Release 8.0.0 for MC 1.21.1
- Updated to 1.21.1
- Added Breeze, Armadillo seeds
- Added essence recipes for Music Disc Creator, Music Disc Creator (Music Box), Music Disc Precipice
- Added Enchanter recipes for Breach, Density, Wind Burst enchantments
- Added Awakened Supremium Growth Accelerator
- Added Bogged as a potential spawn for Skeleton Essence in the Soulium Spawner
- Added crops to 'minecraft:crops' tag
- Essence Furnaces have been changed to a single upgradable machine
- Changed Growth Accelerator ranges to 9 blocks per tier
- Replaced animated textures for Awakened Supremium and Growth Accelerator blocks/items with static textures
- Improved shift-clicking items out of the Soulium Spawner input
- Removed Mithril, Tungsten, Titanium, Chrome seeds
- Some recipe formats have changed for both Datapack JSONs and CraftTweaker (docs coming soon)
- API: onInventoryTick is now called for armor augments
- API: Relevant NBT tag utility functions have been converted to Data Components
- API: Removed Augment#addToolAttributeModifiers, Augment#addToolAttributeModifiers, AugmentUtils#getColorForTier, AugmentUtils#getTooltipForTier
Release 7.0.11 for MC 1.20.1
- Updated jp_jp translations
- Updated Inferium crop to provide the proper crafting material for crop ingredients/conditions
- API: Added Crop#respectsEffectiveFarmland to specify if the crop should have the +10% secondary drop chance when planted on the Crop Tier's effective farmland
Release 6.0.14 for MC 1.19.2
- Updated jp_jp translations
- Updated zh_cn translations
- Fixed being able to shift-click items into locked Tinkering Table slots
- Fixed shift-clicking from Harvester output slots not moving items to the main inventory
- Fixed the alignment of the bottom item in Infusion Crafting JEI category
Release 7.0.10 for MC 1.20.1
- Changed the ghost pedestal order for the Awakening Altar to display the Awakening Pedestals at the cardinal directions
- Updated zh_cn translations
- Fixed the Awakening Altar not consuming the proper amount of Essence Vessel items when the pedestals are placed in non-standard configurations
- Fixed the Infusion Altar and Awakening Altar not updating their rendered items when extracted from via automation
Release 7.0.8 for MC 1.20.1
- Added transformer support to Infusion and Awakening CraftTweaker integrations
- Added remainder item support to the center/altar input for Infusion and Awakening crafting
- Fixed being able to shift-click an Augment into locked Augment slots
- Fixed the Awakening Altar consuming all Essence Vessel items even if it shouldn't
Release 7.0.7 for MC 1.20.1
- Added Mystical Agriculture crops: Soulium
- Added a watering sound to Watering Cans
- Added a use animation to Watering Cans (auto-watering is not animated)
- Added bonus arrow damage to Essence Bows and Essence Crossbows
- Added a hover tooltip to the output entity rendered in the Soulium Spawner screen with it's name and spawn chance
- The item-to-be-enchanted is now rendered on top of the Enchanter
- The output entity rendered in the Soulium Spawner screen will now alternate between all possible spawn options
- The spinning entity rendered in the Soulium Spawner cage will spin slower when not actively progressing to the next spawn
- Updated the Essence Watering Can upgrade recipes to transfer NBT data (ex. has water, is active)
- Changed the Awakened Supremium Watering Can recipe to use 4 ingots like the previous tiers
- Fixed auto-watering and manual watering ticking at different rates for all Watering Cans
- Fixed the Awakened Supremium item tier not being in the tier sorting registry
- Fixed the Soulium Spawner not displaying the active recipe on world load
Release 7.0.6 for MC 1.20.1
- Added new Augments: Haste, Luck, Slow Falling
- The Soulium Spawner can now be disabled with a Redstone signal
- Optimized all tile entities to reduce recipe lookups
- Optimized all tile entities to reduce the amounts of update packets sent unnecessarily
- Updated Ingot Block textures
- Fixed an error in the fr_fr translation file
- Fixed The One Probe and Jade integrations showing secondary drop chances for crops even if the secondarySeedDrops config option was disabled
- Fixed secondary seed drops not working
Release 7.0.5 for MC 1.20.1
- Added the Soulium Spawner, a block for spawning mobs using essences
- Added essence recipes for converting Concrete Powder to Concrete
- The Step Assist Augment will now be disabled while holding Shift
- Augment tooltips now display their applicable gear pieces as icons
- Fixed the Enchanter recipe for the Flame enchant
Release 7.0.4 for MC 1.20.1
- Added Redstone Arsenal crops: Flux-Infused Ingot, Flux-Infused Gem
- Added new Augments: Blindness Resistance, Hunger Resistance, Slowness Resistance, Nausea Resistance, Weakness Resistance
- Added RecipeManager support to CraftTweaker integrations
- Added recipe conditions to crop recipes that use tags to require non-empty tags
- Renamed Upgrades to Machine Upgrades
- Fixed the Enchanter not being harvestable
- Fixed the Step Assist Augment not working if certain mods are installed
- Fixed Awakening recipes consuming all Essence Vessel items unnecessarily
Release 7.0.3 for MC 1.20.1
- Added the Enchanter, a block for crafting enchantments
- Updated fr_fr translations
- Updated zh_cn translations
- Fixed The One Probe error on dedicated servers
- Fixed machines not returning container items (ex. buckets) in fuel slots
- Fixed a datapack error that could occur with certain mods loaded
Release 7.0.2 for MC 1.20.1
- Added gem crops: Peridot
- Added Ender IO crops: Grains of Infinity, Copper Alloy, Redstone Alloy, Conductive Alloy, Soularium, Dark Steel, Pulsating Alloy, Energetic Alloy, Vibrant Alloy, End Steel
- Added short descriptions to the tooltips of each Augment
- Changed the Honey Bottle essence recipe to be shapeless
- Fixed Inferium Crops not dropping additional essences when planted on higher tier farmlands
- Fixed Essence Furnaces not applying their faster operation speed intially
Release 7.0.1 for MC 1.20.1
- Added the ability to insert and extract experience from Experience Capsules by right click & shift right click
- Added a sound for in-world Essence Farmland conversion
- Essence tools/armor now display Augments as a list in their tooltips
- Improved texture rendering for Essence Vessel contents
- Made machine stat tooltips more consistent
- Slightly increased the operation speeds of Inferium and Imperium upgraded machines
- Fixed Seed Reprocessor not dropping it's upgrade when broken
- Fixed Step Assist augment crash
- Fixed CraftTweaker integration
- Fixed Patchouli integration
- API: Deprecated AugmentUtils tooltip functions and moved them to TinkerableUtils
- API: Fixed TinkerableUtils#getArmorSetMinimumTier & TinkerableUtils#hasArmorSetMinimumTier
- API: Added Augment#hasSetBonus and Augment#getSetBonusDisplayText