Horde Nights v1.2.3
- Lay groundwork for a future update.
- Add a community suggested item to celebrate 100k Downloads
- Added the "Horde Fishing Rod"
- This item comes equipped with powerful enchantments, attack modifiers, and the ability to catch the elusive "Golden Salmon" from Mo-Fish(unreleased)
- Super & Festive versions are more powerful than the Bloody version.
- Added the "Horde Fishing Rod"
- Added extra xp rewards to killing horde mobs. Adds one level per difficulty increase, and adds one level during super moons.
- The amount of EXP each level gives is dependant on the mob.
- When lunar events are active, mobs now have custom loot tables which reference the vanilla loot tables.
- All mobs except the modded creepers & Zombie Villagers have been added.
- Zombie Villagers will be added when they get their own content in a future update!
- All mobs except the modded creepers & Zombie Villagers have been added.
- Added custom Enchantment
- Horde Sharpness - Deals extra damage to any members of the horde during Lunar Events.
- Can be combined with sharp/smite/boa
- Only dropped from Horde Mobs(during blood/super moons) or Random Loot Chests(maybe, assuming the bug still exists where we can't disable this)
- Horde Sharpness - Deals extra damage to any members of the horde during Lunar Events.
- Lunar Event Messages:
- All messages have changed.
- They are now more direct by default.
- If you prefer the old vaugeness, you can change the setting in the config.
- The messages have changed to be slightly smaller and even a little more direct than before.
- Config Changes
- Pity Phantom Spawning is now configurable from Gameplay Pg2
- Lunar Event Messages are configured on Visuals Pg1
- Nerfed Phantom Spawning
- Fix Super Moons using blood moon attributes on recruited mobs.
- Fix a bug from a few updates ago persisting in 1.21.2+
- Fix #7 - Members of The Horde do not get their Health Increase properly
- Fix Creeper Overhaul Mobs not working right during a super moon
- Fix many mob particle effects(i swear somehow they were still working in testing, but they shouldn't have been...)
- Fix old bugged code remaining in 1.21.4 blood moons
Datapack Conventions Compliance
This pack complies with the following Datapack Conventions:
Horde Nights v1.0.11
- Nerf Phantom Spawning
- Updated dependency support for RRC Resources
- Fix adult zombies not getting the proper statistic upgrades
- Fix #7 - Members of The Horde do not get their Health Increase properly
Datapack Conventions Compliance
This pack complies with the following Datapack Conventions:
Horde Nights v1.2.2a
- #6 Sleeping always triggeres advanvement & teleport.
Datapack Conventions Compliance
This pack complies with the following Datapack Conventions:
Horde Nights v1.0.10a
- #6 Sleeping always triggeres advanvement & teleport.
Datapack Conventions Compliance
This pack complies with the following Datapack Conventions:
Horde Nights v1.2.2
- Init v8
- Give zombified piglins their own gifting loot table during a festive moon.
- Contains, but not limited to:
- Golden Apples
- Enchanted Golden Apples
- "Charm of Greed" - a new custom item that drops gold on the ground around you every so often
- Contains, but not limited to:
- Advancement Changes:
- Split "Bloody Hunder" into two different advancements:
- "Blood Hunt" - Kill a member of The Horde during a Blood Moon.
- "Super Hunt" - Kill a member of The Horde during a Super Moon.
- "Anti-Christ" - Kill a member of The Horde during a Festive Moon.(already exists)
- Fixes, Arangements, & Minor Changes.
- Split "Bloody Hunder" into two different advancements:
- Replaced the system to prevent sleeping during a lunar event
- Now you will take a tick of damage when you try to sleep during negative lunar events.
- This replaces using minecraft's gamerule, eliminating jank and increasing compatability with other mods/packs.
- Updated the "uninstall" function to use the improved format introduced in Mo-Variants 7.7.0 Beta 5
- There are now three uninstall options for Horde Nights:
- Everything BUT the Statistics - This option is useful for re-installs & updates that may cause issues. Statistic data will be kept intact.
- Just Horde Nights(normal) - The default functionality of the uninstall function, same as previous.
- Everything related to Horde Nights - This option removes data that is shared between multiple RRC packs, not just horde nights. Running this option with multiple RRC packs active may cause issues.
- There are now three uninstall options for Horde Nights:
- Updated every item's "custom data" format to a non-depricated standard
- This means old items will no longer work, but can still be crafted like normal diamonds.
- Fix any code relating to checking if a creeper is charged or not.
- Fix Second Looping code not working(ritual)
- Fix ritual advancement using the injured effects ident texture
Known Issues
- Updating from v1.2.1 or lower DURING a horde nights will break sleeping forever. Please Use:
/gamerule PlayerSleepingPercentage 100
- In future you will only need to use the "re-install/update" option for uninstalling the pack, but it won't work with v1.2.1
Datapack Conventions Compliance
This pack complies with the following Datapack Conventions:
Horde Nights v1.0.10
- Replaced the system to prevent sleeping during a lunar event
- Now you will take a tick of damage when you try to sleep during negative lunar events.
- This replaces using minecraft's gamerule, eliminating jank and increasing compatability with other mods/packs.
- Fix any code relating to checking if a creeper is charged or not.
Known Issues
- Updating from v1.0.9 or lower DURING a horde nights will break sleeping forever. Please Use:
/gamerule PlayerSleepingPercentage 100
- In future you will only need to use the "re-install/update" option for uninstalling the pack, but it won't work with v1.2.1 or below.
Datapack Conventions Compliance
This pack complies with the following Datapack Conventions:
Horde Nights v1.2.1 - Festive Follow Up
- Update Identifier advancements to fix CMD value too big [1.21-1.21.3]
- Festive Moon Changes:
- Spiders now have their own gifting pool
- Don't mind the rest of the console errors, they are there to remind me to keep working on it!
- Spiders now have their own gifting pool
Datapack Conventions Compliance
This pack complies with the following Datapack Conventions:
Horde Nights v1.2.0 - A Festive Drop & Super Slow
- Update to support 1.21.4, The Garden Awakens.
- The Resource Pack IS NOW UPDATED!!
- Added Festive Moons
- Added the typical three advancements, surviving & Super challenge surviuval, plus a secret one.
- Festive moons are different, Hostile mobs are a lot less... Hostile.
- The core mechanic of this lunar event will be improved upon, don't worry. I plan to work improvements into any minor updates over the next year!
- The reason for this is we have a lot of work to do with the optional resource pack, and would like to focus on what already exists first.
- Integration with TimeLib to enable this automatically during winter.
- Integration only supports 1.21-1.21.1 at the time of writing, due to TimeLib having issues.
- 1.21.2-1.21.3 requires a single world relog for things to work properly as of TimeLib v1.2.1
- 1.21.4+ is completely unsupported.
- Init v7
- Config 2.0 Pt2
Config on Horde Nights kinda got left in the dust for most of 1.0.0-1.1.0, but with most of the major content done, it is time for it to catch up. This will be done in multiple parts, as to not overload ourselves.
- Add Visuals Pg1 - Lunar Event Indicators
- Add Advanced Pg1 - TimeLib Integration
- General Improvements
- Settings managed by an integration will now say so, as well as being "locked" while the integration is managing them.
- Slight Design Improvements to Gameplay Pg1.
- Add tick delay to allow updates before config is re-displayed in appropriate cases
- Super Moons Changes:
- Nights with a Super Moon will now last 2x longer.
- It now only takes 1 minute 30 seconds to become a coward during a super moon.
- Some particles are now forced, setting a minimum.
- Particle visual config will be coming soon providing more cusomization!
- Stat advancements now have titles to indicate which advancement is bugged should it ever happen again.
- #4 - Sleeping Percentage Overridden by pack.
- Unreported - Fix config saying to configure the "Blood Moon" interval, when in fact you are configuring the "Natural Lunar Event" Interval.
- Unreported - Fix an incorrect scoreboard blocking anything other than a Blood Moon.
- #5 - Fix "Pet" mobs collected the day leading up to a lunar event getting transformed into a Horde Mob.
- Unreported - Fix a math error that wouldn't have affected only two event types.
- Unreported - Fix all stats & gameplay attached to them not working.
- Unreported - Fix creeper statistic achievement not working due to a typo.
- Unreported - Fix RRC advancement with wrong color title.
Datapack Conventions Compliance
This pack complies with the following Datapack Conventions:
Horde Nights v1.1.4 - Config Patch
Experimental Features
Experimental Features DO NOT:
- Receive support
- Guarantee support for Integrations
- Guarantee proper function
- Update with experimental support for 24w45a
- Config 2.0 Pt1
Config on Horde Nights kinda got left in the dust for most of 1.0.0-1.1.0, but with most of the major content done, it is time for it to catch up. This will be done in multiple parts, as to not overload ourselves.
- Add Advanced Section to Main Config Menu(coming soon)
- Overhaul Gameplay Config Pg1
- You can now intentionally disable all gameplay features.
- As a side note to this, second looping gameplay is now disabled when you uninstall.
- You now have the ability to toggle natural Lunar Events.
- You now have the ability to separately toggle each Lunar Event Type.
- You can now intentionally disable all gameplay features.
- Init V6
- Overhaul the way Lunar Events are chosen to support more types coming in our future Game Drops.
- The system is now weight based.
- Unless all other lunar events are disabled, no lunar event can be guarenteed. This includes super moons, as there is now always at least 10 weight towards Blood Moons.
- Lay groundwork for future updates, such as this year's Festive Drop.
- Overhaul the way Lunar Events are chosen to support more types coming in our future Game Drops.
- #3 - FIXED - Recursion error caused by error correction spamming startup effects, also auto fixes after 1 MC day.
Datapack Conventions Compliance
This pack complies with the following Datapack Conventions: