- 120+ new food items.
- Change display names of the following items. IDs will remain the same for now.
- (Create) Sweet Roll > Frosted Sweet Roll
- (Farmer's Delight) Mixed Salad > Mixed Salad (Beetroot, Tomato)
- (Farmer's Delight) Mutton Wrap > Mutton Wrap (Onion, Lettuce)
- Chocolate Sweet Roll > Frosted Chocolate Sweet Roll
- Sausage Meat > Ground Sausage
- Shredded Chicken > Ground Chicken
- Meatball > Beef Meatball + all related items
- Raw Cupcake > Raw Cupcake Base
- Raw Muffin > Raw Muffin Base
- Cheese and Beef Bun > Beef Bun (Cheese) + all related items
- Remove "jar" from frostings and jams (#58)
- Recipe changes:
- New recipes to make Pizza, Pasta, Burger, and Sandwich sequences less strict.
- Fix some Pasta recipes.
- Change Ground Sausage recipes to use tags. Also lower output for crafting recipe.
- Remove Powdered Sugar from Heavy Cream recipes.
- Substantially change recipes for Cream Frostings. Fruit Cream Frostings can now also be made from Cream Frosting. Fixes recipe overlap issue with Condensed Milk. (#53)
- Adjust Condensed Milk recipes to be more consistent.
- Diced Onion is now obtained via cutting Sliced Tomato.
- Raw Calzone is now obtained via cutting Salt Dough (Small).
- Change Cloth Filter recipe to match the other Create filters.
- Diced Onion is no longer consumable. Also minor texture update.
- Add Peanut Butter from Croptopia to tag.
- Reduce Nourishment from Pasta with Butter.
- Fix config so Pasta with Endermite/Strider Meatballs (and tomato sauce variations) are disabled by default. Regenerating the config is recommended.
- Add missing tag to fix Chorus Fruit Ice Cream Cone recipes. (#54)
- Add missing tag to fix Peanut Butter & Melon Jam Sandwich. (#55)
- Add missing effects for:
- Potato Chip Bowl.
- Fruit Smoothie Bottle. (#56)
- Pasta with Butter.
- Added filling recipes that use Tomato Sauce Fluid (added by Create: Central Kitchen).
- Fix Dumplings cooking recipe to use correct tags.
- Fix cakes only having 6 bites instead of 7.
- Fix for stacks of bottle items and stick items replacing the stack with single remainder item on upon consumption. (#58)
- Compatibility tags for VintageDelight. (#58)
- Note: VintageDelight currently breaks the forge:fruits tag.
Also added are waffle blocks which act the same as cheesecakes/pies/pizza
- 30+ new food items.
- Fix sausage pizza loot tables.
- Add Simplified Chinese Translation. (#50)
- Fix dried coffee beans recipes to prevent crash. (#48)
- Compatibility tags added for:
- Create: The Kitchen Must Grow
- Delightful
- Delightful Burgers
- Delightful Sandwich
- Moved some recipes to compat folders.
- Fixed Create: Bitterballen deep-frying recipes.
- Fixed recipes incorrectly using strings (#47).
- New food: calzones, cupcakes, and muffins.
- Fix fluid amount from melting hollow chocolates (#46)
- New shaped recipes.
- New emptying recipes.
- Added fluid tags & changed recipes to use them.
- Compatibility tags added for:
- Create: Deepfried
- Create: Sweets & Treats
- Create: Bitterballen
- Ender's Delight
- Change display names of the following items to match their recipes. IDs will remain the same for now.
- Chocolate Glazed Chocolate Donut > Chocolate Cream Glazed Chocolate Donut
- Chocolate Glazed Donut > Chocolate Cream Glazed Donut
- Chocolate Frosted Chocolate Sweet Roll > Chocolate Cream Frosted Chocolate Sweet Roll
- Chocolate Frosted Sweet Roll > Chocolate Cream Frosted Sweet Roll
- Change fluid amounts in filling/emptying/mixing recipes of create:builders_tea & farmersdelight:milk_bottle to match standard bottle size (333mB > 250mB)
- Change fluid amount in create:chocolate compacting recipe to match Fabric (250mB > 333mB) (#46)
- New item Dumpling Wrappers.
- Compatibility tags added for:
- Tough As Nails (#43)
- Rustic Delight
- Vegan Delight
- Dumplings Delight
- Create: Dreams & Desires
- Resource pack for Rustic Delight.
- Animated textures for coffees.
- Change creative tab icon.
- Fix pie filling fluids.
- Compatibility tags added for:
- Create: Confectionery
- Create: Factory
- Create: Gourmet
- Fix JMC crafting recipes.
- Tag compatibility for More Delight & Casualness Delight (#37).
- New load conditions for Ube's Delight related loot tables to remove some log spam (#38).
- Updated Ube Cake texture added to Ube's Delight resource pack.
- Fix default cake texture (#39).
- Change icon texture size to prevent mip map quality issues. (#36).
- Fix JMC crafting recipes.
- Tag compatibility for More Delight & Casualness Delight (#37).
- New load conditions for Ube's Delight related loot tables to remove some log spam (#38).
- Updated Ube Cake texture added to Ube's Delight resource pack.
- Fix default cake texture (#39).
- Fix shaped recipes (#35).
- Added missing load conditions.
- Added missing item.
1.1.3 - Fix
- Basic recipes compatibility for Just More Cakes (#32)
- Fix some compacting recipes.
- Fix some mixing recipes & added some missing ones.
- New cake textures.
- Added 'snack' property to various items.
- Fix missing tooltips for some items.
- Fix multiple items incorrectly being a stick food item.
1.1.3 - Fix
- Basic recipes compatibility for Just More Cakes (#32)
- Fix some compacting recipes.
- Fix some mixing recipes & added some missing ones.
- New cake textures.
Note: Differences between Fabric and Forge are located here.
- 50+ new items.
- Cakes added by this mod can now be right-clicked (with a knife) to remove a single slice, just like pies.
- Frosted Cakes now have loot tables.
- Food effects are no longer added using the tag system. Fixes (#14) / (#25) / (#27).
- Recipe compatibility for My Nether's Delight Refabricated (#28).
- Removed Farm & Charm salt recipe to address (#29).
- Fix bottle duplication with frosting recipes (#31).
Note: Most information on CurseForge/Modrinth/Github is specific to Fabric.
- Added dye tags to fix gelatin dessert block recipes.
- Recipe compatibility for My Nether's Delight (#28).
- Removed Farm & Charm salt_from_pot_cooking recipe to address (#29).
Note: Most information on CurseForge/Modrinth/Github is specific to Fabric.
- Includes about 40+ new food items not yet in the Fabric version.
- All items/fluids/blocks are enabled, no config.
- Food effects are added the normal way, not via tags. Tooltips are not added. Use this mod to see them.
- Create & Farmer's Delight are required dependencies.
- The cakes this mod adds can be right-clicked to remove a single slice, just like pies & pizzas.
- Does not include built-in resource packs. Use the files from the Fabric version if you want extra visual consistency.
- New cakes, pies, and cheesecakes.
- Related additions to Farmer's Delight resource pack.
- Renamed the following items. This will delete existing versions of the items.
- Chocolate Filled Mini Graham Cracker Pie Crust -> Mini Chocolate Pie (Graham Cracker)
- Chocolate Filled Graham Cracker Pie Crust -> Chocolate Pie (Graham Cracker)
- Frosted Ube Cake -> Ube Cream Frosted Ube Cake
- Changed the following items into placeable blocks. This will delete existing versions of the items.
- Cake Base
- Frosted Cake
- Chocolate Pie (Graham Cracker)
- Ube Cake Base
- Ube Cream Frosted Ube Cake
- All cake, pie, cheesecake, and pizza blocks will now:
- Drop full block item when broken with an empty hand.
- Drop the appropriate number of slices when a partially eaten block is broken with a knife.
- Drop a single slice on the final bite when broken with an empty hand.
- Compatibility for [Let's Do] Farm & Charm.
- Cooking pot, crafting bowl, and stove recipes are now for Farm & Charm.
- New recipes for mincer, drying, & roaster.
- Various recipe & tag updates.