📦 UPDATE 2.1.22
- ✨ Added support for "mediafire.com"
- 🛠️ Removed OneDrive support
- 🐛 Fixed Twitter (x) support
- 🐛 Fixed [orange page] support
📦 UPDATE 2.1.14
- ✨ Added fallback method for failed patches
- ✨ Enhanced Google Drive support and speed
- ✨ Added fallback method, fallback is slow but works
- 🛠️ Bruteforce all Youtube clients before give up
- 🛠️ Will take A LOT (or not) the first time you load a YT video, once it gets loaded the rest loads faster
- 🛠️ Added better synchronization on
- 🐛 Relocate properly fastjson (fixes crashes with other mods)
- 🐛 Fixed custom_vlc_path.txt wasn't created on clean installations
📦 UPDATE 2.1.9
- ✨ Added broken VLC installation detector
- 🐛 Fixed crashes caused by 7z extractions
- 🛠️ This increases Jar size
- 🛠️ Bumped vlc extraction version
- 🛠️ Better logging messages
- 🛠️ Loading WaterMedia on 32-bit systems throws an exception
- 🛠️ Deprecated MemoryAlloc with no replacement
- 🛠️ Deprecated BasePlayer#raw() method and field with no replacements
- 🛠️ Cut changelog from CurseForge per release
- 🛠️ Removed Herobrine
📦 UPDATE 2.1.6
- ⚖️ Licensed WaterMedia under Polyform Strict v1.0.0.
- ⚖️ Licensed the shaded VLCJ and VLCJ-natives version under the Commercial license for vlcj donated by Caprica Software Limited
- ✨ Removed commons-io and its dependencies, replaced with
- ✨ Reduced jar size
📦 UPDATE 2.1.4
NOTE: this contains breaking changes on WaterMedia internals if you're using the API you have nothing to worry about
- ✨ Added option to define custom VLC folder (
) - ✨ Added back JVM argument
to define custom VLC folder - ✨ Detected
as playable video mimetypes (suggested by rlishchyshyn) - 🛠️ Removed
- 🛠️ Discovery now search recursively on folders which contains "VLC" in the name
- 🛠️ Discovery won't be searching after a completed-failed search
- 🛠️ Discovery will continue searching using the current provider when it has more folders instead of skip to the next provider
- 🛠️ Default folder providers are re-priorized from "high/highest" to "normal/low"
- 🛠️
is now synchronized - 🛠️ Disabled VLC key and mouse input handling