mc1.21 beta
Additive for mc1.21 is now considered as a beta stage and should be mostly stable. The only mods missing is CIT Resewn
and ResolutionControl++
, everything else should be here
mc1.20.6 beta
Additive for mc1.20.6 is still considered a beta although it should be mostly stable. It is only missing CIT Resewn
Add Calcmod (#77)
CalcMod is a simple QoL calculator in chat with extra shortcuts designed specifically for Minecraft. It is very unobtrusive and lightweight, you simply access the mod through /calc
, and has a ton of super useful features such as basic calculations, nether portal calculations, storage calculations, farm rate calculations, and much more.
Fixed FBG config
FabricBetterGrass config should now be fixed and the mod will be disabled by default. You can enable better grass in the Sodium video settings menu.
Archived Quilt versions
As of this release, all Quilt versions of Additive have been archived and the pack will mainly focus on Fabric (for the time being). I had to do this as it puts a huge burden on me when I have to support multiple loaders, since it nearly doubles the amount of versions I need to update and thoroughly test.
Quilt also simply seems to be dying as a project and is pretty behind on updates, and there aren't very many reasons to use it nowadays as the majority of popular Quilt-exclusive mods have been ported back to Fabric or have alternatives on Fabric. This wasn't because of anything personal to the Quilt developers or anything, it's simply because it makes it so much more difficult for me to maintain the modpack when I have so many versions to manage.
If you still need to use Quilt, it should be relatively easy for you to switch Fabric loader over to Quilt loader and then switch Fabric API to QSL/QFAPI after installation. It should just work in most cases since Quilt is compatible with Fabric mods. Thanks for understanding and I apologize if this causes any issues for anyone.
mc1.21 Alpha Status
Additive is now available for mc1.21 as an alpha! Beware of bugs, if you experience issues then make sure to use the issue tracker. Oh, and also make sure that you back up your worlds in-case anything goes wrong. Currently missing mods:
- Noisium
- Nvidium
- ResolutionControl++
- RyoamicLights
- World Host
Here are the mods force-enabled through loader dependency overrides:
- Cull Less Leaves
- ThreadTweak
- EmuNO
mc1.20.6 Beta Status
Additive for mc1.20.6 is still in a beta stage, currently missing CIT Resewn. I'm not entirely sure if I will support mc1.20.6 long-term, or if I will drop it once 1.21 becomes stable.
ResolutionControl+(+) (#75)
Allows you to set the render resolution of your game for better performance, and take large screenshots in a similar way to Fabrishot. ResolutionControl+ has been added on 1.20.1 and ResolutionControl++ has been added on later versions.
CLL Random Rejection
CLL's Random Rejection has been set to 0, which should make leaves look normal for the most part. This shouldn't affect performance.
Updated mods
Updated all mods in the modpack. Held off on Sodium update on mc1.20.6 since Nvidium isn't compatible with latest Sodium yet.
Detailed changes
For a list of detailed changes, see the Git commit history.
1.20.6 beta
All mods are available in 1.20.6 now, except for CIT Resewn. Also using RyoamicLights instead of LDL since LDL hasn't been updated yet.
OptiFine-like Fancy better grass is now available on Fabric again. You can enable it in Mod Menu by searching for "FabricBetterGrass".
Replaced More Culling with Cull Less Leaves
More Culling causes a ton of mod incompatibilities, breaks item frame rendering in some cases, and also breaks some resource packs such as the 3D models feature from VanillaTweaks. The majority of it's unique optimizations (and issues) are from it's blockstate culling feature, which has not been proven to improve performance in any major way. I've decided to simply replace More Culling with Cull Less Leaves, which should barely affect performance while greatly improving mod compatibility and stability.
Added Language Reload
Adds some extra functionality to the language menu, such as fallbacks, and instant language switching without pack reloading.
Removed Loqui
Loqui is no longer in active development and the servers are down, so I've removed it.
Mod updates
Updated many mods and also updated Quilt loader.
Detailed Changes
Detailed changes are available by looking through the commit history on the repository.