- Bumped Wilder Wild's protocol version to 12.
- Added the Tundra biome.
- Generates near the colder regions of the world where Plains would be, before the snow takes over.
Auburn Moss
- A new moss family with a distinct red hue.
- Added Aurburn Moss.
- Can be Bone-Mealed to spread itself to nearby natural blocks under the
block tag. - Spreads tallgrass grass, and related foliage.
- Can be Bone-Mealed to spread itself to nearby natural blocks under the
- Added Auburn Moss Carpet.
- Can be waterlogged.
- Added Auburn Creeping Moss.
- Can be placed on all sides of a block.
- Can be waterlogged.
- Primarily generates as patches in Tundras, Maple Forests, and Oceans.
Pale Gardens Additions (1.21.4+)
- Added the Pale Mushroom and Pale Shelf Fungi blocks.
- At night, these will emit gray spore-like particles.
- Added the Pale Mushroom Block.
- Emits fog-like particles at night while above a Mushroom Stem block.
- Huge Pale Mushrooms generate naturally in the Pale Garden Biome.
- Added more variety to Pale Oak trees.
- Properly updated the sound type for Eyeblossoms to match other flowers.
- Termites can now eat Pale Oak blocks.
- Resin Clumps, Creaking Hearts, Eyeblossoms, and Pale Mushrooms now kill Termites on contact.
1.21.5+ Changes
- Fireflies now spawn near Firefly Bushes in dim lighting.
- Renamed Wilder Wild's
- Added the
block tag, controlling which leaves blocks won't have their particles entirely replaced by Wilder WIld. - Increased the frequency of Wilder Wild's falling leaves.
- Updated all Maple Leaf Litters to be consistent with Vanilla's new Leaf Litter block.
- Dry Grass now generates in Beaches.
Swamp Overhaul
- Added the Willow tree.
- Willows generate very frequently in Swamps, finally bringing the biome completely up to speed with what was shown in concept art.
- Saplings can be placed and grown underwater.
- Witch Huts now generate with the Willow block set.
- Removed the
biome tag as Willows replaced Wilder Wild's updated Swamp Oaks. - Added Tall Grass and Ferns to the Swamp biome.
- Added the
biome tags to control the placement of these features.- Both of these features contain only the
biome by default.
- Both of these features contain only the
- Added the
- Cypress Wetlands now generate Lily Pads and Seagrass.
- Cypress Wetlands now take up less space from Swamps.
- Replaced the
biome tag with thewilderwild:feature/has_fallen_swamp_trees
biome tag.
Ocean Overhaul
- Minecraft's seas have been given various new decorations.
- Added Barnacles.
- Barnacles can be placed on multiple block faces, similar to Sculk Veins and Glow Lichens.
- Generates naturally most frequently in Stony Shores, Mangrove Swamp, Warm Ocean, and Lukewarm Ocean biomes.
- The biome tags
control the generation of Barnacles.- The block tag
contains this the of blocks Barnacles can be placed on.
- The block tag
- The biome tags
dictate which biomes a special feature for placing Barnacles on structure-related blocks will generate in.- The block tag
contains this list of blocks.
- The block tag
- Drops without Silk Touch or Shears.
- Using bone meal underwater in biomes Barnacles can generate in has a chance to place Barnacles.
- Moss now generates on the floor of Deep Lukewarm Oceans.
- Seagrass now covers more of Deep Lukewarm Oceans, bringing them closer to real-world seagrass meadows.
- Added Sea Anemone.
- Glows softly during daytime, giving the bottom of the oceans some light.
- Will stop glowing after becoming nighttime.
- Generates most frequently in Deep Lukewarm Oceans, but can sparsely be found in other Ocean Biomes.
- Added Tube Worms.
- Generates rarely in most deep ocean biomes.
- Can be placed on top itself, similar to Kelp and Sugar Cane.
- Added Sea Whips.
- Generates in all non-frozen oceans, most commonly in temperate and lukewarm oceans.
- Added the Plankton block.
- Is placed on top of water.
- Spawns Plankton particles underwater.
- During the night, starts glowing.
- Added hydrothermal vents to oceans.
- Generates rarely in non-cold deep ocean biomes.
- Generates with Tube Worms surrounding itself.
- Geysers facing into Water with Magma behind themselves with now act as a hydrothermal vent.
- Geysers acting as hydrothermal vents will now spawn falling ash particles in surrounding water.
- Aquatic vegetation can no longer be placed on Geysers.
Mosoglea Caves
- Mesoglea features no longer carve "fake caves," instead only generating in areas with Water or Air nearby.
- Jellyfish can now only track their attackers within a 4 block range, and forget them after 60 ticks.
- This change was made to make Jellyfish more peaceful and realistic.
- Mesoglea is now always "waterlogged," maaking it much easier for players to utilize it properly.
- Mesoglea will no longer leave a water block behind when broken.
- Fluid-like rendering for Mesoglea has been optimized.
- Water no longer renders inside Mesoglea Blocks.
- Mesoglea now overrides the water fog color with its own.
- Geysers can now erupt through Mesoglea.
- Mesoglea now has custom Bubble, Bubble Pop, and Splash particles.
- Mesoglea Bubbles float and can persist in the air for a short period of time.
Magmatic Caves
- Added the Gabbro stone type.
- Generates naturally in Magmatic Caves in place of the Basalt.
- Can be polished.
- Can be crafted into bricks.
- Mossy brick variants and stair, slab, and wall variants of the base stone require Trailier Tales to be installed.
- Scorched can spawn on Gabbro.
- Are now larger on average.
Frozen Caves
- Added Icicles.
- Grows naturally from the bottom of Fragile Ice.
- Grows in length if below a Fragile Ice block, or an ice block with water above.
- Occasionally spreads to other ice blocks if able to grow in length.
- Will occasionally fall if placed under an ice block.
- Game Events in the
game event tag will cause nearby Icicles to fall.
- Game Events in the
- Added Fragile Ice.
- Will crack twice when stood on before shattering.
- Shatters when an entity falls onto the block.
- When shattered, all adjacent Fragile Ice blocks will shatter.
- Ice can be smelted into Fragile Ice.
- Mobs in the
entity tag will crack, then shatter Fragile Ice when standing on it. - Mobs not in the
entity tag will cause Fragile Ice to shatter when falling onto it.
- Removed Snow patches in favour of utilizing Fragile Ice and Icicles.
- The
Snow Under Mountains
config option has been set to off by default.
Snowy Foliage
- Generic foliage blocks now have cold variants.
- Added Frozen Short Grass.
- Added Frozen Tall Grass.
- Added Frozen Fern.
- Added Frozen Large.
- Shoutout to just_jose2006 for the initial textures and inspiration!
- Added the Penguin.
- Penguins spawn in Snowy Beaches and Frozen Oceans.
- Will dive underwater to hunt for Squid.
- Can be bred with an Ink Sac or Glow Ink Sac, laying an egg afterward.
- Chases Boats controlled by players, granting them a temporary speed boost.
- Will occasionally "call" out for other Penguins, grouping together for a short time.
- The Penguin will spawn in any biomes within the
biome tag. - The Penguin can spawn on top of any blocks within the
block tag. - Penguins will ignore unique friction from any blocks within the
block tag.
- Added the Penguin Egg block.
- Added Butterflies
- A new ambient entity that sporadically flutters around, ocassionally stopping to rest.
- Can be bottled, storing all entity data.
- Butteflies Have 7 Variants:
- Clouded Yellow: Spawns in Meadows, Flower Forests, Sunflower Plains, Flower Fields, Maple Forests, and Tundras.
- Duskwing: Spawns in Tundras.
- Grean Hairstreak: Spawns in Flower Forests and Flower Fields.
- Marbled: Spawns in Meadows, Flower Forests and Flower Fields.
- Monarch: Spawns in Flower Forests, Sunflower Plains, Flower Fields, Maple Forests, and Tundras.
- Morpho Blue: Spawns in Meadows, Flower Forests and Flower Fields.
- Red Lacewing,: Spawns in Flower Forests, Flower Fields, Maple Forests, and Tundras.
- Added Butterfly Bottles
- Used to capture and release Butterflies.
- Added Mooblooms
- When bred, spawn a baby with a flower of a mixed color if possible.
- Cannot be converted into regular Cows, unlike Mooshrooms.
- Each flower can be sheared off the Moobloom.
- These can each be regrown by feeding it Wheat.
- Cannot breed unless all flowers are present.
- Spawn in the Flower Forest, Flower Fields, and Sunflower Plains biomes by default.
- Butterflies will follow Mooblooms.
- Fireflies now move faster.
- Fireflies now spawn and move in swarms.
- When the leader of a swarm is killed or captured in a bottle, the nearest Firefly will become the new swarm leader.
- Firefly Swarms can be toggled in the config.
- Removed unnecessary spawning mechanics that were unique only to the Firefly.
- Moved multiple aspects of the Firefly to be managed by its brain.
- Fireflies now only spawn at night.
- Fireflies now only spawn in Swamp-like biomes by default.
- Expanded the list of blocks Fireflies can "hide" in during the day.
- Renamed the
mob category towilderwildfirefly
. - Removed the
tags as these spawning behaviors have been removed.
- Added three new tracks by Willow/pictochats_.
- Dahlia
- Amber
- Molt
- Added two tracks by C418.
- Excuse
- Flake
- Completely reworked Wilder Wild's music distribution, thanks to Rebel459! (#450)
- Added multiple new config options to control where new music can play.
- Added more tags to control which biomes contain what music.
- Music that plays in dying forest biomes will now play slightly out of tune.
Config System
- Added a new config option to disable Pollen generation.
- Added a config option to toggle rotatable Reinforced Deepslate.
- Added a config option to toggle Hanging Tendril generation.
- Added a config option to toggle Osseous Sculk generation.
- Added a config option to toggle Sculk Slab, Sculk Stairs, and Sculk Wall generation.
- Grouped all Sculk-related config options into a new dropdown in the Block config menu.
- Added a config option to toggle Dandelion bone mealing into Seeding Dandelions.
- Added a config option to toggle Seeding Dandelion shearing into Dandelions.
- Added a config option to toggle Lily Pad bone mealing into Flowering Lily Pads.
- Added a config option to toggle Flowering Lily Pad shearing into Lily Pads.
- Added a new config option to toggle between the updated and original Sculk Shrieker selection outline.
- Added a config option to toggle pools of water generating in River biomes.
- This is now disabled by default, unlike before.
- Revamped config options related to tree generation.
- Grouped all existing tree-related options into one category.
- Added options to individually disable Birch, Oak, Dark Oak, and Pale Oak branch generation.
- Added an option to prevent Fallen Trees from generating with Hollowed Logs.
- Added an option to disable Baobab generation.
- This requires the
Tree Generation
option to be enabled.
- This requires the
- Added an option to disable Palm generation.
- Added an option to disable Willow generation.
- Added an option to disable Shelf Fungi generation.
- Moved the
Ancient City Stone Chests
config option from theWorldgen
tab to theBlock
tab. - The surface transition generation config option has now been split into multiple options per-block type.
- The surface decoration generation config option has now been split into multiple options per-feature type.
- Removed Mud-specific Cattail features from biomes that do not generate Mud.
- The
biome tag has been added as a result of this change.
- The
- Removed Shelf Fungi-only features, now relying solely on trunk decorators to place Shelf Fungi.
- The
biome tags have been removed as a result of this change.
- The
- All trees that don't place foliage now use
- Removed random circular, shallow pools from caves.
- The
biome tag has been removed as a result of this change.
- The
- Oak trees generated in Savanna or Badlads biomes no longer have Shelf Fungi.
- Bushes now generate on Grass and Coarse Dirt in Wooded Badlands.
- Renamed the
biome tag towilderwild:feature/has_wooded_badlands_bush
as a result of this change.
- Renamed the
- Decreased the amount of trees per-chunk in Wooded Badlands by 1.
- Jungle trees can now generate with Shelf Fungi.
- Mangrove trees can now generate with Shelf Fungi.
- Revamped flower distribution and generation.
- All Shelf Fungi can now be mined faster with an Axe.
- Crab variants can now be added via datapacks, though by default there is only one Crab variant.
- Removed two unnecessary blockstate properties from Osseous Sculk relating to their generation height.
- Reworked Osseous Sculk generation once again.
- Osseous Sculk generation is now taller on average, much like it once was in earlier versions of Wilder Wild.
- The sound of an Ostrich laying an egg no longer uses Frog Spawn sounds.
- Added Pollen to the
block tags. - Removed the Bush from the
block tag. - Slightly decreased the pitch of Magma block sounds.
- Removed the
entity as it was unnecessary.- This has been replaced with the
particle, which will now handle the same behavior but on the client.
- This has been replaced with the
- Removed the
game event in favor ofminecraft:block_change.
- Slightly decreased the amount of large Oak trees in Forests.
- Revamped the generation of flowers in the Flower Forest and Flower Fields biomes, being much more visually pleasing.
- Small Bushes now generate with all exposed sides covered by leaves.
- Coconuts no longer immediately fall once logs connected to Palm Fronds are broken.
- Slightly reworking the erupting of naturally generated Geysers.
- Naturally generated Geysers now only erupt when a player is within 48 blocks of them.
- The closer a player is, the higher the chance for it to erupt.
- Hanging Tendrils now play animations in sync with each other while being rendered as billboards.
- Particles created by gargling Sculk Shriekers are now handled by the client, using the new
particle. - Particles created by entities touching Seeding Dandelions are now dependent on how the entity was moving.
- Glories of the Snow have been removed.
- They are now replaced with five Hibiscus Blocks:
- Red Hibiscus
- Yellow Hibiscus.
- White Hibiscus.
- Pink Hibiscus.
- Purple Hibiscus.
- Glory of the Snows will be datafixed into random Hibiscuses.
- Glory of the Snow Petals will be datafixed into Pollen.
- They are now replaced with five Hibiscus Blocks:
- Scorched now set entities on fire upon attacking.
- Removed the
entity, and updated thespreadsculk
command to place all Sculk at once. - Updated the Chiseled Mud Bricks texture.
- Wilder Wild's custom flower, leaves, sapling, cactus, coarse dirt, ice, frosted ice, mushroom, mushroom block, sandstone, lily pad, and melon block sounds now all rely on tags.
- These tags can be found in the
folder for block tags.
- These tags can be found in the
- Pink Petals can now be placed into Flower Pots.
- Backported Wildflowers.
- Generates in Birch Forest, Meadow, and Sunflower Plains biomes..
- Can be crafted into Yellow Dye.
- Added Clovers.
- Generates most commonly in Meadow biomes.
- Removed shallow pools from the Oasis biome as they weren't visually pleasing.
- Ostriches now drop up to 4 feathers on death.
- Maple Forests can no longer generate Beta Beaches.
- Rattling sounds are now used as a footstep sound instead of idle sound for Crabs.
- Added the Pasqueflower.
- Generates in Meadows and Tundras.
- Can be crafted into Purple Dye.
- Added the Phlox flower.
- Generates in Birch Forest, Old Growth Birch Forest, and Meadow biomes.
- Generates occasionally in Dark Forest, Swamp, Dying Forest, Maple Forest, and Autumnal Plains biomes.
- Can be crafted into Purple Dye.
- Added the Lantanas flower.
- Generates in Old Growth Birch Forest, Savanna, Dark Forest, and Sunflower Plains biomes.
- Can be crafted into Orange Dye.
- Lowered the average amount of Bushes that generate.
- Increased the average amount of Tumbleweed that generate.
- Sand and Red Sand can no longer be scorched by Lava falling from Pointed Dripstone.
- Removed the
property from Stone Chests.- As a result of this change, Stone Chests found in Ancient Cities will be quicker to open.
- Carnations now yield magenta dye instead of purple dye.
- Changed the Warm River's surface rules to likely reduce lag caused by Sand blocks falling.
- Added the
block tag, listing non-air blocks that will be iterated through while searching for the lowest possible Snow layer generation position in worldgen. - Significantly updated how many of Wilder Wild's trees place branches.
- Related tree features now have a
array in them, containing the fields:branch_cutoff_from_top
: How far below the top of the tree branches can start generating at.branch_length
: An integer provider defining the minimum and maximum branch lengths.branch_placement_chance
: The chance per-block for a branch to generate.foliage_placement_chance
: The chance for foliage to be placed at the end of a branch.foliage_radius_shrink
: How many blocks the radius of the placed foliage should be shrunk by.max_branch_count
: The maximum number of branches allowed to generate per-tree.offset_last_log_chance
: The chance for the last log on a branch to be offset upwards.minimum_branch_length_for_offset
: The minimum length of a branch required to be able to offset a log upwards.
- Renamed
- Renamed
- Related tree features now have a
- Player-placed Termite Mounds now only support a max of 3 Termite instances, much like naturally-generated Termite Mounds.
- Updated Particle Rain compatibility.
- Updated Sodium compatibility.
- Retextured the Datura, thanks to Zhen!
- Removed an unused sound event for caves
- Removed Abandoned Cabins as they conflicted with Vanilla's modern structure design.
- Converted all of Wilder Wild's mob variants to now be data-driven!
- As such,
has been removed and is replaced with abiomes
field in each .json file.
- As such,
- Fireflies now only have one flicker pattern.
- Merged all 17 Firefly Bottle items into 1 item, now relying on components to save the Firefly's color.
- Jellyfish textures are now prefixed with
. - Biome tags relating to entities are now placed in the
path, being onlyspawn
prior. - Biome tags relating to entity variants are now placed in the
path, being in thespawn
path prior. - Cleaned up code related to Termite handling.
- Termite eating behaviors are now entirely data-generated, offering a simple way to achieve mod compatibility.
- Optimized and cleaned up the implementation of many worldgen features.
- Slightly optimized Tumbleweed rendering.
- Optimized Hanging Tendril rendering.
- Optimized Firefly rendering.
- Optimized Jellyfish rendering.
- Fixed the models of Hollowed Log blocks, now having proper UV and rotation like normal logs thanks to Luth! (#443)
- Fixed Maple Leaves not dropping Leaf Litters on 1.21.2+.
- Fixed Palm, Maple, and Cypress blocks using the incorrect map colors.
- Fixed Slimes and Magma Cubes not spawning.
- Fixed a few broken recipe unlocks.
- Fixed the Stone Chest having wood-like properties.
- Fixed the Potted Marigold block not dropping items upon breaking.
- Fixed the placement of the Crab Claw in the Creative Inventory.
- Fixed the placement of the Baobab Nut and Split Coconut in the Creative Inventory.
- Fixed the placement of the Ostrich Egg in the Creative Inventory.
- Fixed an issue that prevented Hanging Tendrils from properly loading and saving Vibration data.
- Fixed an issue that prevented Crabs from properly loading and saving Vibration data.
- Fixed Wilder Wild's custom Flower Pot models having ambient occlusion enabled.
- Fixed Wilder Wild's custom Flower Pot models not having the correct UV mapping.
- Fixed some of Wilder Wild's custom Flower Pot models not using correct particle textures.
- Fixed Geysers not being able to erupt when placed facing directly into a block in the
tag, thanks to Kluski42/Ashlyn! - Fixed Ostriches not being required for the
Two by Two
advancement. - Fixed the client tracking ranges and update intervals of Wilder Wild's entities to be consistent with Vanilla's.
- Fixed Wind particle rendering, now properly rotating to face the camera with sideways and always visible to the player.
- Fixed a few issues with Baobab generation.
- Long pillars of dirt are no longer placed.
- Instead, up to a max of four blocks of dirt are placed below the tree.
- Logs are now placed instead of dirt below the "root" sections of the tree.
- Increased the average amount of Baobab Nuts each Baobab tree generates.
- Fixed an unstable implementation to check if blocks are replaceable, now replying on the
block tag. - Fixed an issue that led to mutable block positions being added to a list instead of immutable block positions.
- Long pillars of dirt are no longer placed.
- Fixed Wilder Wild's blocks having incorrect flammability values.
- Fixed a bug with Wilder Wild's music playing too frequently and in biomes it isn't meant to, thanks to Rebel459! (#450)
- Revamped the placement of Cypress Wetlands, being placed more logically within the world.
- Cypress Wetlands now ease the border between Jungle and Swamp biomes.
- Mangrove Swamps are no longer small and rare.
- Decreased the size of Maple Forests in an attempt to restore the size of Plains biomes.
- Fixed the wrong config being used for Windswept Savanna placement modification... again.
- Fixed Ostrich rendering being somewhat broken on 1.21.2+.
- Removed an unused damage type for a certain removed item.
- Cleaned up a few mixins.
- Added a Brazilian Portuguese translation, thanks to demorogabrtz! (#440)
- Increased Wilder Wild's protocol version to 11.
- Updated the Spanish translation, thanks to Kokoroto!
- Dark Oak Forests no longer use the warm water color.
- All entities in the
tag can now swim through Algae without being slowed down. - Sponge Buds can now grow on their own.
- Stripped Hollowed Logs now come after Stripped Logs in the Creative Inventory.
- Gave new textures to and renamed multiface Glory of the Snow blocks:
- Alba Glory of the Snow -> White Glory of the Snow Petals
- Blue Giant Glory of the Snow -> Blue Glory of the Snow Petals
- Pink Giant Glory of the Snow -> Pink Glory of the Snow Petals
- Violet Beauty Glory of the Snow -> Purple Glory of the Snow Petals
- Mesoglea, Nematocyst, Shelf Fungi, Glory of the Snow, Pollen, Datura, and Firefly Bottle models are now data-generated.
- Most Palm block and item models are now data-generated, with the exception of Palm Doors and Palm Trapdoors.
- Removed unused Nematocyst textures.
- Removed unused Sculk Shrieker and Stripped Cypress Log models.
- Removed Wilder Wild's custom panorama.
- Flipped the Hanging Tendril's item texture vertically to be more consistent with Vanilla.
- Updated all of Wilder Wild's falling leaves textures to be consistent with Vanilla's art style.
- All falling leaves now randomly rotate upon spawning.
- Removed the Firefly's "Nectar" easter egg.
- Fireflies now once again move inside Display Lanterns that are hanging.
- Tumbleweed can no longer naturally spawn with Sand or Red Sand.
- Crabs should no longer have an incorrect rotation while climbing downwards.
- Renamed the
tag towilderwild:crab_hideable.
- Significantly optimized Sculk Sensor rendering with the
Minecraft Live Tendrils
resource pack. - Fixed many recipe unlocks being broken.
- Moved the Peeled Prickly Pear's crafting recipe from the
category. - Fixed Potted Mycelium Growth not being in the
tag. - Fixed Flowering Lily Pads not being in the
tag. - Flowering Lily Pads can now be sheared to revert to Lily Pads.
- Cattails are once again placeable on 1.21.2+.
- Properly updated from the old
tag to theminecraft:replaceable_by_trees
tag. - Added
to significantly clean up block loot datagen. - Refactored Wilder Wild's rendering-related classes to be consistent with Vanilla's name scheme and structure.
- Renamed
- Moved all tags to datagen.
- Updated block sound type compatibility for Nature's Spirit.