It's been a long journey...
-updated Fabric Loader to 0.14.21
-added Progression Reborn
-added Progression Reborn Knives
-updated Endgame Reborn
-added Aethersteel
-added Aethersteel Knives
-added e4mc
-added MidnightLib
-added MidnightControls
-added Fog Looks Good Now
-added Wandering Trades Expanded datapack
-added Chunks Fade In
-added Just An End Anchor
-added Mushroom Additions
-added More Mob Variants
-added Rebalanced Loot
-added pehkui
-added Biome Particle Weather
-added Conduit Prevents Drowned
-added Edibles
-added and configured LambDynamicLights
-added and configured Eroding Stone Entities
-added Vanilla Improve resource pack
-added and configured Armor Tweaks
-added Dynamic Surroundings: Remastered Fabric Edition
-removed Flesh2Leather
-removed More Music Discs
-removed BCL resource pack
-removed Diamond Nuggets
-removed Sound Physics Remastered
-edited RPGDifficulty’s config
-edited Explorify datapack
-renamed rope in Supplementaries and Farmer’s Delight
-disabled Flesh Wound and Hearty in Spellbound’s config
-removed temp custom datapack
-edited custom Enhanced Legacy datapack
-changed default shaderpack to Complementary Reimagined
-edited Charm’s config to disable mob variants that conflicted with More Mob Variants
-edited Repurposed Structures custom datapack
-updated Fabric Loader to 0.14.19
-added Nether’s Delight
-added More Music Discs and integrated end city loot table with Endgame Reborn
-fixed issue:excessive recipes
-edited Repurposed Structures custom datapack to slightly lower nether ruins spawnrate
-edited Charm’s config to allow dying nether portals
-removed custom entity textures from Xali’s Enhanced Vanilla as they are handled by Charm
-edited Enhanced Legacy’s custom datapack
-disabled Soul Elytra recipe using Enhanced Legacy custom datapack
-reworked how you get to the Otherside by making a custom recipe and removing warden drops for the Heart of the Deep using Enhanced Legacy custom datapack
-made stone chisels and stone spears require stone to craft using Enhanced Legacy custom datapack
-changed Xaero’s Minimap’s marker keybind to N to allow Campanion’s backpacks to be opened with B
-changed the main menu background (Classic Panorama with Shaders resource pack)
-the Lost Eye now spawns in chests in the Pharoah room of YUNG’s Better Desert Temples (edited End Remastered’s config)
-disabled Campanion tent and tent bag recipes using the custom Enhanced Legacy datapack
-disabled Comfort's hammock recipes using the custom Enhanced Legacy datapack
-made Campanion’s grappling hook require 2 remnant steel scrap to craft using the custom Enhanced Legacy datapack
-disabled Rope in Additional Additions’ config
-fixed diamonds not dropping nuggets by creating a temporary datapack
-edited RPGDifficulty’s config
-added Balanced Music resource pack
-updated Revamped Progression
-note that this is not the progression update, which will come at a later date (your diamond nuggets are safe... for now)
-added Revamped Progression to replace Enhanced Progression until Progression Reborn / the progression update
-added and customised Philips Ruins
-added and customised Hopo Better Ruined Portals
-edited Dungeons and Taverns datapack
-added Nicer Portals
-added Supplementaries
-added Smooth Boot
-added Sodium Shadowy Path Blocks
-added Fastload
-removed Enhanced Progression
-added back C2ME
-added Fast Portals
-added Crying Portals
-added Nether Portal Fix
-removed Immersive Portals due to a multitude of reasons, including performance, bugs and incompatibilities. As sad as it is to see this go (I may consider re-adding it in the future), its removal will bring many stability and performance benefits
-edited Enhanced Legacy's custom datapack to disable Campanion's MREs from being crafted
-edited ServerCore’s config (disabled dynamic adjustments which were being tested in previous releases)
-edited Additional Additions’ config
-adjusted Progressive Bosses Ender Dragon and Wither drops in config – Ender Dragon always drops a head, low chance of enchanted golden apple, Wither chance of ancient debris reduced
-edited Goblin Trader trades datapack to better integrate with Progressive Bosses drops – in particular, dragon heads can now be exchanged for enchanted golden apples
-increased mineshaft max spawn y in YUNG’S Better Mineshafts’ config
-increased searched radius for Explorer’s and Nature’s Compass in their respective configs
-updated Continuity
-removed CIT Resewn due to it creating corrupted block models when used with Xali’s Enhanced Vanilla (which is now enabled by default as originally intended)
-reworked default-enabled Resource Packs
-edited Rethinking Voxels’ (default shaderpack) default settings to have the default light type as Basic – it is slightly simpler and complementary reimagined/vanilla-like, in addition to improving performance