of the contraption (opt-out via config)
- Mechanical Rollers can no longer destroy end portal blocks (yoshiquest)
- Fixed Schematic position editor opening both on player and host player instance during LAN games
- Fixed Automated Brewing integration for some of the potions of other mods (VoidLeech)
- Fixed Deployers placing blocks too close to themselves in some cases
- Fixed CC:Tweaked train schedule integration (AstralJaeger)
- Added support for TFC wood types on water wheels (Xelbayria)
- Added config for allowing stabilised bearing contraptions for non-rotating contraptions (cshcrafter)
- Improved handling of custom basin blocks for addons
- Schematicannons no longer consume additional gunpowder items until the previous item is depleted
- Condensed Schematicannon fuel config to a single shots-per-gunpowder value
- Schematicannons can now take gunpowder from adjacent inventories if necessary
- Fixed a typo in the ponder scene about mechanical bearings
- Fixed crash when bracketed blocks are assigned arbitrary blocks via command (IThundxr)
- Fixed moss carpet not assembling to contraptions correctly (IThundxr)
- Fixed train acceleration edge case at low speed settings
- Reactivate Dynamic Trees Compatibility
- Fixed incorrect normals on Flywheel model
- Fixed incorrect normals on Crushing Wheel model
- Fixed Vertical belts accepting inserted items from hoppers and such
- Mechanical Arms no longer pretend to be able to extract from crushing wheels (insert only) (IThundxr)
- Minor performance tweaks throughout the codebase (Qther)
- Fixed Potion buckets from Tinkers Construct not interacting correctly with drains and spouts
- Fixed step sounds no longer playing on moving contraptions (IThundxr)
- Fixed basin inventory pretending to accept full stacks when empty
- Fixed basin spout outputs getting voided when targeting another basin
- Fixed basin spout outputs not working when targeting a basin with a recipe filter
- Fixed crash with JEI when a modded crafting recipe has an inconsistent ingredient list
- Fixed concurrency issues with the registration of stress impact values for addons (ByThePowerOfScience)
- Partially filled water cauldrons can no longer be drained by fluid pipes
- Fixed andesite funnels dropping full stacks when used in a moving contraption (cshcrafter)
- Backtanks now properly keep track of item capability data in their placed block (WARNING: Backtanks placed in world during updating will lose enchantments!)
- Backtanks no longer ask for an unobtainable item when placed with a Schematicannon
- Goggles function in any curio slot (when tagged accordingly through pack customisation) (littlej541)
- Threshold Switch now properly reads storage contents from SophisticatedStorage and FunctionalStorage
- Performance improvements for item rendering on belts and co. (drouarb)
- Encasing blocks now plays a placing sound (NotSoEpic)
- Change from item to tag ingredients in sturdy sheet recipe (attackeight)
- Glue entities no longer run entity ticks (IThundxr)
- Fixed inconsitent positioning and rotation of stabilised bearing contraptions (techno-sam)
- Fence Gates can now be interacted with on moving contraptions (attackeight)
- Added Gilded Blackstone Crushing (attackeight)
- Fixed removal via wrench not respecting chunk protection (attackeight)
- Lava diving with the backtank now works together with other fire-proof armor items (attackeight)
- Fixed blocks in debug world type not loading correctly (IThundxr)
- Fixed warped and crimson water wheels catching fire (IThundxr)
- Fixed filters on match-data not matching data (VoidLeech)
- Ponder key can now be re-bound (attackeight)
- "_manual_only" recipe name suffix now also works for Deploying and Smelting recipes (attackeight)
- Fixed Schematicannon requesting tall grass and fern blocks (IThundxr)
- Fixed Schematicannon requirement for farmers delight rich soil (IThundxr)
- Respect 'eternal' modifier from Forbidden and Arcanus in Deployer Recipes (attackeight)
- Fixed copycat step placement assist
- Fixed changing bogey styles not updating the block properly (IThundxr)
- Tracks can now be placed over flowers (IThundxr)
- Funnels inserting into vaults no longer poll the inventory until it changes (Jensen)
- Added a compacting recipe for ice (attackeight)
- Community-submitted compatibility recipes for "IC2", "Oreganized", "Galosphere", "HexCasting", "The Vault", "Nether's Exoticism", "Elementary Ores", "Infernal Expansion", "Ice and Fire Dragons", "Ex Nihilo: Sequentia", "Regions Unexplored", "The Aether", "Haunted Harvest", "Vampirism", "Environmental" (attackeight)
- Sugar cane no longer causes adjacent trees to be cut by mechanical saws (NerdsOfAFeather)
- Addons can now change the displayed icon in goggle overlay tooltips
- Fixed creepers getting angry at deployers again (IThundxr)
- Vertical Gearboxes can now be crafted directly (attackeight)
- Fixed value name collision in schematic configs (IThundxr)
- Mechanical roller now accounts for custom tracks from addons (IThundxr)
- Fixed issues with the goggle tooltip due to incompatibility with other mods affecting tooltip formatting
- Added sounds for the Spout (Starlotte)
- Added sounds for the Clipboard GUI (Starlotte)
- Fixed chromatic compound (legacy feature) not working with new world height (IThundxr)
- Addressed various memory leaks (homok43)
- Fixed an inconsistent range difference of the Hose Pulley modes (drwoops)
- Fixed assembly-mode train stations placing a new block when previously removed (cakeGit)
- Fixed various item duplication bugs
- Make automated brewing of modded potions use the same fluid amount as vanilla recipes (VoidLeech)
- "A New Gauge" Advancement now triggers for any track item tagged create:tracks (IThundxr)
- Fixed Schematic previews resetting position when switching to other schematics in hotbar (cakeGit)
- Fixed Deployers placing rails using a schematic not triggering advancements (cakeGit)
- Fixed Display Boards updating instantly only at 256rpm Clockwise, not CCW
- Fixed Pulley ropes able to break unbreakable blocks
- Fixed Create's Copper Block Registries concealing error reports in unrelated crashes
- Glass Panes can no longer be placed into copycat panels (use glass blocks instead)
- Fixed incorrect range documented in the redstone link ponder scene
- Fixed Create menu button disappearing after switching languages
- Fixed Depot accepting item stacks with invalid amounts
- Fixed filter slots containing enchantment and attribute data of filter items