Version 1.21.4-r8:
- fix
- fix
- delay now works with all persistent projectiles and not just arrows
see full changelog here
Version 1.21.4-r7:
- merge
- fix
see full changelog here
Version 1.21.4-r6:
- merge
- add apex hoe enchantment
- "Deals extra damage. Attacking from a distance always results in a critical hit."
- rebalance hoe stats to have less attack speed, more attack damage, and a bit of attack reach
- assimilation no longer automatically eats food while in combat
- armadillos now get scared from sliding players
- slightly adjust velocity for slide jumping and using meteor
- channeling now chains lightning on melee and ranged attack
- meteor and thunderstruck now charge faster
- buff thunderstruck range and damage
- fix thunderstruck sometimes damaging you anyway even if you hit an entity
- using fall damage negating enchantments now cancels thunderstruck
- fix wind burst always granting fall immunity
- remove impaled enchanting material overrides since the mod is dead
- enforce config match packet now runs every 5 seconds
- merge freeEnchantingBookMerging config into overhaulEnchantingTable config
- fix level inconsistencies with item renaming
- fix arrow dupe when piercing is enabled
- tipped arrows now convert into regular arrows when dropping as an item after hitting an entity
- fishing bobbers now pull the root vehicle of hooked entities
see full changelog here
Version 1.21.4-r5:
- fix
- fix infinite dash exploit
- fix meteor ignoring bury conditions
- sticky wall jump fall reduction is now dependent on the strength of the jump
see full changelog here
Version 1.21.4-r4:
- massively optimize projectile loading model replacement rendering
see full changelog here
Version 1.21.4-r3:
- merge
- fix
- fix
- fix
- fix trailing lolcat comma
- fix desyncs with several enchantments
- fix slam sometimes not negating fall damage
- fix bounce sound not playing
- fix brimstone not triggering entity killed advancements
- fix rare crash with fell trees component combined with other tree felling mods
- migrate inverted bounce status to component
- projectiles that bypass armor now have much greater damage falloff when bypassing invulnerability frames
- assimilation no longer eats disallowed food while in offhand
- amphibious now reduces wet timer when using riptide by 3 seconds
- dash is now slightly weaker
- gale no longer automatically activates when holding jump
- gale now allows you to briefly glide when holding jump
- sliding and slamming now have visual indicators
- bounce now charges slightly faster
- buoy now negates fall damage when landing on any fluid
- buoy now reduces fire time from lava (15 -> 2 seconds)
- chaos now works with all persistent projectiles
- riptide is now slightly stronger with single level mode enabled
- riptide no longer has water drag
- scatter can now be interrupted
- bosses can no longer be disarmed
- maces now deal more damage per block fallen
- animal armor can now be enchanted with boots enchantments
- enchanted armor now has additional damage reduction
see full changelog here
Version 1.21.4-r2:
- merge
- fix
see full changelog here
Version 1.21.2-r6:
- fix brimstone not working when backed up against a block
- disarm now has a cooldown on the user when successfully used, and now applies cooldown on the target for longer
- disarm now prioritizes active item before mainhand and offhand
- grapple no longer increases bouncy strength
- slamming is now canceled by honey effects
- split scatter shot cooldown into own component
see full changelog here
Version 1.21.2-r5:
- fix mod projectiles not rendering from certain angles
- brimstone and life drain damage sources now bypass resistance
- increase slide speed
- movement enchantments now scale properly with attribute modifiers such as from swiftness or slowness
see full changelog here
Version 1.21-r13:
- backport of 1.21.2-r4
- fix specific crash with accessing disabled enchantments
see full changelog here
Version 1.21.2-r4:
- merge
- merge
- fix
- code cleanup
see full changelog here
Version 1.21.2-r3:
- merge
- honey trail duration now scales with level
- slamming is now canceled by flying, gliding, riding a vehicle, or climbing
see full changelog here
Version 1.21.2-r2:
- merge
- enchantments with empty description translations no longer attempt to render
- overhauled enchanting table descriptions now append a dash to be consistent with item descriptions
see full changelog here
Version 1.21.2-r1:
- update to 1.21.2
- fix
see full changelog here
Version 1.21-r12:
- fix eruption effect fire applying for significantly longer than intended
- fix
enchantment tag not functioning - add non-treasure overhaul mode config option
- apply random status effect now requires less charge for positive effects
- over-overkill is now more difficult to obtain
- localize default enchanting material item tag
see full changelog here
Version 1.21-r10:
see full changelog here
Version 1.21-r9:
- fix crash with empty stacks in enchanting table
- add default enchanting material
- strafe now only requires one press to activate by default
- add inverted bounce option
- rename some config options, keybindings, and components
- update Russian translation (thanks BackupCup!)
- update Turkish translation (thanks Hexasan!)
see full changelog here