Minecraft: Java Edition
Supported environments
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This addon adds new fakemon from the Alatia Region! (Plus some guest stars)
How to set custom starters set
- Extract from the .zip file the "starter screen" folder, inside it there are two files: main.json and starters.json
- Move your files in ".minecraft\config\cobblemon" (there's already a main.json, replace it with the new one)
- Enjoy it!
- If you are using this addon with other ones with different starter set, you have to manually edit starters.json
- If you are using multiple addons, some evolution could be unavailable due to config conflict
There's a document where you can find every information you need HERE
Pokemon introduced so far:
Version 1.0 (Cobblemon 1.3.2)
- Pumett - the grass starter - Grass/Normal
- Volparin - Grass/Normal
- Jourenard - Grass/Fairy
- Flamble - the fire starter - Fire
- Sleeblaze - Fire/Psychic
- Ferndred - Fire/Psychic
- Dolwashi - the water starter - Water
- Walphin - Water
- Zorocean - Water/Steel
Version 1.1.0 - 1.1.6 (Cobblemon 1.3.2-1.4.0)
- Sounoir - Flying/Sound
- Sonayre - Flying/Sound
- Ballearia - Flying/Sound
- Hissilly - Poison/Water
- Hissicobra - Poison/Water
- Coracondra - Poison/Water
- Silwaddle - Bug/Dark
- Silkloon - Bug/Dark
- Weavanny - Bug/Dark
Version 1.2.0 (Cobblemon 1.4.0)
- Katmir - Ground/Normal
- Meerogue - Ground/Normal
- Surisham - Ground/Psychic
- Alatian Shinx - Ground/Light
- Alatian Luxio - Ground/Light
- Alatian Luxray - Ground/Light
- Alatian Yamask - Ghost/Rock
- Ampularigus - Ghost/Rock
- Drillorm - Ground/Steel
- Worvator - Ground/Steel
Version 1.3.0 - 1.3.1 (Cobblemon 1.4.0)
- Alatian Glameow - Normal/Fairy
- Purlady - Fairy/Fire
- Alatian Sableye - Dark/Steel
- Ferrosleyer - Dark/Steel
- Sympheon - Sound
- Prismeon - Light
- Glideon - Flying
- Blitzumi - Electric/Psychic
- Rockarin - Rock/Sound
- Berrock - Rock/Sound
Version 1.4.0 (Cobblemon 1.4.1)
- Ebery - Grass/Dragon
- Nagarel - Grass/Dragon
- Spinaga - Grass/Dragon
- Boomka - Fire/Sound
- Burstile - Fire/Sound
- Nitragon - Fire/Sound
- Tinchoir - Water
- Chortoise - Water
- Turalyzer - Water/Electric
- Bibishock - Electric
- Tikishock - Electric/Fighting
- Ursashock - Electric/Fighting
Version 1.4.5 (Cobblemon 1.4.1)
- Boxrin - the Aster Region grass starter - Grass
- Rinstomp - Grass/Fighting
- Gladiathorn - Grass/Fighting
- Frinx - Ice
- Avalinx - Ice
- Iron Stalker - Dragon/Ghost
Version 1.5.0 - 1.5.3 (Cobblemon 1.4.1-1.5.0)
- Bulbee - Bug/Light
- Glownet - Bug/Light
- Beaquin - Bug/Light
- Tequibat - Fairy/Flying
- Chiroquila - Fairy/Flying
- Snoddle - Bug/Ice
- Icicranid - Bug/Ice
- Froxic - Ice/Poison
- Permafrox - Ice/Poison
Version 1.6.0 - 1.6.1 (Cobblemon 1.5.0-1.5.2)
- Forgipup - Ghost
- Revendier - Ghost
- Stouthound - Ghost/Normal
- Alatian Litwick - Ghost/Light
- Alatian Lampent - Ghost/Light
- Alatian Chandelure - Ghost/Light
- Alatian Klink - Grass
- Alatian Klang - Grass/Flying
- Klinkopter - Grass/Flying
- Ambling - Rock/Bug
- Buzzlex - Rock/Bug
- Scorchin - the Aster Region fire starter - Fire
- Blabully - Fire/Dark
- Diablaze - Fire/Dark
- Torraoka - Earth Elemental Legendary - Ground/Sound
- Griferis - Air Elemental Legendary - Flying/Steel
- Pyrong - Fire Elemental Legendary - Fire/Electric
- Tridion - Water Elemental Legendary - Water/Poison
Version 1.6.5 (Cobblemon 1.5.2)
- Droppel - the Aster Region Water starter - Water
- Dromist - Water/Psychic
- Domijinn - Water/Psychic
Version 1.7.0-1.8.1 (Cobblemon 1.5.2-1.6.1)
- Dralyura - Bug
- Drakoon - Bug/Steel
- Drakoceros - Pseudo-legendary - Bug/Dragon
- Griffick - Flying/Light
- Griphoon - Flying/Light
- Hyrealis - Pseudo-legendary - Flying/Light
Common Q&A:
If you need more help you can find me in the official Cobblemon Discord Server.
Q : The world won't start with the addon, what's wrong? A : Make sure you also downloaded Gravel's Extended Battles, it's necessary since is used to add custom types
Q : I have issue with the addon, I'm using -insert modpack name-. A : I'm sorry but I can't help you for issue connected to a modpack, I don't have enough time to check if my addon works with every modpack out there.
Q : I need some information about a pokemon, can you help me? A :HERE you can find every information you need
Q : I would like to add this addon in a modpack, can I add to it? A : Sure, well I would also like to know which modpacks have my addon in (sometimes I play minecraft too, so...)
Q : Hi, I'm an admin of -insert server name-, we would like to add your addon in -insert some method to earn money from players- A : Uh uh, you want to use a free addon to earn from. If you want to add it then PAY ME (To be clear: I don't earn a single penny from this addon and no one is allowed to use this addon in public server without my permission).
- Every fakemon from the Alatia Region is designed by Doctor_X_Art (me)
- Aster Region starters by Poke.Nova
- Frinx and Avalinx from the Impetia Region by Cioxmon
- Iron Stalker is designed by Nengland and Aleskiin
- Every cry sound is made by me, Ganbare-Lucifer and FloppaTyann
Cobblemon Alatia's Fakemon Pack © 2024 by Giuseppe D'Antonio (Doctor X) is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0