- Fixed Callery Twigs not being added to the sniffer loot table if another mod adds seeds using the same method.
- Enormous pear generation has been changed.
- Updated zh_cn translation, thanks to Don-Trueno.
- Renamed Huge Pears to Huge Lampears.
- Renamed Enormous Pears to Enormous Lampears.
- Rewrote the generation code to be more intuitive and customizable.
- Copper Lampears are now better for composting.
- Copper Lampears will now very rarely generate instead of lampears in features.
- Callery twigs, sprouts and vines are now flammable.
- Enormous pear growth will now fail if the 3x10x3 space above it is not air.
- Added "max_grow_through_hardness" field to pear features to control the max hardness the feature can replace.
- Fixed Callery Leaves not being properly supported by Lampear Blocks when placed by hand until being updated.
- Increased luminance of Lampear Block.
- Lampear Blocks can now be stripped using an axe to peel off the skin of any side.
- Callery Leaves can now only be bonemealed when the block below them is air.
- Growing lampears out of leaves now shows the particles in the correct place.
- Updated to 1.21.5.
- Added particles for flowering and normal Callery Leaves.
- Enormous pear generation has been changed.
- Renamed Huge Pears to Huge Lampears.
- Renamed Enormous Pears to Enormous Lampears.
- Rewrote the generation code to be more intuitive and customizable.
- Copper Lampears are now better for composting.
- Copper Lampears will now very rarely generate instead of lampears in features.
- Callery twigs, sprouts and vines are now flammable.
- Enormous pear growth will now fail if the 3x10x3 space above it is not air.
- Added "max_grow_through_hardness" field to pear features to control the max hardness the feature can replace.
- Fixed Callery Leaves not being properly supported by Lampear Blocks when placed by hand until being updated.
- Increased luminance of Lampear Block.
- Lampear Blocks can now be stripped using an axe to peel off the skin of any side.
- Callery Leaves can now only be bonemealed when the block below them is air.
- Growing lampears out of leaves now shows the particles in the correct place.
- Added Enormous Pears, a giant variant of Huge Pears that grows when Callery Vines are grown on special blocks like moss.
- Lampear blocks now support callery leaves.
- Added Ukrainian translation by Un roman.
- Fixed a bug where flowering callery leaves would never generate.
- Fixed issue that would cause callery leaves to disintigrate upon generating (I still don't understand this one).