Minecraft: Java Edition
Supported environments
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This update should break the world generation!
Create a new world & also reinstall Aged for the best experience, enjoy <3
- Missing archers armor restrictions
- Smither job exp for ingots / nuggets
- Added blocks & items to the environmentz system
- Gave all drinks hydration
- Removed spoilage from wines & flasks
- A bit more Guide Book than before
- Campfire now drops 1 instead of 2 charcoal
- Steampunk clock & compass HUD position
- Cleaned up the console
- Low FPS in screens
- Removed Advancements triggerz on startupz
- Implemented food system
- Implemented stamina
- New fishing mechanic
- Ores spawn in veins
- Added Ores & raw nuggets
- Added tea
- Lowered fish xp
- Disabled birch village
- Water hydration range now 4 (vanilla) instead of 2
- Removed sprinklers
- Made Globox happy again (removed minerally)
- Added aged welcome screen
- Dynamic FPS
- EMI Addon: Extra Mod Integrations
- EMI Loot
- EMI Trades
- EMIffect
- Equipment Compare
- Even Better Archeology
- Horse Buff
- Make Bubbles Pop
- Map Atlases
- Minerally
- Moisturization
- Nicer Skies
- Noxesium
- Starter Kit
- Structory
- Structory: Towers
- Tool Trims
- Async Locator
- AzureLib
- BadOptimizations
- Better Archeology
- Better Nether Map
- Dark Loading Screen
- Early Loading Screen
- Eugene's Wealthy Plains Village
- Exposure
- Fishing Real
- FPS Reducer
- Freshly Modded [RP]
- Fzzy Core
- Gear Core
- Geocluster
- Immersive Melodies
- Inventory Sorting
- Let's Do: HerbalBrews
- MakeUp - Ultra Fast [Shader]
- Masik's Puzzle Dungeon
- Mob Catalog
- NutritionZ
- Panda's Extra Details
- Pehkui
- Phantom Loader
- Roughly Enough Items
- Roughly Enough Professions
- SmitherZ
- Smooth Scrolling Refurbished
- Sparse Structures
- Spyglass Astronomy
- Stamina
- Superb Steeds
- Tridents 'n' Stuff
- Underground Jungle
- Villager Transportation
- WelcomeScreen
- Fabric Loader 0.15.3
- [EMF] Entity Model Features
- [ETF] Entity Texture Features
- 3D Skin Layers
- AdditionZ
- Aged-Addition
- Archers (RPG Series)
- Areas
- BCLib
- Better Advancements
- Better Clouds
- Better Statistics Screen
- BetterEnd
- BetterNether
- Bookshelf
- Cloth Config API
- Collective
- Combat Roll
- CraftPresence
- CreativeCore
- Custom Portals
- Dismount Entity
- Do a Barrel Roll
- Dynamic Crosshair
- Dynamic Crosshair Compat
- Eating Animation
- Elytra Trims
- Enchantment Descriptions
- End Remastered
- Enderman Overhaul
- Enhanced Workbenches
- Extended Drawers
- ExtendedDrawersAddon
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- FancyMenu
- Geckolib
- Hero Proof
- HT's TreeChop
- Iceberg
- ImmediatelyFast
- Kiwi
- Konkrete
- Let's Do: Candlelight
- Let's Do: Meadow
- Let's Do: NetherVinery
- LevelZ
- Macaw's Windows
- MC Dungeons Enchanting
- Memory Leak Fix
- miplevel_fix [RP]
- ModernFix
- Moonlight Lib
- More Culling
- Not Enough Animations
- Numismatic Overhaul
- NumismaticClaim
- Open Parties and Claims
- Passive Shield
- Patchouli
- Profundis: Seven New Quality Cave Biomes
- Puzzles Lib
- Raise Sound Limit Simplified
- RAY's 3D Rails [RP]
- Realistic Bees
- Resourceful Config
- Resourceful Lib
- SeasonHUD
- Simple Voice Chat
- Smarter Farmers
- Sound Physics Remastered
- Sounds
- Spawn Animations
- Spell Engine
- Supplementaries
- Supplementaries Squared
- TerraBlender
- Time & Wind
- True Ending: Ender Dragon Overhaul
- Wakes
- William Wythers' Expanded Ecosphere
catalogue-fabric-1.20.1-1.8.0.jarAdded via overrides
agedaddition-1.0.3.jarAdded via overrides
ExtraordinaryExtraTotems+-+v1.0.3.jarAdded via overrides
stamina-1.0.0.jarAdded via overrides
menulogue-fabric-1.20.1-1.0.4.jarAdded via overrides
Masik'sPuzzleDungeon-fabric-1.20.X-v1.1.1.jarAdded via overrides
Release channel
ReleaseVersion number
Game versions
662Publication date
January 16, 2024 at 9:36 PMPublisher

Modpack Creator