on Nov 19, 20221.11.4
on Nov 19, 2022Fixed like a million bugs Updated botarium
This is a beta! Please report any issues.
- Ad Astra! is now multiplatform! Fabric and Forge versions are now available to download.
- Now requires Resourcefullib.
- Now requires Botarium (it's included in the jar for now but will be required when it's out on Curse).
- Now licensed under the Terrarium License. https://gist.github.com/CodexAdrian/4bb2a1868bb2d2a91ca74ea40424e69d
- All assets are now 100% owned by us. We've replaced the last few assets from the original mod with our own.
- Added JEI support. All three major item viewers are now supported.
- Ported @ThatGravyBoat's 1.18.2 changes (Images on flags, various fixes)
- 1.18.2 Will no longer be supported, except for critical bug fixes.
- If you're updating from a previous 1.19.2 version, please return to earth and clear any rocket and rover inventories before updating. All stored data, such as oxygen, inventories, energy and fluids, will reset.
- Flags can now display any Imgur image. Simply right-click and paste the image URL.
- Fixed some vulnerabilities with packets. (You could spawn space stations and change planets freely on hacked clients).
- Fixed sliding doors playing painfully loud due to a messed up audio file.
- Fixed weird launch pad rendering.
Ad Astra 1.0.2 for 1.18.2 and 1.19.2
Ad Astra! is now available for 1.19.2! Both 1.18.2 and 1.19.2 will be supported and receive the same updates
- Space suit refactor with new models and textures, and the ability to dye them, like leather armour
- Updated tons of item textures, replacing many old assets from the original mod
- New launchpad, which is one large block instead of 9 small ones
- Flags refactor, with new models and textures
- Added Aeronos and Strophar moon mushrooms (Only available in creative at the moment. The biome will be added soon)
- Added new glowing pillar blocks
- Increased Space station material requirements
- Improved space station spawning, which might fix a crash
- Fixed the planet selection screen rotation speed being dependent on framerate
- Addition fluids in the "fuels" tag can now be used as rocket and rover fuel. This is useful if you have a modpack and want to add more fuels, perhaps from other mods
- Fixed many unnecessary warnings in the log caused by weird models and recipes
- Added guidebook Korean translations (Macaroni)
- Fixed deepslate ore not spawning on Glacio
- Fixed some recipes using plate items in their recipe instead of plate tags
Only on 1.19
- New worldgen. It's similar to the 1.18 worldgen, with some minor changes
- The mercury surface is now made of mercury stone instead of basalt
- Renamed the ids of many items, such as "iron_stick" -> "iron_rod", "compressed_steel" -> "steel_plate" | 1.18 will have the new names, however, the ids will remain the same.
Also, if you are updating on 1.18, any launchpads in your world will be removed.
- Changed the Licence from LGPL to MIT
- Massive optimizations to the oxygen system and gravity system
- Fixed oxygen distributors loading chunks every few seconds, killing performance
- Added sliding doors, airlocks and reinforced doors.
- Added cables and fluid pipes
- Added Korean translations
- If the lander detects that it's falling into the void, it will now teleport to the nearest chunk with a block in it. This is useful for addons or modpacks that add end-style generation planets or floating islands.
- Added a wrench to configure pipes
- Added space cave sounds
- Added wind to planets with an atmosphere
- Added a permafrost bricks set
- Added a Glacian wood set
- Added the Glacian Ram and Glacian fur
- Solar panels now generate energy depending on the distance from the sun
- Added a steel trapdoor
- Fixed being able to place water in the nether
- Fixed falling into the earth orbit teleporting the player to the moon instead of the overworld
- Fixed being able to survive in space with one piece of leather armour
- Added the tags "freeze_resistant," heat_resistant," and "oxygenated_armor."
- Made solar panel energy values configurable in a planet datapack
- Fixed the planet selection screen orbit circles going offscreen in high gui scales
- Fixed the planet selection screen orbit planets and galaxy not moving on servers
- Fixed flags only breaking one part when bombed by TNT