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Updated 2 months ago
AfkPlus Fabric Mod for Minecraft
Basic Description:
- A forked project based upon AfkDisplay by beabfc. He has given me his blessing with proceeding to create this mod, look under my Archived Issues pane.
- Show which players are AFK in the player list, see the Reasons, Durations, and Times.
- Fully configurable and with Placeholder API, which includes all Placeholder API formatting nodes such as: yellow or bold natively. (You can even include a URL in your AFK Reason!)
- Mod can now be used on Single Player, and Integrated Servers (Open to LAN).
- [NEW] Mod has now been mostly rewritten as of December 2024; as a MultiVersion project based on Fallen-Breath's Template Mod architecture.
- [NEW] Mod Now is a dependency of my new library mod, CoreLib, and the More Color system has also been forked into my More Color API mod.
- They are both included in the AfkPlus JAR file.
MOD ReWrite & NEW Features
- Entire mod ecosystem has been migrated to a multi-version architecture to more quickly port the mod to versions 1.19.2-1.21.4+ at the same time, using a single branch.
- Config no longer uses TOML, and has been converted to the Data Driven CoreLib based JSON config system; which works similar to how Pat's Mod ecosystem works.
- Most Player / Server Events are now managed by CoreLib interfaces; with a few AFK Specific exceptions.
- All Commands are now registered and managed by a CoreLib interface.
- All abstract Text Placeholder API formatting, and extra color tags are now managed by More Color API. See the
command. - All new abstract TimeDate / Duration formatting interfaces are managed by CoreLib.
- Entirely rewritten AfkPlayer / Afk Player List system based on abstraction; instead of being managed via Mixin classes. This should help with any strict mod compatibility issues; and fight off ugly code.
- Entire mod EcoSystem from CoreLib to AfkPlus each has an API / Event system for other mods to implement and make compatible in their own mods.
- AfkPlus adds API compat handling for
,Carpet Mod
, andStyled Player List
. Each mod's integration varies based on any compatibility needs. - Added several
options, and forked theafkKick
systems into their own configuration categories. See the config below for more defaulted information. - Several other annoyances, bugs, and features have been added as requested; such as the ability to fully configure the
Gone for: XXX
messages by various config options.
- Added a placeholder
for you to offer a very basic '[AFK]' tag to players who are AFK. - Added a placeholder
so that you can use this as a replacement for the '%player:displayname%' placeholder under other Mods, such as Styled Playerlist. NOTE that this method was designed to be fully compliant with LuckPerms Prefixes under Styled Playerlist, because the standard method for playerlist updating fails, or you can simply use %afkplus:afk% to add formatting to existing names if you like. - Added a placeholder
so that you can get the time since someone went AFK, with configuration for a format prefix. - Added a placeholder
so that you can get the Time/Date when someone went AFK, with configuration for a format prefix. - Added a placeholder
so that you can port the Afk Reason for why someone went AFK, with configuration for a format prefix. - Added a placeholder
so that you can display the "Disable Damage" status for all users, similar to the "[AFK]" placeholder tag, but more or less an "add on". - There is a special configuration option 'prettyDuration' to configure the AFK Duration in a more human-readable format, instead of the default (HH:mm:ss.mss) format. Each method has its advantages though. (Styled Nicknames or Styled Chat comes to mind here)
- There are several mod / data pack conflict warnings for administrators to help them make better decisions on what mods they want to install.
- Added a "disableDamage" configuration to make AFK players immune to damage after a 15-second cool down. A new configurable server-wide message is now enforced by default when this occurs.
- Added a "disableDamageCooldown" configuration to allow Administrators to adjust the default "timer" that is applied after a player goes AFK. I highly recommend not setting this to '0', unless you don't think your players will abuse this privilege.
- Added a "whenDamageDisabled" configuration so that you can customize the message displayed when your players are marked as invulnerable.
- Added a "whenDamageEnabled" configuration so that you can customize the message displayed when your players are unmarked as invulnerable.
- Now also checks for if players are in Spectator Mode, and not only Creative for managing your AFK/Disable Damage status.
Adds several color nodes that players can use for AFK Reasons. See /afkex for a display example.brown, cyan, dark_brown, dark_pink, light_blue, light_brown, light_gray, light_pink, lime, magenta, purple, salmon,bluetiful, burnt_orange, canary, cool_mint, copper, powder_blue, royal_purple, shamrock, tickle_me_pink, ultramarine_blue
- Added a "bypassSleepCount" configuration so that you can allow players marked as Afk to bypass the Sleeping Requirements.
- Added a "bypassInsomnia" configuration so that you can allow players marked as Afk to block Phantom spawning.
- Added a "/noafk" command for players to stop themselves from being marked as Afk.
- Added a "displayDuration" configuration option so that you can enable/disable the "Gone for XX minutes, XX seconds" during whenReturn.
- Added additional handling to allow "afkTimeoutString" to be set to "", and passing the "defaultReason" as "" to have more of the "Original" AfkDisplay feel.
- Added a "AFK Kick" system to automatically kick players from the server who are AFK after a configured amount of time. It has several configuration options:
- (true/false) Enables the AFK Auto Kick manager.afkKickNonSurvival
- (true/false) Allows Kicking Creative / Spectator players.afkKickTimer
- The time beyondtimeoutSeconds
(Additive) when a player gets removed from the server, so iftimeoutSeconds
is 240, andafkKickTimer
is set to 3600, the actual time they get kicked is at 3840, or 64 minutes at the longest.afkKickSafePermissions
- (Permission 3) The default Permissions level that is marked "safe" from being automatically kicked. (Luck Perms: Note; that if a player has
(Luck Perms: afkplus.afkplus), they will also be marked as safe from being automatically kicked, but this new configuration allows you to configure these permissions separately.
- Note; that if a player has
- The message sent to Players that get kicked as the reason for their removal. (Adds the Duration whendisplayDuration
is enabled)whenKicked
- The message broadcast to the server when a player gets kicked for being AFK. (Adds the Duration whendisplayDuration
is enabled)- NOTES: This feature DOES NOT automatically kick Carpet Mod Bots, because the 'fake' players do not get ticked by the server.
- This feature DOES NOT work in Single Player/Open To Lan, and requires a Dedicated Server Environment to function properly.
Commands (Permissions via Luck Permissions or the afk_plus configurations)
- '/afkplus' with the AfkPlusCommandPermissions (Default: 4) setting the default restrictions. (Permission: afkplus.afkplus)
- Displays the Mod Version information.
- '/afkplus reload' command. (Permission: afkplus.afkplus.reload)
- This allows an Administrator to reload the configuration while the server is running.
'/afkplus ex' command. (Permission: afkplus.afkplus.ex)This displays a simple "formatting test" to show the user what basic text nodes are available to use, and this also allows them to use this for Copy/Paste by clicking on colors/formats.
- '/afkplus set [Player] [Reason]' command. (Permission: afkplus.afkplus.set)
- This allows any administrator to set the AFK status of a player, and this also removes their NoAFK status.
- '/afkplus clear [Player]' command. (Permission: afkplus.afkplus.clear)
- This allows any administrator to clear the AFK status of a player.
- '/afkplus damage enable [Player]' command. (Permission: afkplus.afkplus.damage.enable)
- This allows an Administrator to force-enable an AFK player's ability to be damaged as long as they are connected.
- '/afkplus damage disable [Player]' command. (Permission: afkplus.afkplus.damage.disable)
- This allows an Administrator to revert a player's ability to use "Disable Damage" after it was forcefully removed.
- '/afkplus info [Player]' command. (Permission:
- This allows any administrator to check the AFK status of a player, and display the time and duration since they went AFK.
- '/afkplus update [Player]' command. (Permission: afkplus.afkplus.update)
- This allows any administrator to force a player list update for a player.
- '/afkinfo [Player]' with the AfkInfoCommandPermissions (Default: 2) setting the default restrictions, (Permission: afkplus.afkinfo)
- Does the same thing as '/afkplus info [Player]', but can be used for Mods, or players, or however you like to configure it for people to see.
'/afkex' with the AfkExCommandPermissions (Default: 0) setting the default restrictions. (Permission: afkplus.afkex)This displays a simple "formatting test" to show the user what basic text nodes are available to use, and this also allows them to use this for Copy/Paste by clicking on colors/formats.
- '/afk [Reason]' with the AfkCommandPermissions (Default: 0) setting the default restrictions. (Permission: afkplus.afk)
- This allows any user to use a [Reason] along with setting their AFK status.
- [NEW] '/noafk' with the noAfkCommandPermissions (Default: 0) setting the default restrictions. (Permission: afkplus.noafk)
- This allows any user to set themselves in a state where they will not go Afk based on the configured timeout value.
- [NEW] 'afkKickSafePermissions' (Default: 3) sets the default permissions to mark an AFK player as safe from being kicked. (Permission:
Potential known conflicts (Make your choice)
- afk display Data pack (Vanilla Tweaks Data pack, changes the player list display) -- Mod checks for any "afk" containing data packs in the name.
- AfkDisplay -- because this is the mod that AfkPlus is based upon, and offers fewer features.
- AntiLogout (/afk command, timeout handling)
- Auto AFK (/afk command, timeout handling)
- Sessility (timeout handling)
- Playtime-Tracker (timeout handling)
- SvrUtil (/afk command, the rest is safe)
Example Configuration
The configuration is located in afkplus.json
inside your servers config folder.
"___comment": "AfkPlus-1.21.4-1.7.4-SNAPSHOT Config",
"config_date": "Fri, 3 Jan 2025 00:05:08 -0500",
"afk_plus": {
"_comment01": "# Allows you to disable the /afk command to mark yourself as AFK, with an optional [Reason] (Default: true)",
"enableAfkCommand": true,
"_comment02": "# Allows you to disable the /noafk command to mark yourself as NoAFK, which disables the timeout (Default: true)",
"enableNoAfkCommand": true,
"_comment03": "# Allows you to disable the /afkinfo command to allow players to see someone's AFK status (Time, Duration, Reason). (Default: true)",
"enableAfkInfoCommand": true,
"_comment04": "# The /afk default command permissions, configurable with Luck Perms (afkplus.afk) node (Default: 0)",
"afkCommandPermissions": 0,
"_comment05": "# The /noafk default command permissions, configurable with Luck Perms (afkplus.noafk) node (Default: 0)",
"noAfkCommandPermissions": 0,
"_comment06": "# The /afkinfo default command permissions, configurable with Luck Perms (afkplus.afkinfo) node (Usually for Mods) (Default: 2)",
"afkInfoCommandPermissions": 2,
"_comment07": "# The /afkplus default command permissions, configurable with Luck Perms (afkplus.afkplus with .subcommands) node (Default: 3)",
"afkPlusCommandPermissions": 3,
"_comment08": "# A Basic Cooldown configurable to help prevent people from spamming the /afk command (Default: 5 seconds)",
"afkCommandCooldown": 5,
"_comment09": "# A boolean toggle to enable / disable debug logger messages in the mod",
"debugMode": false
"packet": {
"_comment01": "# The time without actions after which a player is considered AFK. Set to -1 to disable automatic AFK detection. (Default: 240)",
"_comment02": "# --note; the Original AfkDisplay's default timeout was set to 180 seconds.",
"timeoutSeconds": 240,
"_comment03": "# Consider players that moved no longer AFK (enables easy bypass methods like AFK pools) (Default: false)",
"resetOnMovement": false,
"_comment04": "# Consider players which looked around no longer AFK (Default: false)",
"resetOnLook": false,
"_comment05": "# Consider players who are only swinging their sword as AFK (Default: false)",
"ignoreAttacks": false,
"_comment06": "# Makes it so that Afk players are not counted in the Sleep Percentage check (Default: true)",
"bypassSleepCount": true,
"_comment07": "# Makes it so that Afk Players block Phantom Spawning attempts. (Default: true)",
"bypassInsomnia": true,
"_comment08": "# The default \"timeout\" AFK reason (Default: \"<i><gray>timeout<r>\")",
"afkTimeoutString": "<i><gray>timeout<r>",
"_comment09": "# The default AFK timeout message for the \"ignoreAttacks\" detection",
"afkTimeoutIgnoreAttack": "<i><gray>only swinging their sword<r>"
"disable_damage": {
"_comment01": "# Disable damage after disableDamageCooldown seconds since a player went AFK (Default: false)",
"disableDamage": false,
"_comment02": "# Cooldown timer for enabling the \"DisableDamage\" feature. (Default: 15 seconds)",
"_comment03": "# - WARNING! Be advised that settings this too low can encourage poor player behavior.",
"disableDamageCooldown": 15,
"_comment04": "# The message content when an AFK player is marked as Invulnerable.",
"_comment06": "# (Default: \"%player:displayname% <yellow>is marked as <red>Invulnerable.<r>\")",
"whenDamageDisabled": "%player:displayname% <yellow>is marked as <red>Invulnerable.<r>",
"_comment08": "# The message content when an AFK player is no longer marked as Invulnerable.",
"_comment09": "# (Default: \"%player:displayname% <yellow>is no longer <red>Invulnerable.<r>\")",
"whenDamageEnabled": "%player:displayname% <yellow>is no longer <red>Invulnerable.<r>"
"afk_kick": {
"_comment01": "# Enables the AFK Auto-Kick system. (Default: false)",
"afkKickEnabled": false,
"_comment02": "# Allows Non-Survival players to be kicked (Creative, Spectator, etc) (Default: false)",
"afkKickNonSurvival": false,
"_comment03": "# The time after `timeoutSeconds` to automatically kick an AFK player (Default: 3600, aka. 1 hour)",
"_comment04": "# --note; that this value is \"Additive\" to the `timeoutSeconds` value, so the actual time will be 3840, aka. 64 minutes.",
"afkKickTimer": 3000,
"_comment05": "# Default permission level to mark players as \"safe\" from being automatically kicked, i.e., Server Admins (Default: 3)",
"afkKickSafePermissions": 3,
"_comment06": "# The Kick Reason message sent to players that are removed. Can be set to \"\" to get a basic \"AFK timeout\" reason.",
"_comment07": "# (Default: \"<copper>AFK beyond the allowed time limit set by your Administrator.<r>\")",
"_comment08": "# --note; that this message gets the AFK duration added to the end if `message.displayDuration` is set to true.",
"afkKickMessage": "<copper>AFK beyond the allowed time limit set by your Administrator.<r>",
"_comment09": "# The message content when an AFK player gets kicked from the server.",
"_comment10": "# (Default: \"%player:displayname% <copper>was kicked for being AFK.<r>\")",
"_comment11": "# --note; that this message gets the AFK duration added to the end if `message.displayDuration` is set to true.",
"whenKicked": "%player:displayname% <copper>was kicked for being AFK.<r>",
"_comment12": "# The default reason when a player is kicked",
"_comment13": "# (Default: \"<copper>AFK timeout\")",
"whenKickedDefaultReason": "<copper>AFK timeout",
"_comment14": "# The AFK default Duration Prefix used when a player is kicked. The duration format used follows the message.duration configuration.",
"_comment15": "# (Default: \" <gray>(Gone for: <green>\")",
"whenKickedDurationDefaultPrefix": " <gray>(Gone for: <green>",
"_comment16": "# The AFK Player Named Duration Prefix used when a player is kicked. The duration format used follows the message.duration configuration.",
"_comment17": "# (Default: \" <gray>(%player:displayname% was gone for: <green\")",
"whenKickedDurationNamedPrefix": " <gray>(%player:displayname% was gone for: <green>",
"_comment18": "# The suffix for either kick Duration Prefix",
"_comment19": "# (Default: \" <gray>)\"",
"whenKickedDurationSuffix": "<gray>)"
"player_list": {
"_comment01": "# Change the playerlist name for players who are AFK (Default: true)",
"_comment02": "# -- note; This is for when you're NOT using a player list display mods.",
"enableListDisplay": true,
"_comment03": "# The name that is shown in the player list if a player is AFK, and accepts formatting nodes",
"_comment04": "# (Default: \"<i><gray>[AFK%afkplus:invulnerable%] %player:displayname%<r>\")",
"_comment05": "# -- note; This function works best when not using Player List mods!*",
"afkPlayerName": "<i><gray>[AFK%afkplus:invulnerable%] %player:displayname%<r>",
"_comment06": "# This option sets a default Player List update interval. This config goes a long way fixing",
"_comment07": "# various Player list update issues; especially when other Player List management mods are installed.",
"_comment08": "# (Default: 10 seconds)",
"updateInterval": 10
"place_holder": {
"_comment01": "# This will be the value of the placeholder %afkplus: afk% if a player is AFK, option accepts full formatting nodes",
"_comment02": "# (Default: \"<i><gray>[AFK%afkplus:invulnerable%]<r>\")",
"_comment03": "# -- note; *DOES NOT* place an \"<r>\" at the end in the code (trying not to modify its default behavior)",
"afkPlaceholder": "<i><gray>[AFK%afkplus:invulnerable%]<r>",
"_comment04": "# Placeholder %afkplus:name% for backporting the entire %displayname% for use in other Mods, such as Styled Player List",
"_comment05": "# (Default: \"<i><gray>[AFK%afkplus:invulnerable%] %player:displayname_unformatted%<r>\")",
"_comment06": "# -- note; *DOES NOT* places an \"<r>\" at the end in the code (trying not to modify its default behavior)",
"afkPlusNamePlaceholderAfk": "<i><gray>[AFK%afkplus:invulnerable%] %player:displayname_unformatted%<r>",
"_comment07": "# Value for when a player is NOT AFK, (i.e., the default \"%player:displayname%\")",
"_comment08": "# -- note; *DOES NOT* places an \"<r>\" at the end in the code (trying not to modify its default behavior)",
"afkPlusNamePlaceholder": "%player:displayname%",
"_comment09": "# Adds a formatting prefix node for %afkplus:duration% (default: <green>)",
"_comment10": "# -- note; places an \"<r>\" at the end in the code, and this is used during /afkinfo",
"afkDurationPlaceholderFormatting": "<green>",
"_comment11": "# Adds a formatting prefix node for %afkplus: time% (default: <green>)",
"_comment12": "# -- note; places an \"<r>\" at the end in the code, and this is used during /afkinfo",
"afkTimePlaceholderFormatting": "<green>",
"_comment13": "# Adds a formatting prefix node for %afkplus: reason%, I'm not sure why someone might want this enabled, because",
"_comment14": "# formatting your [Reason] yourself is fun. (default: none)",
"_comment15": "# -- note; places an \"<r>\" at the end of the code, and this is used during /afkinfo",
"afkReasonPlaceholderFormatting": "",
"_comment16": "# Adds an option to configure a basic \"Add-On\" placeholder for attaching to the \"[AFK]\" tag to mark when a player is",
"_comment17": "# marked as Invulnerable using %afkplus: invulnerable% (Default: \":<red>I<r>\")",
"afkInvulnerablePlaceholder": ":<red>I<r>",
"_comment18": "# Adds an option for using custom formatters for the output of the %duration% placeholder. The valid options are:",
"_comment19": "# -- 'REGULAR' (HH:mm:ss.SSS) (Default: REGULAR)",
"_comment20": "# -- 'PRETTY' (d' days 'H' hours 'm' minutes 's' seconds')",
"_comment21": "# -- 'ISO_EXTENDED' ('P'yyyy'Y'M'M'd'DT'H'H'm'M's.SSS'S')",
"_comment22": "# -- 'FORMATTED'; Same as ISO_EXTENDED, but this option allows you to set your own custom DurationFormatUtils Formatter,",
"_comment23": "# --> SEE: \"org.apache.commons.lang3.time.DurationFormatUtils;\" for more information",
"duration": {
"option": "REGULAR",
"customFormat": ""
"_comment24": "# Adds an option for using custom formatters for the output of the %afkTime% placeholder. The valid options are:",
"_comment25": "# -- 'REGULAR' (; which is the same format that Minecraft uses and is the Default config. (Default: REGULAR)",
"_comment26": "# -- 'ISO_LOCAL' (yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.n)",
"_comment27": "# -- 'ISO_OFFSET' (yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.nZ)",
"_comment28": "# -- 'RFC1123' (EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss +HHMM)",
"_comment29": "# -- 'FORMATTED'; (; This is the same as 'REGULAR', but this option allows you to set your own custom",
"_comment30": "# formatters based on the \"java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter\" formatter syntax; see that package for more information.",
"timeDate": {
"option": "REGULAR",
"customFormat": ""
"message": {
"_comment01": "# Enables chat messages when a player goes AFk or returns. (Default: true)",
"enableMessages": true,
"_comment02": "# The message content when a player goes AFK, and accepts formatting nodes",
"_comment03": "# (Default: \"%player:displayname% <yellow>is now AFK<r>\")",
"whenAfk": "%player:displayname% <yellow>is now AFK<r>",
"_comment04": "# An optional configuration for the \"whenAfk\" punctuation in between that, and the Duration / Reason that follows.",
"_comment05": "# (Default: \"<yellow>,<r> \")",
"whenAfkPunctuation": "<yellow>,<r> ",
"_comment06": "# The messages content when a player returns from AFK, and accepts formatting nodes.",
"_comment07": "# (Default: \"%player:displayname% <yellow>is no longer AFK<r>\")",
"_comment08": "# --note; that this message gets the AFK duration added to the end if `displayDuration` is set to true.",
"whenReturn": "%player:displayname% <yellow>is no longer AFK<r>",
"_comment09": "# The prefix formatting for the \"whenReturn\" duration formatting portion.",
"_comment10": "# (Default: \" <gray>(Gone for: <green>\")",
"whenReturnDurationPrefix": " <gray>(Gone for: <green>",
"_comment11": "# The suffix formatting for the \"whenReturn\" duration formatting portion.",
"_comment12": "# (Default: \"<gray>)\")",
"whenReturnDurationSuffix": "<gray>)",
"_comment13": "# Default reason for going AFK via the /afk command. Leave in a poof of smoke without having to give a reason.",
"_comment14": "# (Default: \"<gray>poof!<r>\")",
"_comment15": "# --note; \"\" is a valid setting, and will disable the default /afk reason.",
"defaultReason": "<gray>poof!<r>",
"_comment16": "# A configurable greeting when players repeatedly type '/afk' and expect a broken result.",
"_comment17": "# (Default: \"<yellow>Welcome back, <r>%player:display_name%<r>, <yellow>did you miss anything fun?\")",
"afkCooldownGreeting": "<yellow>Welcome back, <r>%player:display_name%<r>, <yellow>did you miss anything fun?",
"_comment18": "# An general error condition sent when a player is marked as Vanished by \"melius-vanish\" maintained by DrexHD",
"_comment19": "# (Default: \"<red>You are vanished, and probably shouldn't be doing that.<r>\")",
"whileYourVanished": "<red>You are vanished, and probably shouldn't be doing that.<r>",
"_comment20": "# An general error condition in the third person sent when a player is marked as Vanished by \"melius-vanish\" maintained by DrexHD",
"_comment21": "# (Default: \"<red> is vanished, and probably shouldn't be doing that.<r>\")",
"whileVanished": "<red> is vanished, and probably shouldn't be doing that.<r>",
"_comment22": "# This enables the duration display portion of the whenReturn message. See the \"duration\" configuration below.",
"_comment23": "# (Default: true)",
"displayDuration": true,
"_comment24": "# Re-Formats the \"duration\" in chat messages and /afkinfo and 'whenReturn', etc; to a more human-readable format.",
"_comment25": "# -- 'REGULAR' (HH:mm:ss.SSS)",
"_comment26": "# -- 'PRETTY' (d' days 'H' hours 'm' minutes 's' seconds') (Default: PRETTY)",
"_comment27": "# -- 'ISO_EXTENDED' ('P'yyyy'Y'M'M'd'DT'H'H'm'M's.SSS'S')",
"_comment28": "# -- 'FORMATTED'; Same as ISO_EXTENDED, but this option allows you to set your own custom DurationFormatUtils Formatter,",
"_comment29": "# --> SEE: \"org.apache.commons.lang3.time.DurationFormatUtils;\" for more information",
"duration": {
"option": "PRETTY",
"customFormat": ""
"_comment30": "# Adds an option for using custom formatters for the output of the /afkinfo command. The valid options are:",
"_comment31": "# -- 'REGULAR' (; which is the same format that Minecraft uses and is the Default config. (Default: REGULAR)",
"_comment32": "# -- 'ISO_LOCAL' (yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.n)",
"_comment33": "# -- 'ISO_OFFSET' (yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.nZ)",
"_comment34": "# -- 'RFC1123' (EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss +HHMM)",
"_comment35": "# -- 'FORMATTED'; (; This is the same as 'REGULAR', but this option allows you to set your own custom",
"_comment36": "# formatters based on the \"java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter\" formatter syntax; see that package for more information.",
"timeDate": {
"option": "REGULAR",
"customFormat": ""