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Published 3 years ago
Updated 2 months ago
Spectrum 1.8.2 - Aria for Painters
Item Name Recoloring
You can now use Pigment in the Bedrock Anvil to color an item's name. Props to Athebyne!
Revamped Fishing / Archaeology Loot
You could always fish in all of Spectrum's fluids, but the loot was always okayish. Fishing loot got a big overhaul thanks to Athebyne! Archaeology loot also got a tad more interesting.
Fluid Interaction Recipes
EMI now shows what the result of two fluids interacting is. Props to LittleCircleOO!
- Improved Puff Circlet fall damage handling (Pizzer)
- The Kindling remembering advancement is now also granted when interacting with a Kindling - useful for Multiplayer (Robotgiggle)
- Added a new Infused Beverage: Sarsaparilla (Athebyne)
- Malachite Ore can now be smelted (Athebyne)
- Enchantment Canvases now unbind in Midnight Solution (Athebyne)
- Improved the way Glass Ampoules are handled in Dispensers & Omni Accelerator
- Kimchi recipe now only requires two veggies and gives double output (Athebyne)
- Resonance & the Glass Crest Workstaff do not require breaking a budding block anymore
- Modular Explosives are now simpler to craft, requiring stratine fragments instead of gems (Athebyne)
- More plants are now compostable (Robotgiggle)
- Improved Cinderhearth structure matching
- Made the collision box of Rotten Ground bigger to make it easier to hit small mobs on it
- Interacting with a high tier pedestal now completes advancement requirements for lower tier pedestals
- The Radiance Staff is now unlocked with Yellow Pigment instead of blue
- Made Neat Ring even more pricy (Athebyne)
- Improved the logic certain items handle invincibility frames
- Midnight Aberration now has a small grace period before it starts crumbling
- Made the Mermaid's Jam guidebook entry less confusing (it showed the cheong recipe before, which kind of is the right one, but)
- Better described that Bismuth interacts with Beacon base blocks specifically
- Streamlined Incandescent Amalgam explosions (Robotiggle)
- Improved performance around Azurite Ore veins
- Memory to Head Spirit Instiller recipes now work with vanilla mobs
- Shooting Stars do not spawn Stardust anymore when initially spawning
- It is now more consistent getting the advancement to survive Fatal Slumber (Robotgiggle)
- Added unique sounds for being on Primordial Fire (Azzy)
- Added up to date guidebook images
- Ink Storage blocks/items handle upgrading from <1.8 versions more gracefully (unilock)
- Doubled the amount of Tipped Arrows from the Potion Workshop to match vanilla
Bug Fixes
- Fixed duplicate entities in the Manor structure (Robotgiggle)
- Fixed a crash when trying to render Concealing Oil tooltips
- Fixed a few guidebook entries/pages never getting unlocked - most notably the Mob Heads one
- Exploding Kindlings do not affect unbreakable blocks anymore (Azzy)
- Fixed Mermaids Brushes rarely dropping two gems (Ethanolgie)
- Unbreakable blocks can no longer be recolored (Robotgiggle)
- Fixed the gravity ring advancement unlock (Robotgiggle)
- Fixed the jade bulb crossbreeding advancement unlock (Robotgiggle)
- Only reveal Moonstuck Nectar page when the player harvested it (Robotgiggle)
- Fixed typo in moonstone core entry (Dinoturto)
- Updated emissive textures
- Fixed Blackslag Alloy Forge being referred to as Calcite
- Fixed a crash on dedicated servers when accessing the Paintbrushes item name
- Fixed Glass Arrows having more drag in water instead of less
- Fix mirrored gem blocks in gen 1 textures (Robotgiggle)
- Fixed Neolith being referred to as Neolith Dust in its advancement
- Fixed Life Drain ticking when being in creative/spectator
- Fixed a bug causing another bug that occurred when throwing a Dragon Talon/Twinsword at an Endermen
- Fixed Kindlings visually floating on the ground in some cases
- Fixed the Guidebook forgetting the Nightdew hint being bought
- Star candies and whispy circlet now reduce incurable effect duration (Azzy)
- Doomblooms are now more explosive (Azzy)
- DD biomes with rain particles act as being under permanent rain (Azzy)
- Fixed a Button / Stimmerstone light dupe involvind Pistons
- Fixed loot tables for Weeping Gala Door & Leaves
- Fixed the Spirit instiller continuing playing music at specific times the recipe was not valid anymore
- Updated the chinese lang (SmallYii, moyuguguji)
- Fixed a rare rendering crash when breaking Spectrum's chests
- Reworded various guidebook entries & fixed typos
- stubled (KatTheFox)
- The Dragonbone hint does not mention Dragonrot swamps anymore, since they can also be found in the overworld now
- Fixed the Life Drain Potion Workshop recipe unlock referencing the wrong criterion
- Set Health damage now plays the entities death sound (Azzy)
- Fixed exploding Kindlings crashing the game if Common Protection API is not installed
- Fixed the Irrelevance Fading Music disk always playing at 100% volume
- Fixed Weeping Gala Light & Lantern not handling translucency correctly
- Made Manxi hydrophobic (Preservation Roundels, too)
- Added missing tags to some Preservation Blocks
Mod Compat
- Mod integrations based on code will no longer try to load when Connector is installed (it caused issues with Travelers Backpacks, Create, ...). Compat based on json is unaffected
- Added a description what the 'mod integration packs to disable' config setting does
- Fixed missing icon for Biome Makeover guidebook entry (Athebyne)
- Fixed an infinite meat exploit with Neepmeat (Athebyne)
- Exclusion Lib is now optional. The worldgen structure experience is still better with it, though!
- Fixed a duplication glitch in combination with Dank Storage
- Partly fixed a duplication glitch in combination with Sophisticated Backpacks
- Marked Enchancement as incompatible. It ships outdated mixins into Spectrum and will not be updated for 1.20.1 anymore, leading to crashes
- Fixed a load order crash with Botania
- Updated Colorful Hearts compat (unilock)
- Updated Alloy Forge stats
- Fixed some mod compat guidebook entries sharing the same coordinates, rendering on top of one another
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623Publication date
December 4, 2024 at 6:18 PMPublisher