HalpLibe 4.0.3
on May 7, 2024Requires BTA 7.2-pre1 or newer -BlockBuilder.setBlockColor now takes a BlockColor supplier -Delayed model initialization to fix startup crash -Added ItemBuilder
HalpLibe 4.0.2
on May 7, 2024Requires >= BTA 7.2-pre1
- BlockBuilder now assigns default ItemModels to ItemBlocks
- Added BlockBuilder.setItemModel
- Model assignment now only occurs clientside
- EntityHelper now properly initializes renderers
HalpLibe 4.0.1
on May 6, 2024Requires BTA 7.2-pre1 or newer
- Changed version check from "~7.2" to "^7.2-beta"
- Updated texture paths in DirectoryManager
HalpLibe 4.0.0
on May 6, 2024Updated to 7.2-pre1
- Removed RecipeHelper
- Cleaned up SoundHelper
- Cleaned up EntityHelper
- Cleaned up CommandHelper
- Removed BlockHelper
- Removed Texture functions from BlockBuilder
- Change BlockBuilder#setBlockModel to take a Function<Block, BlockModel> to provide BlockModels
- Cleaned up ArmorHelper
- Deleted TextureHelper
- ItemHelper now takes in a Function<Item, ItemModel> to provide ItemModels
- Removed AtlasWidth option
- Removed ModlistPacket option
- Removed RequireTextures option
- Replaced ModlistPacket with CustomPayload packet
HalpLibe 3.5.4
on Apr 26, 2024Updated to BTA 7.1_01!
HalpLibe 3.5.3
on Apr 11, 2024Requires BTA 7.1
- Fixed block builder not doing proper null checking on block textures
HalpLibe 3.5.1
on Mar 29, 2024- Fixed bug where recipe namespaces and groups weren't recreated on server-client recipe sync.
HalpLibe 3.5.0
on Mar 28, 2024- Added a new method
that gets called on both game start and when the client is syncing recipes with the server. - Use it to (re)create recipe namespaces and groups before any recipes are loaded.
HalpLibe 3.4.17
on Mar 24, 2024- Fixed infini burn and burn rate assignments
- Fixed Nethercoal block overlay not being registered on the atlas
HalpLibe 3.4.16
on Mar 23, 2024- Fixed a crash at startup caused by the RecipeBuilder.
HalpLibe 3.4.15
on Mar 23, 2024Updated to BTA 7.1pre2a!
HalpLibe 3.4.14
on Mar 9, 2024- Fixed vanilla BTA bug erroneously casting the EntityDispatcher id to a byte instead of a short in Packet24MobSpawn
HalpLibe 3.4.13
on Feb 25, 2024- Fix min colors not affecting the firefly color
HalpLibe 3.4.12
on Feb 25, 2024- Fix different firefly colors from merging
HalpLibe 3.4.11
on Feb 25, 2024- Fix fireflies in the correct biome switching colors every so often
HalpLibe 3.4.9
on Feb 25, 2024- Fix
only choosing one firefly if more than one firefly spawned in the same biome - Added weight system for control over firefly rarity
HalpLibe 3.4.4
on Feb 24, 2024- Added
, which lets you add custom fireflies in a compatible way - Refactored
to use lambdas, the old API was deprecated
HalpLibe 3.4.3
on Feb 23, 2024- Removed Halplibe logger statement from the
(no more print lines every frame) - Refactored
(more expandable now) - Added support for adding textures to "/particle.png" in