- EMI compat! (Switch page keybinds & more)
- Expose more keybindings
- Fix Compatibility with Quilt Creative Extension
- Improve Auto Switch mode (Automatically switch gamepad on connection changes)
- Fix triggers not working on some (slightly broken) controllers
- Fix #57 (Broken stack pickup)
- Fix #56 (Unused language strings)
- Fix #52 (Rebound perspective button blocking actions)
- Fix #46 (Button overlap with Crawl mod)
- Fix #59 (D-Pad can switch EMI buttons when in Inventories)
- Fix missing tooltip by @Madis0
- Estonian translations by @Madis0
- Russian translations by @Ivanoks
- Merge #48 (Split rotation speed in X and Y, thanks to @ronniedude)
- Merge #47 (Korean translations by @gyular)
- Fix #50 (Stack pick-up problems in survival mode)
- Add some compatibility measures for EMI (Will likely be improved further in the future)
- Remove all REI-related code (not working anyway, EMI is better)
- Possibly fix #41 (Random crashes when changing keybinds)
- Added #40 (Modded keybind support)
- Added #20 (Touchscreen support)
- Improved #13 (Sodium screen controller support)
- Attempt to fix #31 & #38 (Jittery input on low FPS)
- Fixed #35 (Front placing being broken)
- Fixed #32 (Option to disable double tap to sprint)
- Fixed #27 (Auto-adapt controller icons)
- Fixed #19 (HUD-scaling on big scales)
- Fixed #36 (Crash on game load)
- Fixed reset option
- Fixed scrolling in trading screens
- Disable features that might be considered as cheats (install MidnightControlsExtra to enable)
- Automatic downloading of mappings from https://github.com/gabomdq/SDL_GameControllerDB
- Change some default settings
- Fix OkZoomer compat by @akemin-dayo
- German translations (by myself)
- Add contributors to fabric.mod.json
- Fix some issues