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Published 2 years ago
Updated 5 hours ago
Snow! Real Magic! ⛄
This simple tweak mod can enrich the vanilla snow layer's behavior.
With this mod you can:
- Place snow and fence/wall/tallgrass in the same block!
- The snow layer will fall like sand. If it touches the water source, it will become ice!
- The snow layer will accumulate during a snowstorm!
- The snow layer will have a thinner bounding box like in the Bedrock edition!
- Reduce fall damage on snow!
- Make snow always replaceable by other blocks!
- Crouch + right-click snow to make a snowball
- Make snow never melt (disabled by default)
- Make snow fall on ice (disabled by default)
- And more!
All features can be disabled in the config.
<=1.20.1: To work with Sodium, you need to install Indium.
- snowGravity: Snow layer falls like sand. [Performance impact: low]
- snowMakingIce: Falling snow becomes ice when it touches water. [Performance impact: none]
- snowAlwaysReplaceable: Snow layer can always be placed by other blocks, as long as it is not full. [Performance impact: none]
- thinnerBoundingBox: Shrink the collision box of the snow layer. [Performance impact: none]
- snowNeverMelt: Snow layer never melts. [Performance impact: none]
- snowSpawnMaxLightLevel: Maximum light level for snow to spawn. [Performance impact: none]
- snowPersistMaxLightLevel: Maximum light level for snow to not melt. [Performance impact: none]
- snowReduceFallDamage: Reduce fall damage when landing on snow, depending on the snow layers. [Performance impact: none]
- sustainGrassIfLayerMoreThanOne: Prevents grass block from turning into dirt when snow layer is more than 1. [Performance impact: none]
- sneakSnowball: Sneak+use on snow layer to obtain snowball, consuming one layer of snow. [Performance impact: none]
- fancySnowOnUpperSlab: Snow layer on upper slab will render snow overlay on the side of the slab. [Performance impact: low]
- mobSpawningMaxLayers: Maximum layers of snow for mobs to spawn. [Performance impact: none]
- snow-cover.placeSnowOnBlock: Snow can be placed on some blocks to make them snow-covered. [Performance impact: low]
- snow-cover.placeNaturally: Snow can be placed on some blocks not only by player, but also from snowfall or world generation. [Performance impact: low]
- snow-cover.replaceWorldgenFeature: Replace the vanilla world generation feature to also generate snow-covered blocks. [Performance impact: low]
- snow-cover.retainOriginalBlocks: If you want to uninstall this mod, you can restore snow-covered blocks to their original blocks via random ticking. [Performance impact: low]
- accumulation.accumulatesDuringSnowfall: Snow layer accumulates during snowfall. [Performance impact: medium]
- accumulation.accumulatesDuringSnowstorm: Snow layer accumulates during thundering. [Performance impact: medium]
- accumulation.maxLayers: Maximum layers of snow that can accumulate. 9 is unlimited. [Performance impact: low]
- accumulation.snowAndIceMeltInWarmBiomes: Snow and ice will melt in warm biomes. [Performance impact: low]
- accumulation.naturalMelting: Snow melts with time if its layer is more than 1. [Performance impact: medium]
- integration.accumulationWinterOnly: If you have mod that adds seasons, snow accumulation only happens in winter. [Performance impact: none]
- particleThroughLeaves: Generates snowflake particles under snow that is above leaves. [Performance impact: low]
- snowVariants: Some snow-covered foliage will be rendered differently. [Performance impact: low]