Port to 1.21.x | Update to Create mod Update 6 | Just NeoForge (for the time being)
- Reworked entire mod, so mass removal of a lot of foods and other content from before 1.21.x
- Starting from here, the mod's version will be 0.1 and continuing with each content update, similar to the format I'm taking with Hibernal Herbs (Releasing a major content update every month or couple of months depending on the general workload, IRL events, or size of the previous update)
Essentially, nut purge. I'm not listing every single feature that was removed upon the rework's release, but do note that some content is planned to slowly but surely make it's way back into the mod in a new form, such as the hatchet system or some of the other nuts that were in the previous version of the mod. Some prominent features that will most likely not be returning in any capacity includes, but is not limited to, the following: Bulk Dyeing, Bulk Freezing, The vast majority of "fantasy" foods from before the rework.
Advancement overhaul!
- Create: Garnished - Thar' Be Nuts! (join a world, opens the rest of the advancement tree)
- Wah Wah, Wah Wah - Find Wild Peanuts in a Jungle
- Jif or Gif? - Create Peanut Butter by mixing Peanuts, Sugar, and Milk together
- Just How Gram Gram Made Them - Create Peanut Butter Cookies by combining Dough, Peanut Butter, Sugar, and Egg
- Do You Know The... Forget It - Find Wild Ginger Roots in a Jungle
- Run Forrest, Run! - Create Sprinter's Tea to gain a temporary Speed boost upon consumption
- Grunkle Stan - Find Pine Nuts growing on a tree in a Taiga
- Berry Mush - Create Sweet Tea to gain Regeneration temporarily upon consumption
- Did a Rat Cook This? - Create a Vegetable Stew to serve as a hearty meal to provide Saturation upon consumption
- D&D Anyone? - Find Elven Sweet Berries in a Taiga
- Sophisticated Spoils - Create Elven Tea to Gain Invisibility and Speed temporarily upon consumption
- May Have a Pinch of Cyanide - Find Almonds in a Flower Forest or Sunflower Plains
- Copy... - Press an Almond into nothing but Almond Paste
- Ferocious Treat - Create a Glazed Bear Claw by combining Flour, Eggs, Milk, Almond Paste, and Sugar
- Beet me to it - Collect some Beetroot Juice after compacting Beetroot into juice
- Georgian Delicacy - Create a churchkhela by combining Almonds, Flour, and Beetroot Juice
- Legally Distinct Chocolate - Find Hazelnuts in a Birch Forest
- Truffle Shuffle - Create Chocolate Truffles by compacting Chocolate with Cocoa Beans and Milk
- Crunchy Snacky Candy - Create Praline by combining Chocolate, Hazelnuts, Sugar, and Milk
- Hmmm, Sticky - Gather some Birch Sap from a Birch Log Dripping Sap
- Not as Good as Maple - Process Birch Sap into Brich Syrup
- Special note
- Of course, there's 1 advancement that stuck through it all
- Awsome - Join a world as the one who started it all - Thank you, Dejojo
Add certain items to the Wandering Trader trades
- Nuts (any nut implemented by Create: Garnished
- Sweet Tea
- Sprinter's Tea
- Elven Tea
- Builder's Tea
- Ginger Roots
Jungle Content
- Add Peanuts
- Barrel of Peanuts
- Add Peanut Butter Cookies
- Add Ginger Roots
- Barrel of Ginger Roots
- Add wild crops
- Wild Ginger Roots
- Wild Peanuts
- Add Marigold flower
- Add Peanut Butter (in-world fluid)
- Bottle of Peanut Butter
- Bucket of Peanut Butter
- Add Sprinter's Tea (virtual fluid)
- Sprinter's Tea item
Birch Forest Content
- Add Hazelnuts
- Grows on a tree in Birch Forests and Old Growth Birch Forests
- Barrel of Hazelnuts
- Add Birch Log Dripping Sap
- Occasionally generates on Birch Trees
- Right-click with an empty Glass Bottle to harvest some Birch Sap
- Add Chocolate Truffles
- Add Praline
- Add Birch Sap (virtual fluid)
- Bottle of Birch Sap
- Add Birch Syrup (virtual fluid)
- Bottle of Birch Syrup
Flower Forest Content
- Add Almonds
- Grows on a special pink tree in Flower Forests and Sunflower Plains
- Only obtainable through breaking the Blossoming Almond Leaves, not just the regular Almond Leaves
- Barrel of Almonds
- Add Almond Paste
- Add Glazed Bear Claw
- Add Churchkhela
- Add Beetroot Juice (virtual fluid)
- Bottle of Beetroot Juice
- Resource efficient recipe for Beetroot Soup
Taiga Content
- Add Pine Nuts
- Grows on a tree in Taiga biomes
- Barrel of Pine Nuts
- Add Pine Nut Flour
- Add Elven Sweet Berries
- Barrel of Elven Sweet Berries
- Add Barrel of Sweet Berries
- Add Vegetable Stew
- Add Sweet Tea (virtual fluid)
- Sweet Tea item
- Add Elven Tea (virtual fluid)
- Elven Tea item
- Fix Issue #81
- Fix Issue #79
- Fix Issue #73
- Fix Galvanic Haunting recipe
- Fix Ravaging entity type tag