- Updated for 1.21.5 Pre-Release 2 use.
- Updated “Bonfire Night” with new flammable blocks.
- Added Brown and Blue Eggs to “Target Practise”.
- Wildflowers and Cactus Flowers can now trigger “Florist” (note that in vanilla Wandering Traders never trade these items, but it will work from custom Wandering Traders).
- Added “I yearned for the mines” to the bacap_timers trigger.
- Updated for 25w10a use.
- Added Wildflowers and Cactus Flowers to “For you, my sweet” and “Flower Power”.
- Added Wildflowers, Bushes, Firefly Bushes, Tall Dry Grass to “Combine Harvester”. (note: both Tall and Short Dry Grass can be bone-mealed, but because Short Dry Grass immediately turns into its taller variant and the advancement checks the block after the use, it has to count as one)
- Added Leaf Litter, Wildflowers, Bushes, Firefly Bushes, Cactus Flowers, Short and Tall Dry Grass to “What’s new with composting?”
- Added Cactus Flowers to “Basketblock Championship”.
- Short and Tall Dry Grass can now trigger “Foliage”.
- Brown and Blue Eggs can now trigger “Which came first?”.
- Added all of the new blocks and items to “All the Blocks!”, “All the Items!”, “Stack all the Blocks!” and “Stack all the Items!”
- Moved the lodestone-related advancements to come after “The way to spawn” in the Mining tab.
- Updated the description of “Get a Lode Of This!” to now mention ‘Iron Ingot’ instead of ‘Netherite Ingot’.
- Increased the distance checked for “Family Reunion” and “Bone-to-party” from 5 blocks to 10.
- You now cannot be wearing any leather armour while getting the “Captain America” advancement.
- Fixed a bug where the llama_sit predicate (used in resetting the progress of “Llama Festival”) didn’t include Trader Llamas.
- Reverted the change made to “Silent But Deadly” in an earlier update since it is once again possible to sprint and sneak at the same time. Its description has also been reverted to what it once was.
- Fixed the description of “I’ve got a bad feeling about this…” not being updated in its msg file.
- Make it so “WHERE’S THE HONEY LEBOWSKI” requires 100 “score” instead of 200 since they fixed the bug where drinking honey increments it by 2 instead of 1.
- Updated the Documentation and Advancement Info links in the Help section of the config menu.
- Added function tags to the trigger functions “timers_trigger” and “statistics_trigger” – #bacap_fanpacks:timers_trigger and #bacap_fanpacks:statistics_trigger respectively.
- Added Moss Block to “Combine Harvester”.
- Added Pale Moss Block, Open Eyeblossom and Closed Eyeblossom to “Basketblock Championship”.
- Added Open and Closed Eyeblossoms as possible items that can trigger “Florist”.
- Fixed obtaining the “Pale Gardener” advancement not triggering its component in “Building Milestone” and “Advancement Legend”.
- “Unending Hell” will now not trigger if the player’s bac_undending_death score is at least 1. That is, it is now more effective at not triggering if the player dies in the End and respawns in the Nether.
- Updated the description of “I’ve got a bad feeling about this” to “Kill a raid captain. I’d warn against drinking that bottle they dropped…”
- Added the new trophies added in BACAP 1.18 to the grant_trophies function.
- Added a function tag to the grant_trophies function (#bacap_fanpacks:config/grant_trophies).
- Fixed all the cheater advancements’ reward function files pointing to the same function tag (#bacap_fanpacks:technical/big_cheater).
- Added the following advancements: “Eyeball Forest”, “Heart Breaker”, “Pale in Comparison”, “Resinance”, “Fake Copper”, “Pale Gardener”, “Flamboyant Range”, “Light Show”, “I yearned for the mines”.
- Added trophies for the following advancements: “I yearned for the mines”, “Vault Hunter”, “Warden Extinction”, “sus”.
- Added the Pale Garden biome to “Overgrown!”, “Adventuring Time”, “Travelling Bard” and “Explorer of Worlds”.
- Added Pale Oak Logs to “Getting Wood”, “A Good Start”, “Yay, I got my wood!” and “Master Logger”.
- Added Pale Oak Wood “Barking Mad”.
- Added Stripped Pale Oak Wood to “Lost its Bark” and “Stripper”.
- Added Pale Oak and Resin Brick Slabs and Stairs to “Slabs For Days” and “Ah, my old enemy…” respectively.
- Added Resin Brick Walls to “Crazy Walls”.
- Added Pale Oak Pressure Plates to “Under Pressure”.
- Added every new flammable block to “Bonfire Night”.
- Fixed the Big Dripleaf component of “Bonfire Night” not triggering if you light its stem on fire.
- Added Pale Oak Saplings to “Care for the environment” and “Ecologist”.
- Added Pale Oak Saplings and both kinds of Eyeblossoms to “Harry Potter”.
- Added Pale Moss, Pale Moss Carpet, Pale Hanging Moss, Pale Oak Saplings to “Combine Harvester”.
- Removed the various “ch_” block tags used in “Combine Harvester”, instead just simply specifying the multiple blocks within the advancement itself now.
- Added Closed and Open Eyeblossoms, Pale Moss, Pale Moss Carpet, Pale Hanging Moss, Pale Oak Saplings and Pale Oak Leaves to “What’s new with composting?”.
- Added Closed and Open Eyeblossoms to “For you, my sweet” and “Flower Power”.
- Added the Nausea effect to “I’m gonna be sick!” (crafted using Closed Eyeblossoms) and updated the duration times since they were changed in 24w45a.
- Added every new block and item to “All the Blocks!”, “All the Items!”, “Stack all the Blocks!” and “Stack all the Items!”.
- Obtaining a stack of Netherite Upgrades will now trigger the Smithing Template component of “Stack all the Items!” – previously, doing this had no effect on the advancement.
- Added the Creaking to “Monster Hunter”, “Monsters Hunted”, “Night Runner”, “Master Shieldsman”, “Indiana Jones”, “Telescopic”, “Death From All.” -- The Creaking was not added to “Potion Master” or “Biological Warfare” since it cannot be damaged by potions, not to “Highway to Hell” or “Endergeddon” since the Creaking won’t spawn in those dimensions and can’t go through portals, and not to “Demolitions Expert” or “Monstrous Sacrifices” since Creaking deaths from TNT or near a Sculk Catalyst do not trigger the advancement.
- Added Resin (the armor trim material) to “Coordinated Flair” and “Chromatic Armory”.
- Fixed “Whack a Mole” not triggering as of Minecraft 1.21.2.
- The fourth line of “Riddle Me This” has been replaced with a brand new task due to becoming impossible as of Minecraft 1.21.2 (and being unintuitive in general). The third line was also tweaked in order to fit a new rhyme.
- “Sniper Duel” no longer works with a Trident, only Arrows and Spectral Arrows.
- You no longer have to sprint in order to trigger “Silent But Deadly”. Updated its description to reflect this.
- Renamed “Iskallium Collector” to “Oh no guys I’m o o z i n g”.
- Renamed the root of the BACAP tab from “BlazeandCave’s Advancements” to “BlazeandCave’s Advancements Pack”.
- Changed tk304’s name in the BACAP tab root to 2673Tom.
- Changed Wolfguy2005’s colour in the BACAP tab root to #6d6d6d.
- “Fractal” now comes after “Flamboyant Range”.
- “Cherry Bomb” now comes after “Pale Gardener”.
- “Fake Fortress” now comes after “Fake Stronghold”.
- “No Chain, No Gain” now comes after “Fake Fortress”.
- “Greek Art Decor” now comes after “Blackstonehenge”.
- “Fake Monument” now comes after “Deepslate Conspiracy”.
- “Pretty in Pink” is no longer a goal advancement.
- The internal code of “This name sounds cooler” now uses “\” instead of ‘“.
- Updated the rewards of “Getting Wood”, “A Good Start” and “Care for the environment” with Pale Oak Logs/Saplings.
- Added an item reward to “Pottery Exhibition” that consists of a Brown Bundle that contains 1 of every Pottery Sherd.
- Fixed the item reward text of the advancements that reward Turtle Scutes saying “item.minecraft.scute”.
- Fixed the item reward text of “Time to Upgrade!” saying “upgrade.minecraft.netherite_upgrade Smithing Template”.
- Fixed the trophy of “Death From All” not having an enchantment glint.
- Fixed the trophies of “65 Hours of Walking” and “Giga XP Grinder” not having their advancement names listed in a light pink colour.
- The reward function called by the first cheater advancement (big_cheater) is now big_cheater instead of cheater1.
- Fixed the update_score function not counting “Humble Bundle” or “Fractal”.
- Fixed some issues where the maxCommandForkCount and maxCommandChainLength gamerules wouldn’t get set across all dimensions if using a paper server.
- The internal bc_rewards folder has been renamed to bacap_rewards, so all function files contained here now use that namespace.
- Added the bacap_fanpacks function tags folder. Functions can be added to these function tags in fan-made add-on datapacks to allow vanilla BACAP functions to do additional things without having to change vanilla BACAP functions in those fan-made datapacks. -- A new function tag is called whenever running the global_install function: /function #bacap_fanpacks:install -- A new function tag is called whenever running the start_timers function: /function #bacap_fanpacks:timers -- New function tags are called whenever running the update_score function and all coop_update functions. Ideal if adding new advancements. /function #bacap_fanpacks:update_score /function #bacap_fanpacks:config/coop_update /function #bacap_fanpacks:config/coop_update_team_<color> -- New function tags are called at the end of every advancement reward function (eg #bc_fanpacks:adventure/a_chiptune_relic). Note that due to the sheer amount of tags in this category, empty function tags have not been created for these, but their folders have been set out.
Special thanks to FixingGlobe and Ktano2o6o8 for some help with updating.
- Updated for 1.21.2 use.
- The “Humble Bundle” and “Fractal” advancements are no longer hidden. They now count towards the advancements scoreboard and are required for milestones.
- “Humble Bundle” now works with all 16 colours of Bundles.
- Changed the description of “Humble Bundle” as Bundles are now crafted using Leather instead of Rabbit Hide.
- “Humble Bundle” and “Fractal” now reward Leather instead of Rabbit Hide.
- “Humble Bundle” now comes after “Cow Tipper”.
- Added Field Masoned Banner Pattern and Bordure Indented Banner Pattern to “Fruit of the Looms”.
- Added the above items along with every kind of Bundle to “All the Items!” and “Stack all the Items!”.
- Added the Trial Chambers Intersection chest back to “I am Loot!”
- “Nice to Mace You”, “Meteor Strike” and “Warden Extinction” now specifically check for a mace smash attack (in the same way vanilla now does for “Over-overkill”).
- “Goat Simulator” and the goat component of “Death From All” now have a technical advancement that runs every time you take damage from a goat and checks if you died from the blow as an additional way of checking, hopefully fixing issues with these advancements.
- Soul Campfires can now be used for “Spawn Camping”.
- Added Enchanted Golden Apples to “So Hungry I Could Eat A Horse!”
- Fixed “Under Pressure” not triggering with bamboo or cherry pressure plates.
- Bogged can now be killed to trigger “Sniper Duel” and “Dogfight”. The description of “Dogfight” has been changed slightly.
- Fixed “Revenge” and “Demolitions Expert” being cheesable by having a Creeper you hit blow up another Creeper or other mob.
- Attempted to fix “Explosive Fire” only working with regular fireworks and not exploding fireworks.
- Fixed “Artillery” only working with regular arrows and not other kinds of arrows or fireworks (thanks Pikachu).
- “I just want to make Toast!”, “What’s Up, Doc?”, “Nyan Sheep” and “Nerds Never Die” now work directly upon using a nametag on the appropriate mob, instead of it triggering from being near the mob.
- “This name sounds cooler”, “I’ll be back”, “God of Thunder” and “Organizational Wizard” now work by just placing the item in your inventory again, instead of having to hold it.
- “God of Thunder” now works if your trident has more enchantments in addition to Loyalty III and Channeling once again.
- Fixed “A Suspicious Advancement” not counting towards “Adventure Milestone” and “Advancement Legend”.
- The “Full Stomach” advancement no longer triggers in spectator mode.
- The BlazeandCave’s Advancements tab root now no longer gives spectator mode players points on the scoreboard (unless using the update_score function).
- Fixed “Awards Ceremony” not triggering. -- As part of the above fix, all trophies now have the custom data: Trophy:1b. -- Trophies now also use the custom_name component once again instead of item_name, so their names will display once again when looking at a trophy placed in an item frame. -- However, trophies obtained prior to this update will not have this. You can use the “Grant Trophies” function in the Technical Settings to re-give yourself every trophy you have obtained the advancement for if you wish.
- Fixed the completion message for “Tuff Stuff” being coloured blue and saying that it’s a goal when it’s actually a task (green).
- Fixed the completion message description for “Fashion Statement” being different to its advancement’s description.
- Completely fixed “Overwarden”’s completion message in chat.
- Fixed “Backfire” saying it gives you +4 Blaze Rods when it actually gives you 8.
- Fixed the Nullscape-added advancement “Desolation” not being shared in cooperative mode.
- Fixed “It Spreads!” and “A Chiptune Relic” not being shared in cooperative mode when using the coop_update function.
- The maxCommandForkCount gamerule is now increased to 20000000, which should fix issues with Cooperative Mode syncing sometimes not working.
- The update_score function now also updates the scoreboard number format for all online players as well.
- Added BlackBird_6 and Evie (aka eleanormediocre) to the list of patrons.
- Changed PointyPlayz’s color in the list of patrons to #FCB5FF.
- Decapitalised the G in CoolGirlOmega (to CoolgirlOmega).
- Refused to change “Serious Dedication”.
- Fixed “Tricky Treasures” triggering the reward function for “A Chiptune Relic”.
- Fixed the sixth line of “Riddle Me This” only working on chickens that are on the ground instead of mid-air.
- Fixed “Overwarden”’s advancement completion message appearing in challenge purple instead of super-challenge red.
- Fixed “Benchmarking” not sharing in Cooperative Mode or Team Cooperative Mode.
- Removed the “trial_chambers_intersection” loot table from “I am Loot!” because it is impossible to obtain.
- Added Bogged to “Bone-to-party”.
- Added the following blocks to “Bonfire Night”: Cave Vines, Glow Lichen, Azalea, Flowering Azalea, Hanging Roots, Big Dripleaf, Small Dripleaf, Spore Blossom.
- Added Firework Rockets to “Multiclassed”.
- Fixed “Gas!” and “Llama Festival” not triggering.
- Fixed “Minecraft: Trial(s) Edition” triggering in spectator mode.
- Fixed “Blowback” triggering the reward function for “Break Wind”.
- Fixed the reward function for “Poison Dart” pointing to the wrong folder and hence not working properly.
Caves and Cliffs Part 5 and Trails and Tales Part 2 (except now it’s Trials and Tales)
New Advancements Italics are vanilla advancements.
BlazeandCave’s Advancements: Mining: “Grate Expectations”. Building: “Bulbous!”, “Lighten Up”. Farming: Nothing Animals: “Farmadillo”, “Armadoggo”, “Paw Patrol”. Biomes: Nothing Adventure: “Minecraft: Trial(s) Edition”, “This will be a breeze!”, “Break Wind”, “Who Needs Rockets?”, “Breeze Suppressor”, “From Under Your Feet”, “Blowback”, “Under Lock and Key”, “Hard Mode Activated”, “Revaulting”, “Vault Hunter”, “Keys to Success”, “Tricky Treasures”, “Omniscient”, “Core Keeper” (hidden), “A Suspicious Advancement”, “sus” (hidden). Monsters: “Bogged Down”. Weaponry: “Nice to Mace You!”, “Meteor Strike”, “Warden Extinction”. Redstone: “Craftception”, “Crafters Crafting Crafters”, “Factorio”, “We Have Liftoff!”. Enchanting: “Mace Windu”, “Whack-a-mole”, “Master Macerator”. Statistics: Nothing Nether: Nothing Potions: “Imbued Projectiles”, “Secret of the Ooze”, “Final Shout”. The End: “Diver’s Dozen”, “Dimension Penetration”. Super Challenges: “Overwarden”.
Changed Advancements
- The vanilla advancements added in 1.20.5 now have their own translation string which the BACAP Language Pack will draw from instead of using vanilla Minecraft’s translation string. In addition, some of them may have slight description updates.
- Added the new copper blocks to “Wax On”, “Wax Off”, “The Statue of Liberty”, “Sly Copper: The Copper Heist”.
- Changed “Wax On” so that the recipe_crafted trigger is used instead of inventory_changed, to prevent players from obtaining it by mining waxed copper blocks from Trial Chambers.
- Added Copper Bulbs to “Let there be light!”. You need to get a stack of all four oxidation stages at either waxed or non-waxed stages.
- Changed “Tuff Stuff” to require obtaining every kind of Tuff block. Updated its description to reflect this.
- Added Polished Tuff to “Rock Polish”.
- Added Tuff, Polished Tuff and Tuff Brick Slabs, Stairs and Walls to “Slabs For Days”, “Ah, my old enemy…” and “Crazy Walls” respectively.
- Added the Breeze and Bogged to “Monster Hunter”, “Monsters Hunted”, “Master Shieldsman”, “Demolitions Expert”, “Indiana Jones”, “Monstrous Sacrifices”, “Telescopic”, “Highway to Hell”, “Endergeddon”, “Potion Master”, “Biological Warfare”, “Death From All.”
- Added the Breeze to “Dungeon Crawler”.
- Added the Bogged to “Night Runner” and “Bone-to-party”.
- “Not Today, Thank You” now uses the #minecraft:skeletons tag, automatically allowing it to trigger from Bogged and also Wither Skeletons (e.g. if another datapack or mod adds Wither Skeletons with bows). Updated its description to mention blocking a skeleton’s arrow (so players won’t think it should work with for example Pillagers or Piglins).
- “Poison Dart” now triggers when shooting a mob with a Tipped Arrow of Poison. Updated its description to reflect this.
- Added the Trial Chambers to “Raidin’ Master”.
- Added all of the new Trial Chambers chest loot tables to “I am Loot!” and the open_loot_chest technical advancement.
- Removed the Jungle Temple Dispenser from “I am Loot!” and the open_loot_chest technical advancement.
- Added the Bolt and Flow Armor Trim Smithing Templates to “Crafting a New Look”, “Mold Maker”, “Smithing With Style”, “Stacked Smither”, and the item reward for “Smithing With Style”.
- Added the Flow, Guster and Scrape Pottery Sherds to “Careful Restoration” and “Pottery Exhibition”.
- Added the Flow and Guster Banner Patterns to “Fruit of the Looms”.
- Added the new music discs to “Disc Jockey”.
- Added the Decorated Pot, Crafter and Copper Bulbs to “Engineer” and “Master Engineer”.
- Added every new block and item to “All the Blocks!”, “All the Items!”, “Stack all the Blocks!” and “Stack all the Items!”. Suspicious Sand and Gravel have also both been added to “All the Blocks!”. Heavy Cores, Suspicious Sand and Suspicious Sand will be excluded from “Stack all the Blocks!”.
- The ‘any’ Smithing Template part of “Stack all the Items!” now uses the item tag so that it now includes the Bolt and Flow Smithing Templates, and will include any others added in the future.
- Added the new paintings to “Art Gallery”.
- Added Oozing, Weaving, Infested and Wind Charged to “A Furious Cocktail”, “A Furious Test Subject”, “Gas Bomb” and “Furious Ammunition”.
- Added Raid Omen, Trial Omen, Oozing, Weaving, Infested and Wind Charged to “A much more doable challenge” and “How Did We Get Here?”
- Added the Mace to “MOAR Broken Tools”.
- Added the Wind Charge to “Target Practise”.
- Added the Mace and Wind Charge to “Multiclassed”.
- Added the new mace enchantments to “Complete Enchanter”, “Master Enchanter” and “Ultimate Enchanter”.
- “Overkill” and “Over-Overkill” have been changed to not work with the Mace. Updated their descriptions to reflect this.
- Changed “Freezing” and “Melting” so that they only work if the mob killed is at y-level 56 or higher. (This is so for example killing a Stray in a Trial Chamber beneath a desert biome won’t make this advancement too easy.)
- Changed “War is Coming” so that it triggers when the player gets the Raid Omen V effect (i.e. is about to start a raid at level 5). Previously it triggered if the player got Bad Omen V. Updated its description to reflect this.
- Updated the description of “Flying Colors” to remove the requirement of the banner needing to have no patterns.
- Changed the description of “Foliage” to properly refer to Short Grass as “Short Grass”.
- Changed the description of “Turtle Army” to “Collect a stack of Turtle Scutes” now that there are more than one kind of scute.
- Fixed a bug involving advancements that use the trigger player_interacted_with_entity but don’t have a specific entity requirement. If you right-click a non-mob entity such as a Minecart, it triggers. This only affected “Lead the Way” but used to affect “What’s Up Doc?” before 1.16.8 necessitated it to work differently.
- Fixed “Organizational Wizard” triggering when obtaining any Shulker Box – without having to rename it.
- Fixed “Fractal” triggering when obtaining any Bundle.
Moved Advancements
- Moved “Tuff Stuff” to the Building tab, now coming after “Fake Stronghold”.
- “Deepslate Conspiracy” now comes after “Tuff Stuff”.
- “Rock Bottom”, which formerly came after “Tuff Stuff”, now comes after “Deep Slate Nine”.
- “Wax On” now comes after “Grate Expectations”.
- “Copper Miner” now comes after “Coppers and Robbers”.
- “Poison Dart” has been moved to the Monsters tab, now coming after “Bogged Down”.
- “The Undead Cavalry” now comes after “Poison Dart”.
- “Skeleton Smiter” now comes after “Not Today, Thank You”.
- Moved “Ghostbuster” such that it comes after “The Shielding”.
- Moved “Let It Go!” such that it comes after “Gotta Go Fast!”
- Moved “Complete Enchanter” such that it comes after “Let It Go!”
- “Furious Ammunition”, which formerly came after “Poison Dart”, now comes after “Imbued Projectiles”.
- “Immortal” now comes after “Overwarden”.
Trophies and Rewards
- Added trophies for the following advancements: “Where are all your clothes?”, “Master Copper Miner”, “Blind as a Bat”, “The Whole Pack”, “There it goes…”, “Keys to Success”, “Smithing With Style”, “Whack-a-mole”, “Giga XP Grinder” and “Overwarden”.
- Changed the description of the Earth trophy because the Earth’s population has exceeded eight billion.
- The item reward for “Smithing With Style!” now includes a Bolt and Flow Armor Trim Smithing Template.
- Fixed a bug where if you obtain “A Good Start” from collecting a stack of Cherry Logs, you don’t get the item reward of 8 Cherry Logs.
- Added the hardcore_to_survival function to the Technical Settings. This function also now revokes “This will be a breeze!”
- Added a new /trigger command for checking progress on various advancements that trigger after a certain amount of time under certain conditions including “Let Me Out!”, “Castaway”, “Just Keeps Going”, “Sleep with the Fishes”, “Captain America” and “Half Heart Life”. Those advancements also now mention the trigger command in their description.
- Updated the documentation link in the Help menu.
Changes since 1.17 Beta Build 2
- Fixed the item reward messages for “Bulbous!” and “Secret of the Ooze” not displaying correctly.
- Added Copper Bulbs to “Let there be light!”. You need to get a stack of all four oxidation stages at either waxed or non-waxed stages.
- In “Engineer” and “Master Engineer” you now need to get a stack of all four oxidation stages at either waxed or non-waxed stages.
- Added Tuff, Polished Tuff and Tuff Brick Slabs, Stairs and Walls to “Slabs For Days”, “Ah, my old enemy…” and “Crazy Walls” respectively.
- Added the Mace to “MOAR Broken Tools”.
- Added the Wind Charge to “Target Practise”.
- Added the Mace and Wind Charge to “Multiclassed”.
- Changed the description of “Turtle Army” to “Collect a stack of Turtle Scutes” now that there are more than one kind of scute.
- Fixed “Music To My Ears” and “The Sound of Music” not triggering because of Mojang removing the item tag for music discs.
- Fixed the “There it goes…” text in its new trophy not having the same … character as in its advancement and the language pack.
- Added the following advancements: “Tricky Treasures”, “A Suspicious Advancement”, “sus” (hidden), “Diver’s Dozen”, “Dimension Penetration”.
- Fully integrated every new advancement in this update – they now have all of their functions implemented, count towards the advancement scoreboards, work in Cooperative Mode, and are now required for milestones.
- Added item and experience rewards for many of the new advancements.
- Added trophies for the following advancements: “Where are all your clothes?”, “Master Copper Miner”, “Blind as a Bat”, “The Whole Pack”, “There it goes…”, “Keys to Success”, “Smithing With Style”, “Whack-a-mole”, “Giga XP Grinder” and “Overwarden”.
- Added all of the new Trial Chambers chest loot tables to “I am Loot!” and the open_loot_chest technical advancement.
- Removed the Jungle Temple Dispenser from “I am Loot!” and the open_loot_chest technical advancement.
- Added every new block and item to “All the Blocks!”, “All the Items!”, “Stack all the Blocks!” and “Stack all the Items!”. Suspicious Sand and Gravel have also both been added to “All the Blocks!”. Heavy Cores, Suspicious Sand and Suspicious Sand will be excluded from “Stack all the Blocks!”.
- The ‘any’ Smithing Template part of “Stack all the Items!” now uses the item tag so that it now includes the Bolt and Flow Smithing Templates, and will include any others added in the future.
- Adjusted the damage required for “Nice to Mace You!” to trigger, as its prior damage numbers assumed the Mace had a base damage of 7 (which was the case in earlier snapshots).
- “Whack-a-mole” now only increments if dealing enough damage to trigger a Wind Burst, in a similar manner to “Nice to Mace You!”. This should make several cheese strats no longer viable.
- The reward for “Smithing With Style!” now includes a Bolt and Flow Armor Trim Smithing Template.
- Fixed a bug where if you obtain “A Good Start” from collecting a stack of Cherry Logs, you don’t get the item reward of 8 Cherry Logs.
- Fixed “Fractal” not appearing.
- Moved “Ghostbuster” such that it comes after “The Shielding”.
- Moved “Omniscient” such that it comes after “Tricky Treasures”.
- Moved “Let It Go!” such that it comes after “Gotta Go Fast!”
- Moved “Complete Enchanter” such that it comes after “Let It Go!”
- Added a new /trigger command for checking progress on various advancements that trigger after a certain amount of time under certain conditions including “Let Me Out!”, “Castaway”, “Just Keeps Going”, “Sleep with the Fishes”, “Captain America” and “Half Heart Life”. Those advancements also now mention the trigger command in their description.
- Added the hardcore_to_survival function to the Technical Settings. This function also now revokes “This will be a breeze!”
- Updated the documentation link in the Help menu.
Added the following advancements to the following tabs:
BlazeandCave’s Advancements: Nothing Mining: “Grate Expectations”. Building: “Bulbous!”, “Lighten Up”. Farming: Nothing Animals: “Farmadillo”, “Armadoggo”, “Paw Patrol”. Biomes: Nothing Adventure: “Minecraft: Trial(s) Edition”, “This will be a breeze!”, “Break Wind”, “Who Needs Rockets?”, “Breeze Suppressor”, “From Under Your Feet”, “Blowback”, “Under Lock and Key”, “Hard Mode Activated”, “Revaulting”, “Vault Hunter”, “Keys to Success”, “Omniscient”, “Core Keeper” (hidden). Monsters: “Bogged Down”. Weaponry: “Nice to Mace You!”, “Meteor Strike”, “Warden Extinction”. Redstone: “Craftception”, “Crafters Crafting Crafters”, “Factorio”, “We Have Liftoff!” Enchanting: “Mace Windu”, “Whack-a-mole”, “Master Macerator”. Statistics: Nothing Nether: Nothing Potions: “Imbued Projectiles”, “Secret of the Ooze”, “Final Shout”. The End: Nothing Super Challenges: “Overwarden”.
- The vanilla advancements added in 1.20.5 now have their own translation string which the BACAP Language Pack will draw from instead of using vanilla Minecraft’s translation string. In addition, some of them may have slight description updates.
- Added the new copper blocks to “Wax On”, “Wax Off”, “The Statue of Liberty”, “Sly Copper: The Copper Heist”.
- Changed “Wax On” so that the recipe_crafted trigger is used instead of inventory_changed, to prevent players from obtaining it by mining waxed copper blocks from Trial Chambers.
- Changed “Tuff Stuff” to require obtaining every kind of Tuff block. Updated its description to reflect this.
- Added Polished Tuff to “Rock Polish”.
- Added the Breeze and Bogged to “Monster Hunter”, “Monsters Hunted”, “Master Shieldsman”, “Demolitions Expert”, “Indiana Jones”, “Monstrous Sacrifices”, “Telescopic”, “Highway to Hell”, “Endergeddon”, “Potion Master”, “Biological Warfare”, “Death From All.”
- Added the Breeze to “Dungeon Crawler”.
- Added the Bogged to “Night Runner” and “Bone-to-party”.
- “Not Today, Thank You” now uses the #minecraft:skeletons tag, automatically allowing it to trigger from Bogged and also Wither Skeletons (e.g. if another datapack or mod adds Wither Skeletons with bows). Updated its description to mention blocking a skeleton’s arrow (so players won’t think it should work with for example Pillagers or Piglins).
- “Poison Dart” now triggers when shooting a mob with a Tipped Arrow of Poison. Updated its description to reflect this.
- Added the Trial Chambers to “Raidin’ Master”.
- Added the Bolt and Flow Armor Trim Smithing Templates to “Crafting a New Look”, “Mold Maker”, “Smithing With Style”, “Stacked Smither”, and the item reward for “Smithing With Style”.
- Added the Flow, Guster and Scrape Pottery Sherds to “Careful Restoration” and “Pottery Exhibition”.
- Added the Flow and Guster Banner Patterns to “Fruit of the Looms”.
- Added the new music discs to “Disc Jockey”.
- Added the Decorated Pot, Crafter and Copper Bulb to “Engineer” and “Master Engineer”.
- Added the new paintings to “Art Gallery”.
- Added Oozing, Weaving, Infested and Wind Charged to “A Furious Cocktail”, “A Furious Test Subject”, “Gas Bomb” and “Furious Ammunition”.
- Added Raid Omen, Trial Omen, Oozing, Weaving, Infested and Wind Charged to “A much more doable challenge” and “How Did We Get Here?”
- Added the new mace enchantments to “Complete Enchanter”, “Master Enchanter” and “Ultimate Enchanter”.
- “Overkill” and “Over-Overkill” have been changed to not work with the Mace. Updated their descriptions to reflect this.
- Changed “Freezing” and “Melting” so that they only work if the mob killed is at y-level 56 or higher. (This is so for example killing a Stray in a Trial Chamber beneath a desert biome won’t make this advancement too easy.)
- Changed “War is Coming” so that it triggers when the player gets the Raid Omen V effect (i.e. is about to start a raid at level 5). Previously it triggered if the player got Bad Omen V. Updated its description to reflect this.
- Updated the description of “Flying Colors” to remove the requirement of the banner needing to have no patterns.
- Changed the description of “Foliage” to properly refer to Short Grass as “Short Grass”.
- Moved “Tuff Stuff” to the Building tab, now coming after “Fake Stronghold”.
- “Deepslate Conspiracy” now comes after “Tuff Stuff”.
- “Rock Bottom”, which formerly came after “Tuff Stuff”, now comes after “Deep Slate Nine”.
- “Wax On” now comes after “Grate Expectations”.
- “Copper Miner” now comes after “Coppers and Robbers”.
- “Poison Dart” has been moved to the Monsters tab, now coming after “Bogged Down”.
- “The Undead Cavalry” now comes after “Poison Dart”.
- “Skeleton Smiter” now comes after “Not Today, Thank You”.
- “Melting” now comes after “Paleontologist”.
- “Furious Ammunition”, which formerly came after “Poison Dart”, now comes after “Imbued Projectiles”.
- “Explorer of Worlds” now comes after “Dimension Penetration”.
- “Immortal” now comes after “Overwarden”.
- Fixed a bug involving advancements that use the trigger player_interacted_with_entity but don’t have a specific entity requirement. If you right-click a non-mob entity such as a Minecart, it triggers. This only affected “Lead the Way” but used to affect “What’s Up Doc?” before 1.16.8 necessitated it to work differently.
- Fixed “Organizational Wizard” triggering when obtaining any Shulker Box – without having to rename it.
- Fixed “Fractal” triggering when obtaining any Bundle.
- Changed the description of the Earth trophy because the Earth’s population has exceeded eight billion.
Current known issues:
- As is usual for alpha builds, brand new advancements do not have reward functions and hence do not count towards the scoreboard, display custom messages when completed, have rewards or trophies, or are required for milestones or Advancement Legend.
- “I am Loot!” does not yet include loot tables in Trial Chambers.
- The counter for “Loot ‘Em!”, “More For Me” and “I <3 Chests” does not yet increment for loot tables in Trial Chambers.
- “All the Blocks!”, “All the Items!”, “Stack all the Blocks!” and “Stack all the Items!” has not yet been updated for 1.21.
- “Fractal” currently does not function and will produce an error in the output log.
- Added biome tags #blazeandcave:end_barrens and #blazeandcave:end_midlands along with structure tag #blazeandcave:village. The advancements “Do You Want To Trade?”, “Oh Look, It Dings!”, “Void Walker” and “Explorer of Worlds” now use these. The Terralith and Nullscape versions will add to these tags, allowing biomes and structures added by them to work with these advancements without having to include the whole advancement file.
- Added all of the new Terralith loot tables to the technical open_loot_chest advancement.
- Updated for 1.20.5 use. This entailed massive technical overhauls for many advancement triggers and icons as well as every trophy. Special thanks to FixingGlobe for help with updating the trophy functions as well as a few other things.
- Integrated the new vanilla advancements that were added in 1.20.5, including with reward functions and the ability to count towards the scoreboard and milestones. There will not be any new BACAP advancements for these features until the update for 1.21.
- Added the Armadillo to “Overpopulation”, “The Mighty Hunter”, “Follow the Leader”, “Animal Kingdom”, “Telescopic”, “Highway to Hell”, “Endergeddon”, “Potion Master” and “Biological Warfare”.
- Added the Armadillo Scute and Wolf Armor to “All the Items!” and “Stack all the Items!”
- “I’ve got a bad feeling about this” now triggers when killing a raider captain instead of when receiving the Bad Omen effect, in preparation for Minecraft 1.21.
- “Sound the Alarm!” now only triggers if there are mobs specifically part of a raid – it will not work on raider mobs that are not part of a raid (e.g. Woodland Mansion mobs).
- “Flying Colors” can now work even if the banner applied to the shield has patterns on it. Its description will be updated in BACAP 1.17.
- “Tropical Collection” now requires specifically catching each tropical fish variant instead of just obtaining buckets containing them.
- Advancements that require naming a mob now trigger if simply within 5 blocks of a mob with that name due to technical limitations from the 1.20.5 changes. If a way of having it work the old way is discovered, it will be reverted.
- Advancements that require naming an item in an anvil now trigger only when holding the item in your mainhand due to technical limitations from the 1.20.5 changes. If a way of having it work the old way is discovered, it will be reverted.
- “Lodes of Applications” now triggers when using a compass on a lodestone in each dimension, previously it used the inventory_changed trigger so in multiplayer obtaining three lodestone compasses from each dimension would have completed it.
- Fixed an inconsistency where some biomes in “Travelling Bard” checked the note block’s location while some checked the player’s. All biomes now check the note block’s location.
- The icon for “Explosive Fire” is now of a crossbow loaded with a firework. “My eyes!” inherits its old icon of a firework star with red dots.
- “The Perfect Run”’s icon now has a white trim.
- Some advancements that used the item_used_on_block trigger now use default_block_use depending on the block in question (for example, “Click!”, “Leveraging Synergy”, “Hell’s Bells”, and “Take Notes”).
- Removed “duration” from all effect-checking advancements to fix a bug where those advancements wouldn’t trigger if you have an effect with its duration set to “infinite”.
- Fixed the Nullscape-added advancement “Desolation” not sharing in Cooperative Mode.
- Sadly had to remove all modified_jungle_edge references from the datapack, as Minecraft no longer allows references to biomes that don’t exist. The criteria of “Edge of the Jungle” is now simply impossible.
- All trophies now use the item_name component, and trophies that just had Unbreaking I now use the enchantment_glint_override component.
- The trophy for obtaining “Terralithic” is now contained within this datapack (but is unobtainable unless you use the Terralith version).
- The ten_second_timer function now runs from the one_second_timer function every 10 times instead of having its own /schedule function.
- Added the hardcore_to_survival function, which can be used if you wish to convert a hardcore world to survival. It will be added to the config menu’s technical settings in BACAP 1.17.
- Updated the global_install function to include alternative commands for the datapacks without .zip and the function blazeandcave:install which is utilised by fanpacks.
- Added CoolGirlOmega and tk304 to the list of patrons.
- Fixed the third line of “Riddle Me This” being impossible to complete due to Minecraft 1.20.3/4.
- Fixed “Dragon vs Dragon II” and “Dragon vs Wither: Pre-Sequel” still being cheesable – this time with bubble columns.
- Fixed ‘Pottery Exhibition’ advancement message description being written as ‘shard’ instead of ‘sherd’.
- Fixed a bug where coloured teams would appear on the sidebar for bac_advancements, bac_advfirst and bac_advfirst_team scoreboards if players were on that team – even though those scoreboards are meant to only display players.
- When Cooperative or Team Cooperative Mode is enabled, Item, XP and Trophy rewards will get set to first-player or first-player-on-team only respectively (if not set to “no players”).
- Fixed trophies no longer having their names and lore. Sadly, trophy items that you obtained prior to 1.20.3 cannot be fixed and will be lost forever. Allow me to direct you to the “Grant Missing Trophies” command in the Technical Settings if you wish to recover them.
- Fixed name-tag and item-rename advancements (such as “Nyan Sheep” or “This name sounds cooler”) no longer triggering.
- “A Gluttonous Diet” now requires obtaining a stack of Enchanted Golden Apples instead of just one. This is so it matches with “Stack all the Items!”
- Fixed the announceAdvancements gamerule constantly being set to false no matter the settings.
- Updated for Minecraft 1.20.3.
- You now need to obtain 64 Decorated Pots for “Stack all the Blocks!”
- Fixed a bug where “Keep your distance” and “The Mighty Hunter” don’t trigger if using spectral arrows.
- Fixed a bug where “Nugget and Biscuit” only triggered if you have mined exactly 1 Nether Gold Ore. This meant the advancement could become impossible if the first time you mined the ore it is done extremely quickly, or if you install BACAP on a world where you have already mined more than one Nether Gold Ore in.
- “Bring Down the Beast” no longer checks for player distance from the Ghast. Instead, it checks the “player_attack” damage type tag.
- The “Gas!” advancement now checks the Particle nbt tag of the area effect cloud. This should fix it being possible to get this advancement if you hit a mob and it ends up dying from an area effect cloud spawned by the Ender Dragon.
- Fixed “Dragon vs Dragon II” and “Dragon vs Wither: Pre-Sequel” constantly failing.
- Nerfed the rewards of “Thin Ice”, “Spike Ice” and “Thick Ice” from 8 items to 3.
- “Oh look, it dings!” can now trigger when ringing a bell in a Fortified Village from Terralith.
- The advancements scoreboard number format has now been changed such that:
- bac_advancements and bac_advancements_team are coloured green.
- bac_advfirst and bac_advfirst_sum are coloured yellow.
- bac_advfirst_team and bac_advfirst_team_sum are coloured aqua.
- These colours are automatically applied to individual players through the update_number_format function, and triggers on first getting the root advancement of the BlazeandCave’s Advancements tab, and also when using the /reload command. A player or server owner can edit or disable this function if they wish for different colours.
- Teams as listed on the sidebar now have spaces instead of underscores.
- A team is only updated as such if a player is present on that team. The function that does this is run once every 5 minutes, or whenever using /reload.
- Fixed a bug where in the config menu you couldn’t set scoreboard display to appear below a player’s name. This was due to 1.20.2 changing belowName to below_name.
- Added _cykq to the list of patrons.
- Updated for 1.20.2 use.
- Added Pitcher Pods to “Combine Harvester” as they hadn’t been required previously.
- Removed Chiseled Bookshelves from “Bonfire Night” as they aren’t actually flammable.
- “Scientific Inaccuracy” now requires you to craft a melon block instead of just obtaining one.
- Fixed “Camouflage” not triggering if you kill a Piglin while wearing a Piglin Head.
- Changed “Anti-Gravity Generator” and “Maximum Resistance” so that they no longer work if you block the damage with a shield.
- “Dragon vs Dragon II” and “Dragon vs Wither: Pre-Sequel” now reset if you climb a climbable block such as ladders or vines.
- Changed the required level values of enchantments in advancements to a range instead of an exact value, with the minimum being the current value. So for example if you obtain Sharpness VI, you will get the “Needle Sharp” advancement. This won’t have any effect on vanilla, but mods and other datapacks that enable obtaining enchantments beyond vanilla’s maximum will now work properly with these advancements.
- Fixed the “There it goes…” advancement not being shared in Cooperative or Team Cooperative Mode.
- Changed the experience reward for “Smithing With Style!” to 150 experience points to match vanilla as of 1.20.2.
- Fixed “Pottery Exhibition” showing as “Pottery Collection” in chat when completing.
- Added the internal names of every scoreboard objective to each tooltip in the Advancement Scoreboard Display Settings.
- Fixed the splash potion component of “Multiclassed” no longer triggering.
- Fixed being able to obtain “It’s time consuming”, “Inspector Gadget” and “Rock, Paper, Scissors” through non-melee means, for example killing a mob with a bow in your offhand.
- Fixed Stone Pressure Plates not being required for “Engineer” and “Master Engineer”.
- Fixed “Uh, Houston? We’ve got a problem” awarding firework rockets with 0 flight time.
- Whenever the /gamerule announceAdvancements command is run, it is now run in all (vanilla) dimensions in order to fix issues that arise when using bukkit or spigot.
- Added terralith:village/fortified/fisherman to the open_loot_chest technical advancement.
- “Delicious Fish” will now give 2 Cooked Salmon as a reward instead of 2 Cooked Cod if you eat Cooked Salmon to obtain it.
- Skeleton Horses are now required for “Animal Kingdom”.
- Fixed “Spawn Camping” triggering upon placing a campfire anywhere in the world.
- Fixed the Oak Pressure Plate components of “Engineer” and “Master Engineer” requiring stone pressure plates instead of oak pressure plates.
- Removed the cookie item reward from “Chatterbox”.
- Updated the technical open_loot_chest advancement (used with the loot chest statistic advancements) with the Terralith loot tables terralith:fortified/tavern_downstairs and tavern_upstairs.