DashLoader 4.1.1
- Add custom splash lines and/or disable default ones.
- Optimize Model Filter
- Do not cache all mipmap levels
- Make DashLoader a client only mod in fabric.mod.json
- MoreCulling Compatibility
- Creative search does not use the correct language except english (#18)
- Incorrect cache of child models (#19)
- Move to records and final a lot of classes
- Move common files to data
DashLoader 4.1.1
- 1.19.2 support
- Add custom splash lines and/or disable default ones.
- Optimize Model Filter
- Do not cache all mipmap levels
- Make DashLoader a client only mod in fabric.mod.json
- MoreCulling Compatibility
- Creative search does not use the correct language except english (#18)
- Incorrect cache of child models (#19)
- Move to records and final a lot of classes
- Move common files to data
how its made: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6H74_P7UYA
Added language support.
Merged Core and Definitions
Updated Hyphen
Fixed rare segfault that may happen if the JVM gcs in the middle of file reading
Fixed race condition on exporting.
Fixed bug where a failed load would fully crash the game, now it tries to recover.
Fixed fabric.mod.json and declared DashLoader as a client mod
Improve sprite handling.
Make fonts load off-thread
Make search init load off-thread
Remove the angry 2.0 message
- Add indicator for a failed cache.
- Fix english 's usage.
- Make mod hash use MD5 like resource pack hash.
- Make DashLoader less invasive on sprite injection.
- Remove BlockState lookup cache.
- Support for Fabric API hooked Baked Models.
- Temporarily disable particle cache (i need to rewrite this garbage)
- Made f3 + t also clear cache. (shift + f3 + t does not clear cache)
- Added Shedaniel requested Cache Screen quotes.
Fallback system
The fallback system allows DashLoader to use the Minecraft model loading system to load assets that are not DashCache compatible. This allows mods to work with DashLoader, without adding explicit support which greatly improves compatibility.
DashLoader has been rewritten.
Core and Definitions
The codebase is now split with Core holding the version independent components and definition holding the Minecraft asset definitions to add DashLoader support to that Minecraft version. This greatly helps with us supporting multiple Minecraft versions.
So we made the world fastest jvm serializer for Minecraft. This makes DashLoader faster and makes developing DashLoader way easier. Also it has fancy error messages.
Caching screen
The caching screen has been redesigned to be more informative and nice looking. It is also fully customizable in the config.
The config has been overhauled and is now way more powerful. Customize your screen or tune DashLoader to your liking.
The profiling system has been remade and is now cleaner and contains more statistics.
A lot of fixes. Im not counting them.
Mods that are now compatible
- BCLib
- Better End
- Botania
- Campanion
- CC: Restitched
- Connected Block Textures Fabric
- Conntected Textures Mod
- FerriteCore
- Hydrogen
- Industrial Revolution
- LambdaBetterGrass
- Pling
- Applied Energistics 2