Lily's Vanilla OverQuilted
Welcome in a brand new world, Traveler. This pack is centered around expanding vanilla and its mechanics.
Lily's Vanilla OverQuilted has been archived. Lily's Vanilla OverQuilted will not receive any further updates unless the author decides to unarchive the project.
Minecraft: Java Edition
Supported environments
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Licensed MIT
Published last year
Updated last year
LVOQ Version 1.0
It's been some time since the last update, huh? Don't worry, the wait has an end. I've made lots of tweaks and changes to finally deliver the first non-beta release!
What has been added?
- Naturalist
- Noisium
- Moog's End Structures
- Just an End Anchor
- William Wyther's Overhauled Overworld
- Cristellib
- Towns and Towers
- Tombstones
- Auroras Decorations
- Dungeons and Taverns
- Dungeons and Taverns Stronghold Overhaul
- Dungeons and Taverns Swamp Hut Overhaul
- Nature's Spirit
- Fog Looks Good Now
- Sonance
- Arcanus Continuum
- You're In Grave Danger
- M.R.U.
- Smartbrainlib
- Sparkwave
What has been removed?
- Better Nether
- Simple Trims
- Elytra Trims
- Map Atlases (for now)
- Maps of the Unknown
What has been changed?
- Updated the loader version to 0.21.2
- Included the newest AdditionZ version as a jar with a modifed fabric.mod.json file
- Updated all Mods (except Wilderwild)
- Seamless and Lambdabettergrass compat for all mosses and grasses
- Unified blocks and autoswapping with Blockswap
- A lot of recipe tweaks
- Removed unwanted biomes from Nature's Spirit and Regions Unexplored
- Incuded base recipes in EMI
- Fixed various issues e. g. resource reload fails, KubeJS issues, missing textures...
Heads up, I recommend starting a new world/deleting your nether as there have been lots of worldgen changes!
What are you still waiting for? Jump in!
Farmersrespite-Fabric-2.3.4.jarAdded via overrides
Bookshelf-Fabric-1.20.1-20.1.6.jarAdded via overrides
cultural-delights-fabric-0.14.11+1.20.1.jarAdded via overrides
bygonenether-1.20-1.3.2.jarAdded via overrides
additionz-1.2.0.jarAdded via overrides
NethersDelight-1.0.0.jarAdded via overrides
oceansdelight-fabric-1.0.2-1.20.jarAdded via overrides
netherdepthsupgrade-fabric-3.1.1-1.20.jarAdded via overrides
brewinandchewin-fabric-2.3.1+1.20.1.jarAdded via overrides
totw_additions-1.3.0-1.20.x-fabric.jarAdded via overrides
moonlight-1.20-2.8.60-fabric.jarAdded via overrides
Release channel
ReleaseVersion number
Game versions
219Publication date
November 12, 2023 at 8:51 PMPublisher

Inherited Owner