- Add potion jar, which can store up to three potions of a single type.
- Update & Re-add Templates mod compat
- Update Wandering Wizardry mod compat, adding support for its glass to be used for jars.
- Add litavis compat for its log.
- Add Hibernal Herbs compat for its log.
- Add compat to Item Descriptions mod, adding descriptions for items and blocks in the mod.
- Added compat for Bovines and Buttercups, in the form of a nectar jar that can hold up to three nectar bowls worth of nectar of a single type.
- Added WTHIT compat, showing information for the firefly jar, food jar, potion jar, and nectar jars.
- Update to 1.21
- Switched Forge module to NeoForge
- Mod compat system is the same on Fabric & NeoForge through the use of Dynamic Asset Generator & Default Resources
- Add ru_ru translation (Thanks @hhbjuuigytyg)
This is the full release of the v1.2.0 update.
Changes since last beta:
- Forge version re-enabled, will be neoforge in future versions.
- Fixed quilt crash when tablesaws is missing.
- Added Aether and Biomes O' Plenty Compat
Major v1.2.0 features:
- Forget me nots are renewable now, due to the fact that you can grow them via bonemeal in biomes in the
tag. - That tag also controls where forget me nots and extra grass spawns.
- Birch trees grown from saplings are now also larger, like the ones from the biome now.
- Turkish Translation from Hexasan, Thank you!
- Fireflies have been added, which spawn in the
tag - Added compat for quite a few mods, too many to list here, check previous beta changelogs for a full list.
- Jars have been added, which can store fireflies for a nice decorative light source, and can store food too.
- You can add your own fallen logs through json files, which will have the assets automatically generated.
- This process will be explained better in a wiki I'm currently creating for this mod.
- Added mod compat to templates 2 mod, adding a fallen log template block.
- Added hex casting compat, which adds fallen logs for: Edified Logs, Purple Edified Logs, Amethyst Edified Logs, Aventurine Edified Logs, and Citrine Edified Logs
- Added compat for softer pastels, adding jars for the pastel glass.
- Fix forget me not flower pots being treated as actual flowers
- Added translation for firefly