Tidal 0.0.1 Alpha
Initial Alpha Release!
Known bugs:
- Many unqiue textures are still needed
- Waves do not continue spawning after enough block updates in a chunk
- Waves do not always spawn correctly(facing wrong way) after loading new chunks after reloading chunks
- Some waves are too big/last too long in smaller areas like rivers
- Waves wash up in midair instead of falling
- There's probably some Z-fighting issues(the waves were scaled up to their current scale very last minute, literally last night)
- Waves hitboxes are much smaller than expected(they aren't entities, but still have a hitbox)
- Waves cannot be viewed from beneath them
- Config is missing
- Debug mode is inaccessible(should be fixed with config)
- Many preformance optimizations are available, and are planned to be made.
This current version exists so I can submit to BlanketCon before its submission deadline.