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Spectrum 1.8.0 - Aria for Painters
Update Guide
This is a huge update with lots of internal changes, so here are a few things to be aware of when updating:
- All ink you stored in blocks and items will be reset. We made the system extensible, so addons can register new ink colors in the future. For blocks that store ink, you have to break & place them to reset their internal storage
- The way Titration Barrels store their items has changed, since a lot of the internals had to be redone to improve recipe matching. Make sure to tap all your brews before updating!
- We are still waiting for a fix on Create's side where Mermaid's Gems in Create Fluid Drains crash the game to be released
Guidebook Rewrite
The guidebook has been completely redone! We switched the guidebook api from Patchouli to Modonomicon! Many thanks to Electro helping out getting started! Besides the obvious node-based navigation style, this has a lot other benefits. When an entry gets new unlocked subpages, it will now show that in the category screen, for example.
The book is now written in first person. You! are the one noting down your discoveries, after all. The categories have been completely redone, organizing entries based on theme.
The book is now fully translatable via lang file, which has gotten a tidying up, removing many similar, or identical entries, making translating faster. More than 1000 lines saved
Thanks to HoneyHive, the book now has pretty drawing for color mixing and a few other pages. Now the book actually lists how you'd mix the black/brown/grayscale colors.
The Big Resprite
- A lot of major blocks have been gotten a big overhaul, namely the basalt & calcite blocks, the gemstone blocks and items, as well as Preservation Stone
- A lot of trinkets got a few splash of paint and Compacting, Fabrication, Heartbound & Black Hole chest got a full visual revamp
- Shimmerstone and Azurite Ores now features fancy unique particles
- The Cracks in Dragonbone is now much easier to see, advancements got a new background, ... you name it
- We also now ship an optional texture pack with Spectrum-style Amethyst textures!
- If you are not a fan of the new textures, we bundle the last iteration of the textures in a builtin texture pack
- Bedrock Armor now has an entirely new model. Thank you Noaaan for taking care of the rendering!
Pastel Rework
Pastel Nodes now use new beautiful, dynamic rendering. You can choose between big 3D / small 2D rendering for the nodes in your config
Nodes do not connect to one another automatically anymore. To allow multiple networks in close proximity you can use a new tool, the Tuning Stamp, to specify which node is connected to which exactly.
Getting your first Pure Resource unlocks Pastel Node Upgrading to make your networks a lot more powerful! You can upgrade their throughput, redstone functionality, make them glow and more by using specific items on them.
Deeper Down Improvements
Added new tracks that play in the Deeper Down, based on biome, composed by Radiarc! Check out their bandcamp!
A new biome: Howling Spires with lots of new blocks, like a new stone set and a new wood type: Weeping Gala (that you can also get pre-DD, if you know how!). Besides the beautiful environment, you can find a lot of Emerald here.
The Crystal Gardens have been revamped and are now the origin of the Sniffers - you very much can see the similarities. Here you can now also find lots of new plants.
Most other biomes also got small touch ups: custom darkness effects, colored fog & particles for each of them. Fruiting Sawblade Holly bushes now grow, giving the biome they grow in some much required lighting.
Ink Color & Tooltips Improvements
Ink colors have been tweaked and Ink tooltips have been redone. Instead of using the vanilla default colors, each tooltip now renders in their own color (for example brown now actually is written in brown, not orange). If multiple colors of ink are listed, they always get listed in the same natural, pretty order: tooltips, creative items or the color picker gui come to mind. All Ink fillable trinkets now list how much Ink they have absorbed in their tooltip.
Mob Head Rework
Every head is now full 3D modeled, using their vanilla textures, making them texture pack compatible! There are also new heads for all vanilla mobs that missed them before, as well as one for every color of Lurking Lizard.
A lot more around Mob Heads and Memories has changed:
- All heads now play the corresponding mobs sound when placed on a Note Block
- You can use the Spirit Instiller to modify the variants of various creatures (like change an Axolotls color, or create Skeleton Horses). Thank you, Kat!
- You can now convert some mob heads to other ones (Like Horses to Skeleton Horses)
- The Spawner Creature Changing recipe is now unlocked later and requires Downstone Fragments
- You can now turn Memories directly into Mob Heads (pacifism run when?)
- You can now find Illusioner memories in Memorial structures
- A new Damage Type tag to always drop a mob head for modpack makers (by default only used internally)
Azure Dike Rebalance
While Azure Dike always felt like a cool option to have compared to 'boring' solutions that just increase the players health, we got quite a bit of feedback that it was a quite underpowered, while also taking up accessory slots. Thus we made a few changes around it:
- Dike handles chipping damage a lot more forgivingly
- Equipment gives quite a bit more dike (between 50-100% more!)
- There is a new piece of Equipment that doubles your Dike! At a price
Azure Dike HUD now also features new textures!
Inventory Item Rendering
Some powerful endgame items render with a custom background or frame, Ink storing items render with a colored storage bar - the ones storing more than one kind of Pigment shift through all colors.
Various other items how show more information in their item renderer: Bottomless Bundles show the item they store, Glass Crest Crossbows show the current overcharge percentage, ...
Crafting Structure Revamp
You can now use a lot more blocks to customize your structures even more: you can also choose brick / tile / ... variants for everything, giving you a lot more freedom.
Sleep themed Items and Effects
A whole bunch of items and effects based around the concept of sleep, allowing you to decrease mobs detection range, sleep on the go and much more. You can unlock most of them in Endgame - or sooner, if you dabble with archaeology or Sniffers!
New Endgame Structure: The Manor
A new flavorful structure themed around sleep with unique new loot. Not spoilering too much about it here in the changelog. You will see it, when you see it.
New lategame Fishing Enchant: Serendipity Reel
Each level increases the chance to fish up exponentially more loot.
New Toys
A kind of crossbow that you can load with literally anything. Blocks get placed, the sharp Dripstone deals damage, Ender Pearls teleport the target and Flint & Steel makes Creepers explode. But wait, there is more: Every item you shoot at an enemy you make them use it. How about brewing some Reprise and sending your frenemy to Brazil?
Still not enough tomfoolery for you? Enable the OmniAcceleratorPvP
config setting to enable even more stuff, like draining their XP using a Knowledge gem, stripping enchants using Enchantment Canvases or shooting Crafting Tablets at other players to make them craft stuff in their inventory.
Draconic Twinsword
A highly interactive weapon that behaves very much like a throwing weapon that you can also use as a grappling hook. With a button press you can split it in two small daggers, who hit immensely fast.
Artisan's Atlas
A map like no other! It is live-updating and used in a structure it automatically shows you the locations of other similar structures close by.
New Cookbooks
Two new cookbooks are waiting to be found! One of them contains the entries of our recent food competition, the other one is themed all around poison, including a way to make status effects (near) uncurable. How about using some Concealing Oils to sneak Deadly Poison into your foe's meals?
Ink-Fillable Gravity Rings
Two new ink-fillables, consuming brown and white ink respectively. While the Ring of Denser Steps greatly increases your knockback resistance with each level and allows you to sprint underwater, its counterpart makes you a featherweight, allowing you to jump and float immense distances, but taking greatly increased knockback.
Other notable improvements
- Pipe Bombs are now found in the same structure, but later as a reward after passing the Dragonbone gate. At their original location you now can find Amalgam, hinting at how to break Dragonbone.
- The shattering sound from Hummingstone Hymns can now be heard from further away
- Glass Panes for Gemstone Glass, Glowing Glass & Hummingstone Glass
- Potion Workshop brewing recipes can now specify a base yield (defaults to 3)
- Updated the title of the Moonstone Pedestal advancement to not clash with other terms (was "Incandescense")
- The Dragonrending Pickaxe now comes pre-enchanted with Razing III, instead of I
- The Indestructible enchant now conflicts with a bunch of others to spark diversity, like Infinity and Protection
- A bunch of blocks were renamed for consistency (lights, beams, lanterns, ...). Their internal names stayed the same so you do not have to re-craft them. They will be renamed internally with the port to 1.21
- Gilded Books cannot be crafted anymore, but are now loot-exclusive, since they are very strong
- A tag to blacklist entities from the Everpromise Ribbon. Defaults to bosses.
- Crystallarieum growable blocks can now be placed in all directions, as well as get waterlogged
- Erasers now rarely give speed, strength or nausea
- Lots of new particles for the Particle Spawner
- Book and Quill recipe using pigment (Katrina)
- Nature's Staff can now spread blocks in the
block tag (defaults to Spore Blossoms) - Hummingstone and Clear Hummingstone Glass have been merged
- You now can fish up Small Dripleaf in the DD
- The Cinderhearth now supports recipes with input count > 1
- Secret recipes now show up as "Secret!" in EMI/REI. Most show a hint.
- More orientation options for Shimmerstone Lights
- The Block Breaker now breaks blocks simulating a multitool, instead of iron pickaxe (for non-pickaxy blocks that require mining level / the correct tool)
- Enchanter recipes can now be placed mirrored
- Recipes to turn Floatblocks back into Fragments (Katrina)
- If a Potion Workshop does not have room for a recipe remainder it will be spawned in-world instead
- Switched unlocks of Gemstone Leggings & Boots to better fit Ghast Tear=>Regeneration effect (princeofflight7821)
- Gemstone Armor defaults have been nerfed a tad. For old configs the value is preserved
- Animals can now spawn on Overgrown Blackslag and Slush
- Improved hitboxes for blocks with model offset (quitoxic reeds, giant moss, bristle sprouts)
- A special Titration Brew if you somehow manage to travel back in time
- DD portals now "work" in the Nether
- Added a tooltip for the Crescent Clock
- Added hidden advancement for Jade Vine crossbreeding
- Stuck Storm Stones now render in a random direction (800020h)
- Throwing golden food or a Gilded Book into Midnight Solution ungilds it
- Added a shitpost advancement for getting on top of the DD bedrock layer
- You can now drag&drop items from recipe viewers into filtering slots (pizzer)
- Improved unshaped recipe matching using IngredientStacks (pizzer)
- Made Blazing Crystal items immune to fire damage (Sakura Willows)
- The Pigment Pedestal now tries to output below first, then up and only makes a hiss sound if both fail (Sakura Willows)
- Deeper Down portal space after teleporting is now cleared from natural stone and bedrock in a semi-pyramid shape, to prevent players getting stuck in bedrock (Twisted Code)
- Fixed Razing & Inertia not playing together nicely (Korbofaux)
- An attached Everpromise Ribbon is now persisted across mob conversions (Sakura Willows, Pizzer)
- Fluid conversion recipes and fluid effects now work in fluidlogged blocks
- Ink Projectiles now color cat & dog collars
- Entity Specific Predicates for all spectrum mobs (so you can now match all lizards based on color, or all Egg Laying Wooly Pigs that are not sheared)
- Advancement for using Decay Away in an Ancient City (Garbage Data, Eset)
- Advancement Criterion for dipping stuff in Spectrum fluids
- Noxwood beams can now be crafted using stripped logs and hyphae
- The signs in structures are now translatable via lang file
- You can now find all commands by typing /spectrum (Maya)
- Tweaked the recipes of the CMY Pedestals
- Titration Barrel and Fusion Shrine recipes can now match based on fluid tags
- Pedestal Ruins now can have Sniffer eggs as loot
- Potion Workshop reagents have been rebalanced
- Crushing recipes for Colored Leaves and Clovers
- Gemstone Ore now also drops some Gemstone Powder, in addition to some shards
- Colored Tree patches spread out a tad more, reducing the chance to generate clipped into one another
- The max stack sizes of some items have been increased
- The Crafting Tablet now plays a fail sound and does not play an animation when it can not craft the saved recipe
- DD cities will now generates less destroyed by terrain thanks to f-raZ0R's Exclusion Lib
- Damage from Sawblade Holly & Bristle Sprouts has been doubled
- Lizard Meat can now be cooked. When a Lurking Lizard dies while being on fire, it drops Cooked Lizard Meat
- You can now gift pets! (do not do that in real life, though) Tameable mobs hatching from Presents now have their owner set to the entity that opened it, not the one placing the present (Eset)
- The Spectrum root advancement that gifts the guidebook now triggers for more collectibles, not just gemstones (f-raZ0R)
- Kindlings now spew primordial fire (they already set the player on primordial fire before that)
- The Endgame structure now uses 'concentric rings' placement, just like Strongholds. This makes sure there always is one in a reasonable distance
- Honey Bottles now cure Deadly Poison
- The reach bonus for the Gloves of Dawn's Grasp has been nerfed
- The color mixing preservation structure can now generate with lots of more combinations
- More Planed Basalt/Calcite/Pyrite block variants (GDPulsar)
- Added Primordial Torches
- Compacting-style blocks for Vegetal, Neolith & Stardust
- Mermaid's Gems are now cloak as Seagrass to better blend in (Athebyne)
- Inexorable now prevents the slowdown from Slow Falling
- Amaranth now gives Nourishing when used in Suspicious Stews/Brews
- Nephrite Stems now drop Sticks
- Items that get drunk now mention "When Drunk", instead of "When Eaten" in their tooltip
- The Workstaff enchantment switching now checks for enchantment conflicts
- 50% damage buff for Glass Crest Crossbow overcharging ... and many more improvements all around!
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Phantom frames not rendering item labels (Neon, the Snowbound)
- Fixed typo in potion pendant advancement (Cookie)
- Fixed Crystallarieum not accepting dropped items when they are exactly centered (Robotgiggle)
- Actually use Kindling's "angry walking" animation
- Fixed the guidebook turnin of Bloodstone getting completed when refining Azurite
- Fixed Glass Ampoules getting unlocked before the player collected Resonance Shards
- Fixed Glass Arrows getting stuck too far into blocks
- Fixed typo in Blue's Clues advancement (Jade)
- Fixed typo in clovers tag name (Robotgiggle)
- Fixed typo in resonant pickaxe advancement (KatTheFox)
- Jade Vines now uncloak when performing their secret recipe (KatTheFox)
- Unlock the inexorable recipe only after getting an effulgent feather (KatTheFox)
- Gate Ender Hopper & Ender Dropper behind getting pigment, since their recipes require it (KatTheFox)
- Fixed missing "spectrum.subtitles.enchanter_working" subtitle translation (800020h)
- Fixed crystallarieum guidebook pages sometimes listing incorrect durations (Robotgiggle)
- Fixed Subtitles of Egg Laying Wooly Pig & Eraser sounds to read 'Pig' and 'Spider', respectively
- ...and many, many more
- Fixed Player Detectors being able to detect spectators
- Primordial Fire no longer tilts the screen (KatTheFox)
- Fixed Shimmel & others dropping Blackslag instead of Cobbled Blackslag (Athebyne)
- Fixed perturbed eye advancement unlock weirdness (Zenog, 800020h)
- Fixed some blocks not rotating properly in structures (GDPulsar)
- Fixed a crash when loading Spectrum on Forge with Create installed
- Removed a single Invisible Wall block from the color mixing structure
- Fixed a loot table in the Seed Vault treasure room
- Fixed cull faces for overgrown blocks
- Fixed Item Crushing sometimes resulting in oversized stacks
- Fixed the hitbox of Jadeite Flowers when placed in directions that are not down
- Added missing Structure Voids to DD city aboretum structure
- Fixed the Creature Detector sometimes being named 'Entity Detector'
- ...and a lot more. At this point listing everything would be an hour's worth of work
Mod Compat
- Ad Astra: Lots of compat block/item tags
- Bewitchment: Blacklisted Death Protection Poppet from becoming indestructible
- Botania: Allow Construction and Exchanging Staves to pull from Botania's Black Hole Talismans
- Botania: New Items: Blackest Lotus & Least Black Lotus
- Create: Various compat recipes have been nerfed
- Create: Pure Zinc!
- Create: fluid collision compat (pizzer)
- Estrogen: very important boob armor data (Noaaan)
- Hephaestus: Resonance & Crystal Apothecary Compat for budding crystals
- Kibe: Resonance can pick up Cursed Dirt (Sakura Willows, 800020h)
- Regions Unexplored: Quitoxic reeds can now grow on Regions Unexplored mud
- Shimmer: Full colored lights compat
- Tech Reborn: More compat recipes. The Cinderhearth is now 2x as efficient for making Refined Iron
- Vein Mining: Enchantment recipe now unlocks earlier and is cheaper (lily)
- Recipes now accept the c:eggs item tag
- Respect the c:capturing_not_supported tag (TelepathicGrunt)
- REI & EMI: Will now only show the Reagents category once the Potion Workshop is unlocked
- Supplementaries: additional recipes (f-raZ0R)
- Mythic Metals: additional recipes (f-raZ0R)
- Waystones: additional recipe (f-raZ0R)
- Sandwichable: additional recipe (f-raZ0R)
- Immersive Weathering: colored leaf carpet now gets cloaked (f-raZ0R)
- Immersive Weathering: resonance drops (f-raZ0R)
- Farmers Delight: additional recipes (f-raZ0R)
- Dimensional Doors: additional recipes (f-raZ0R)
- Create: additional recipes (f-raZ0R)
- Bumblezone: additional recipes (f-raZ0R)
- Malum: additional recipes (f-raZ0R)
- Neepmeat: Kindling Vivisection (f-raZ0R)
- Spelunkery: Rough Gems now drop as Pure Ores when using Resonance (f-raZ0R)
- ...and a lot more. Check your guidebook!
What's Next? The next few days I will update Spectral Decorations and then have a bit of a break.
Spectrum 1.8 marks the definite Version of Spectrum on 1.20.1. Our next plan is to port to 1.21. As always, 1.8 will receive all kinds of fixes.
The port to 1.21.x will take a humongous amount of time, since the changes in Minecraft were immense (mostly in a good way, though!) Currently we have a few workarounds in place that we can ditch with 1.21, that will result in better mod compat and higher performance (identifiers for potion ids, components, ...).
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3613Publication date
November 8, 2024 at 9:25 PMPublisher