Minecraft: Java Edition
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Published 7 months ago
Updated 3 weeks ago
Mod pack features
This is a pretty basic modpack with many optimization mods and quality-of-life mods. The vanilla in the title only refers to it being playable on a vanilla server.
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Mods and credits
Please check them out if you are interested
- Continuity - Adds connected textures
- Xaero's Minimap - Adds a minimap in the corner
- YetAnotherConfigLib - Config mod
- [EMF] Entity Model Features - Support for custom entity models
- Fresh Animations - New animations for all mobs
- More Culling - Changes the handling of culling to improve performance
- ImmediatelyFast - Loads the game faster
- Hey Wiki - You easily get a wiki article for a block or an entity
- Simple Elytra Hud - A elytra HUD
- Capes - lets you see Optifine and Laby mod capes
- More Chat History - Increases the maximum length of chat history.
- BetterF3 - A better F3
- Simple Voice Chat - Voice chat mod
- Cloth Config API - Config mod
- Sodium - Optimization mod.
- [ETF] Entity Texture Features - Adds texture features for entitys.
- Stendhal - Enchants visual utilities for books, signs, anvil and the in-game chat.
- Reese's Sodium Options - Alternative Options Menu for Sodium
- Controlify - Adds controller support
- Solas Shader - Cool shaders
- AppleSkin - Food/hunger-related HUD improvements
- MaLiLib - A library mod
- Complementary Shaders - Reimagined - Cool shaders 2
- Fabric Language Kotlin - library mod
- Super Duper Vanilla - Cool shaders 3
- Dynamic FPS - Reduce resource usage while Minecraft is in the background or idle.
- Bobby - Allows for render distances greater than the server's view-distance
- Entity Culling - Using async path-tracing to hide Block-/Entities that are not visible
- Xaero's World Map - Adds a full screen map
- Enhanced Block Entities - Reduce block entity FPS lag
- Indium - Library mod
- Fabric API - Library mod
- Sodium Extra - Adds extra features to sodium
- BSL Shaders - Original - Cool shaders 4
- Complementary Shaders - Unbound - Cool shaders 5
- AudioPlayer - Put your own audio files on music discs!
- Nvidium - Fast Nvidia only rendering engine for sodium (Only works for Nvidia cards)
- MiniHUD - Adds overlays for a lot of things. (I only use it for shulker boxes preview)
- NBT Autocomplete - Adds suggestions for NBT tags in commands
- White Nametags - Changes all nametags to white text and removes black background
- Iris Shaders - A modern shader pack loader
- Litematica - A client-side schematic mod with extra features for creative mode work
- Text Placeholder API - library mod
- Krypton - A mod to optimize the Minecraft networking stack
- Entity View Distance - This mod allows more precise manipulation of entity view distance
- Wavey Capes - Wavey capes, so cool
- Rethinking Voxels - Cool shaders 6
- Architectury API - library mod
- Format - A worldlike tool to generate NBT and JSON areas
- Mod Menu - Mod menu, to see all your mods :)
- e4mc - Open a LAN server to anyone, anywhere, anytime.
- No Chat Reports - Makes chat unreportable (where possible)
- Language Reload - Reduces load times and adds fallbacks for languages
- FerriteCore - Memory usage optimizations
- Zoomify - A zoom mod
- Auth Me - Authenticate yourself and re-validate your session
- 3D Skin Layers - Render the player skin layer in 3d!
- Axiom - Very good build tool.
- flashback - Record your Minecraft gameplay, play it back and create stunning cinematic shots
- Better Ping Display - Adds a configurable numerical ping display to the player list
- Bucket-Pickup - An mod that lets you pick a bucket from your inventory when you shift + pick block when looking at lava/water
- Command Block IDE - Replaces the command block GUI to allow editing multiple command blocks at once
- Litematica - A client-side schematic mod with extra features for creative mode work
- Lithium - No-compromises game logic/server optimization mod
- Trusted skin pack - Everyone in Trusted SMP has their skin model they can place down
- CIT Resewn - Re-implements MCPatcher's CIT (custom item textures from optifine resource packs)
- Dramatic Skys - texture pack that adds in a lot of new skyboxes
- FabricSkyboxes - Allows resource packs to define custom skyboxes.
- Bookshelf Inspector - Inspect any book in a chiseled bookshelf.
- FPS - Display - A simple Fabric mod that displays the current FPS on screen.
- Not Enough Pages - Paste text across pages in books!
- Lexikon - This mod acts as an in-game spell checker, highlighting errors and suggesting corrections as you type in Minecraft chat
- LambDynamicLights - A dynamic lights mod for Fabric.
- VanillaTweaks - With vanilla tweaks you can create your own super cool texture pack and the included one is the tweaks I use.