ported to 1.20.1
fixed mixins bit more
fixed multimeter crash
fixed server startup crash
fixed excavation drill server interaction
fixed asphalt not being wrenchable
added redstone divider
added darkmetal decor
added invert function on clutch & gearshift "shift right click with hand to change the invert"
added hazard block
added Russian Translation -Hardziplay
updated mod logo!
if there is no bugs ill start porting to 1.20 after i finish uploading my AE2 Texturepack which is soon
not porting to 1.18 anymore
DnDesires mod page Description & Images will be updated later
Current Content
Item Stockpile "vertical vault"
Fluid Reservoir "horizonal tanks"
Kinetic Motor
Inverse Box
new palette blocks "Stone, Packed Mud, Amethyst, Netherrack, Basalt, & Blackstone"
Weather Limestone, Gabbro, & Dolomite Palette Blocks
Rubber & Decor Rubber Blocks
Rose Quartz Tools
Bulk Sanding, Freezing, Seething for Encased & Industrial Fans
Fan Catalyst sails
Furnace engine
Industrial fan
Cog Crank
Hydraulic press
Drill Bore Block (Acts like drills but only work on Contraptions)
Deforester Saw Tool
Excavation Drill Tool
Seething Blaze Entity & Inert Blaze Entity "Seething & Sanding Entity Fan Process"
& then some QOL recipe like washing copper to oxidize it
Copycat Encased Redstone
Kinetic Divider
Brass Kinetic Multiplier
Harvester Scythe
Rotor Box
Giant Gear
Potato Turret
Lumber Saw "revamp of bronze saw but only for wood"
Overburden Drill Block "Customizable Heads"
Worm Gear
Combustion Motor
Calculation Links "Longer Distance & Player Private Redstone Links"
Rubber belts
Configurable Vent Blocks
Horse & Boat Contraptions
new woodsets (wrenchable) Rose, Smoked, Spirit, & Rubber
More some QOL recipe like Cobble gens in hydraulic basin recipe
Adjustable Crate
Fixes & Changes
Hot Chocolate weird interactions fixes
Chromatic Conversions have Sounds now
Chromatic Conversions issues fixes
Spectral Ruby Lamp Optimization & Fixes
Tree Cutter tools Fixes
Industrial Fan works on belts/depots
Improved Fluid Interactions
Spectral Ruby Recipe
Mossy Andesite Alloy Block Recipe
Brick Casing Recipe
Mithril Casing Recipe
Nether Brick Casing Recipe
Fabric port by Serenya / Serenity / Serenov idfk lmao "they have alot of usernames"
Ore Excavation Drill Item
Shadow & Radiant Drills
Shadow & Radiant Panels
Dolomite & its Palette blocks
Bronze Bell
German Translation by GeradesoLukas
Fixes & Changes
Added tool tags to Mechanical Axes (fixes the cutting board issue with farmer delight hopefully)
Fixes Crash at Startup hopefully
Chromatic Material Storage Blocks now function like its item counter part
Rewritten Bronze Saw code (hence hopefully Fixing Crash at Startup)
Hydraulic Casing can now Encase fluid pipes
SS & Blaze Brass Compound now be pressed into sheets properly
Fixed Propeller Blade Render
Fixed Double Tooltips
Hopefully Fixed the Crash at Startup
Rubber Leaves Can burn now
Rubber Tree dont have a Placeholder Tree any more
Added Rubber Sapling Recipe
Removed Logs+Sap Rubber Log Recipe
Added InfaSnow & InfaIce
Conversion infablocks to Fallen SS-Compound
SS-Compound now have a Tooltip Summary
Ported to 1.20.1
Rubber Woodset (sapling is unobtainable atm)
Fixes & Changes
Wrong Version Requirement
Cog Crank & Hydraulic Renders (Should work with shaders now)
Some Woodsets wasnt burning properly
Industrial Fans now process items 2x faster
Industrial Fans Generator only works with Blaze Burners, Lava, & Superheating Sail now
Removed Hydraulic Press basin recipes
Hydraulic Press Required Stress 24x -> 32x
Revamped the Worldgen
Coal Pieces can now be used in furnaces
Industrial Casing Texture Unifying with Blaze Brass Casing now
Rubber Woodset (sapling is unobtainable atm)
Fixes & Changes
Wrong Version Requirement
Cog Crank & Hydraulic Renders (Should work with shaders now)
Some Woodsets wasnt burning properly
Industrial Fans now process items 2x faster
Industrial Fans Generator only works with Blaze Burners, Lava, & Superheating Sail now
Removed Hydraulic Press basin recipes
Hydraulic Press Required Stress 24x -> 32x
Revamped the Worldgen
Coal Pieces can now be used in furnaces
Industrial Casing Texture Unifying with Blaze Brass Casing now