- Added some new variants of Polished Obsidian (Bricks, Tract)
- Added a variant of Node/Wire for Mekanism Chemicals
- Added Dewlamps, a decorative light fixture - recipe is temporary until a certain place gets added
- Added lore entry about Ancient Rock, found at Tier 2 in Nature Outposts and Ancient Weapons Facilities
- Blacklisted Structure Protectors from being relocated by (hopefully) many mods
- Various internal changes to the Mote particle
- Ancient Rock blocks cannot be broken by non-players anymore - as a side effect, mods like Jade unfortunately don't show their harvestability for now
- Essence Breaker checks if a block is supposed to be unbreakable before breaking it
- Tweaked Computer gui to match its block texture
- Wire Spools required the Synthesis Chamber to be unlocked despite being a crafting component
- Untyped Computers crashed the game when opened
- Added the Traversite Trudgers, a pair of boots unlockable in Tier 1 from Nature Outposts that prevent a good chunk of the environment - things such as soul sand, webs, honey, or ice - from slowing you down
- Added Traversite Road Slabs and Stairs
- Added indicator for incomplete Data Tablet entries
- EMI plugin displays that DnE's machines can be used for some vanilla recipe types (crafting, smelting)
- EMI plugin hides recipes you have not gotten the data for yet, to reduce progression confusion
- Entropic Processor can grind Wool into String
- Infuser can harden Rotten Flesh into Leather
- New background for Data Tablet entry browser
- Essence Leeches emit particles
- Light Fixtures no longer have collision
- Flare Lights make amethyst sounds
- Changed Data Tablet entry connection line colors to blue
- Abandoned Factory chains are not waterlogged anymore
- Gender potions are properly localized
- Potentially fixed Create mixer bypassing progression
- Allowed brewing potions of gender euphoria
- Added several more items to the Industrial Plant Siphon's default tags, including seeds, saplings, flowers, and more
- Revised Essence Burner puzzle; new puzzle requires a connection node to solve
- Essence Burner advancement now needs you to actually place one down
- UnderTheSky music disc wasn't tagged
- Fixed a multiblock render crash
- Entropic Processor can grind up Dye more efficiently (and has some exclusive dye sources, e.g. mushrooms) - the recipes are tag-based so as to not clutter EMI
- The various nugget/shard items are now properly tagged as nuggets for their respective material
- Fixed incomplete entries not allowing crafting of recipes
- Added the Illumination Rod, a light placing tool that unlocks at tier 2
- Removed Lapis Shard item
- Data Banks require a Data Tablet in your inventory to use
- Primitive Antigravity Pack only drains Essence if you are actively falling
- Ancient Sentinels should no longer despawn
- Potentially fixed structure protectors still protecting even when they don't exist