- Added a way to retrieve all arguments to a spell. (@StellarWitch7)
- Fixed crouching interact with a scroll and quill working when client config should disable it. (@StellarWitch7)
- Fixed linked echo knots counting twice for all mana querying tricks when both are in the player's inventory. (@enjarai)
- Fixed a few issues with the item dropping ploy. (@enjarai)
- Tweaked mechanics for the Acolyte's Bindings. (@enjarai)
- They now use a hidden sixth spell slot that can't be directly cancelled.
- Fixed bugs. (@enjarai)
- Levitating blocks were dropping themselves as items when entering the void.
- Levitating blocks were losing data when unloaded.
- Levitating blocks could be created from fluids.
- Swap block and featherweight were dropping the contents of ungenerated loot table blocks.
- Added Levitating Blocks. (@enjarai)
- A block can now be levitated by applying a Featherweight Ploy to it.
- These levitated blocks can be kept levitating by continually applying Featherweight Ploy.
- Levitated blocks can be moved around using Kinetic Ploy, as if they were normal entities.
- They may impart significant damage when striking living creatures at high velocity.
- A levitated block will revert to its normal form when on solid ground and no longer affected by Featherweight.
- It can be forced to convert back in midair by applying a Featherweight of 1 to it.
- If a levitated block is inside a block that isn't naturally replaceable, it will never revert.
- Added Displacement. (@StellarWitch7 and @enjarai)
- Displacement is a delayed means of teleportation.
- When applying displacement to an entity, the mana cost scales exponentially with distance.
- After the displacement is applied, and a few seconds of delay, the target entity will teleport by the given offset.
- During the delay window, more displacements can be applied to the entity to modify its final destination.
- If the entity takes damage from any source, the displacement is cancelled.
- Added Astral Knots. (@enjarai and @StellarWitch7)
- This type of Knot is made from a Nether Star.
- It does not regenerate mana from moonlight, but has a truly massive buffer, and has a unique mechanic associated with it.
- Improved block conversions. (Heating, Cooling and Weathering) (@Awakened-Redstone)
- Fixed issues with waterlogging.
- Fixed issues with blockstates not being preserved.
- Added the Acolyte's Bindings and the Archmage's Tether. (@StellarWitch7 and @enjarai)
- Thanks for the textures Crephan!
- Improved Knot tooltips displaying merlin gain and drain. (@StellarWitch7)
- Updated changelog. (@enjarai)
- Massively re-worked the way tricks process input values. (@StellarWitch7 and @enjarai)
- Fixed being unable to import spells in the book to dyed scrolls. (@enjarai)
- Renamed raycast ingresses to be less like those of Hexcasting. (@enjarai and @StellarWitch7)
- Split the Impulse Ploy into the Ploy of Featherweight and Kinetic Ploy. (@enjarai)
- Made knots charge rapidly in thunderstorms. (@enjarai)
- Added missing documentation for the exponential distortion. (@StellarWitch7)
- Fixed construct state not saving consistently. (@enjarai)
- Made it possible to read/write fragments from/to arbitrary slot references. (@cotton-flower and @StellarWitch7)
- Due to this, there is now a separate ploy for clearing fragments from an item.
- Decreased the size of fragments on disk by an order of magnitude, alleviating several issues. (@enjarai)
- Added an accessory to make early game mana generation less painful. (@cotton-flower and @enjarai and @StellarWitch7)
- Fixed the Benevolent Conduit's Ploy being a method of infinite mana. (@StellarWitch7)
- Fixed the list insertion trick failing when the given index is at the end of the given list. (@Master-Bw3)
- Added a new block for more organized moonlight charging of knots. (@enjarai and @StellarWitch7)
- Hopefully fixed a small oddity in the multiplayer spell preview. (@StellarWitch7)
- Quadrupled the performance of spell circle rendering. (@enjarai)
- Removed the ability to create water in the nether and other hot dimensions. (@Awakened-Redstone)
- Made tricks which query or modify blocks blunder if the target position's chunk is not loaded. (@enjarai)
- Made the cooling ploy fill cauldrons with powdered snow completely. (@Awakened-Redstone)
- Improved the hats' offhand scroll preview. (@enjarai and @StellarWitch7)
- Added a handful of utility tricks. (@enjarai and @StellarWitch7)
- Construct blunders now wrap instead of going off the screen. (@enjarai)
- Made spell-light blocks replaceable. (@Awakened-Redstone)
- Fixed a server crash when killing a spell slot that hasn't ticked yet. (@StellarWitch7)
- Made block and item type fragments render in spell circles. (@enjarai)
- Added a timeout argument for message listeners. (@StellarWitch7)
- Made the if-else trick variadic, allowing else-if chaining. (@StellarWitch7)
- Made the data files for conversion tricks more extensive. (@awakened-redstone)
- Added a trick for eroding blocks using water. (@awakened-redstone)
- Made vectors certain to blunder with NaN coordinates. (@StellarWitch7)
- Added messages between spells. (@StellarWitch7)
- Fixed number equality when in collections. (@StellarWitch7)
- Added a tag to exclude blocks from the Ploy of Destruction. (@StellarWitch7)
- Added a configuration for the max hardness of blocks broken by Ploy of Destruction. (@StellarWitch7)
- Generally cleaned up the config screen. (@StellarWitch7)
- Ingress of Suitability now checks whether the position is replaceable instead of air. (@StellarWitch7)
- Added a client config to stop the player from opening unsigned scrolls which are in the offhand. (@StellarWitch7)
- Added a trick to merge maps. (@StellarWitch7)
- Fixed a couple things in the book. (@StellarWitch7)
- Fixed the swapping of the same slot with itself blundering unintentionally. (@StellarWitch7)
- Made heat/cool ploys return their input. (@enjarai)
- Made the block placement ploy play the appropriate sound. (@enjarai)
- Made paired Echo Knots non-stacking. (@enjarai)
- Fixed scrolls opening while in the offhand. (@enjarai)
- Added a note about Grand Revision's item requirement. (@StellarWitch7)
- Added Ploy of Investiture and Ploy of Divestiture. (@enjarai)
- Changed Command Knot texture. (@enjarai)
- Fixed Echo Knots not syncing their mana contents to clients on dedicated servers. (@enjarai)
- Pushing mana into amethyst knots is now intended behaviour. (@enjarai)
- Fixed a bug causing Spell Constructs to lose their spell when broken. (@enjarai)
- Fixed spells being able to read from hats. (@enjarai)
- Tweaked the base Spell Construct recipe to be significantly cheaper. (@enjarai)
- Tweaked hats to not open their ui when right-clicked in the player's offhand. (@enjarai)
- Fixed graphics-card dependent z-fighting on the Witch Hat. (@enjarai)
- Fixed an error in the serialization of running spells which has surfaced for the second time due to poor documentation. (@StellarWitch7)
- The offending function has been renamed and documentation clarifying its purpose has been added.
- Made the Folding Distortion support iteration over map fragments. (@StellarWitch7)
- Added a Creative-only variant of Knot which has infinite mana. Possible texture improvements pending. (@StellarWitch7)
- Fixed an issue where two registries with the same identifier were being loaded, causing issues on Neoforge. (@StellarWitch7)