Plushie Mod v1.5.0
This version has some issues
Please use v1.5.1 !
The mod requires the Architectury API!
There wont be a Forge Version of this mod anymore!
New Plushies:
- 2 Tropical Fish Plushies:
-Small Tropical Fish Plushie
-Large Tropical Fish Plushie - Armadillo Plushie
- Breeze Plushie
- Zombie Horse Plushie
- Bogged Plushie
- Mule Plushie
- Donkey Plushie
We present to you:
Plushie Mod v1.4.0!
The mod requires the Architectury API!
New Features:
- All plushies are now waterloggable
- The Plushie Mod is now available in multiple languages:
* Chinese (Simplified) by nageih (
* Chinese (Traditional) by Ryoma
* Japanese by EndilCrafterエンディル (
* Danish by Juke41 (
* Ukrainian by Mikprofi
New Plushies:
- 2 more Frog Plushies:
* Warm Frog Plushie
* Cold Frog Plushie
- Bat Plushie
- Cod Plushie
- Ocelot Plushie
- Pufferfish Plushie
- Salmon Plushie
- Villager Plushie
- Wandering Trader Plushie
- Iron Golem Plushie
- Piglin Plushie
- Zombiefied Piglin Plushie
- Piglin Brute Plushie
- Drowned Plushie
- Hoglin Plushie
- Husk Plushie
- Shulker Plushie
- Skeleton Plushie
- Wither Skeleton Plushie
- Zoglin Plushie
- Zombie Villager Plushie
- Cave Spider Plushie
- Skeleton Horse Plushie
- Stray Plushie
- Silverfish Plushie
- Phantom Plushie
- Ghast Plushie
- Wither Plushie
- Blaze Plushie
Other Changes:
- Improved Performance of the Sniffer Plushie
- Adjusted the Pillager Plushie to fit with the rest of the illager Plushies
- Fixed some Hitboxes
- Changed the size of the Spider Plushie
- Some smaller UI changes
We present to you:
Plushie Mod v1.4.0!
The mod requires the Architectury API!
New Features:
- All plushies are now waterloggable
- The Plushie Mod is now available in multiple languages:
* Chinese (Simplified) by nageih (
* Chinese (Traditional) by Ryoma
* Japanese by EndilCrafterエンディル (
* Danish by Juke41 (
* Ukrainian by Mikprofi
New Plushies:
- 2 more Frog Plushies:
* Warm Frog Plushie
* Cold Frog Plushie
- Bat Plushie
- Cod Plushie
- Ocelot Plushie
- Pufferfish Plushie
- Salmon Plushie
- Villager Plushie
- Wandering Trader Plushie
- Iron Golem Plushie
- Piglin Plushie
- Zombiefied Piglin Plushie
- Piglin Brute Plushie
- Drowned Plushie
- Hoglin Plushie
- Husk Plushie
- Shulker Plushie
- Skeleton Plushie
- Wither Skeleton Plushie
- Zoglin Plushie
- Zombie Villager Plushie
- Cave Spider Plushie
- Skeleton Horse Plushie
- Stray Plushie
- Silverfish Plushie
- Phantom Plushie
- Ghast Plushie
- Wither Plushie
- Blaze Plushie
Other Changes:
- Improved Performance of the Sniffer Plushie
- Adjusted the Pillager Plushie to fit with the rest of the illager Plushies
- Fixed some Hitboxes
- Changed the size of the Spider Plushie
- Some smaller UI changes
Plushie Mod v1.3.0 Changelog:
New Plushies:
- Rabbit Plushies:
- Brown Rabbit Plushie
- White Rabbit Plushie
- Black Rabbit Plushie
- White Splotched Rabbit Plushie
- Yellow Rabbit Plushie
- Salt Rabbit Plushie
- Toast Rabbit Plushie
- Killer Bunny Plushie - Illager Plushies:
- Evoker Plushie
- Vindicator Plushie
- Pillager Plushie
- Illusioner Plushie
- Ravager Plushie
- Vex Plushie
- Witch Plushie - Other Plushies:
- Creeper Plushie
- Strider Plushie
- Endermite Plushie
- Chicken Plushie
- Elder Guardian Plushie
- Guardian Plushie
- Squid Plushie
- Glow Squid Plushie
- Wolf Plushie
- Zombie Plushie
- Camel Plushie
- Horse Plushie
- Polar Bear Plushie
- Sniffer Plushie
- Spider Plushie
Other Changes:
-Hitbox of most plushies were improved
-Panda Plushie Ears were made more visible and some textures were changed
-Changed some display settings of various plushies
-Remodeled most Plushies (some changes are just minor)
-New Icon and Description
-New Allignement of the Item Group
The mod now requires Architectury API !
If you happen to find any bugs/issues report them here!
Plushie Mod v1.3.0 Changelog:
New Plushies:
- Rabbit Plushies:
- Brown Rabbit Plushie
- White Rabbit Plushie
- Black Rabbit Plushie
- White Splotched Rabbit Plushie
- Yellow Rabbit Plushie
- Salt Rabbit Plushie
- Toast Rabbit Plushie
- Killer Bunny Plushie - Illager Plushies:
- Evoker Plushie
- Vindicator Plushie
- Pillager Plushie
- Illusioner Plushie
- Ravager Plushie
- Vex Plushie
- Witch Plushie - Other Plushies:
- Creeper Plushie
- Strider Plushie
- Endermite Plushie
- Chicken Plushie
- Elder Guardian Plushie
- Guardian Plushie
- Squid Plushie
- Glow Squid Plushie
- Wolf Plushie
- Zombie Plushie
- Camel Plushie
- Horse Plushie
- Polar Bear Plushie
- Sniffer Plushie
- Spider Plushie
Other Changes:
-Hitbox of most plushies were improved
-Panda Plushie Ears were made more visible and some textures were changed
-Changed some display settings of various plushies
-Remodeled most Plushies (some changes are just minor)
-New Icon and Description
-New Allignement of the Item Group
The mod now requires Architectury API
If you happen to find any bugs/issues report them here!
Plushie Mod v1.2.1 for Minecraft 1.19.3!
View the full changelog here
Plushie Mod v1.2 for Forge 1.19.2
Thanks to Falxie for porting it to forge!