Minecraft: Java Edition
Supported environments
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(V.3.2.5 Changes) (1.16.5 Minecraft)
Fixed crash if trying to use Java 11+ with this 1.16.5 Forge Repurposed Structures (forgot to do @mutable on an accessor mixin)
Grassy Igloo will no longer replace its blocks with air or fluid blocks if the biome's surfacebuilder uses air or fluid blocks.
Fixed crash if End Mineshaft is attempted to be spawned in a dimension where terrain reaches down to world bottom.
(V.3.2.4 Changes) (1.16.5 Minecraft)
Fixed a memory leak from the processor used on Grassy Igloos. The leak only happens if you keep finding Grassy Igloos. Special thanks to BlueAmulet for catching this leak.
(V.3.2.3 Changes) (1.16.5 Minecraft)
Mod compat:
Turned off the surrounding biome checks for RS structures when the Hexlands II mod is on. This will prevent using /locate or explorer maps on Jungle Fortress from freezing the game since there isn't a big enough area of jungle to pass the original checks. Now all RS structures should spawn when Hexlands II mod is on and active.
(V.3.2.2 Changes) (1.16.5 Minecraft)
End Mineshafts now will try to spawn within islands a bit better. The minY and maxY config for End Mineshafts was deleted in favor of endMineshaftMinIslandThickness config entry. The End Mineshaft config default value for spawnrate was bumped up to 60 due to the new more restrictive terrain checks.
Slightly lowered Ocean Dungeons default config value for spawn attempts per chunk from 5 to 4.
Crimson, Warped, and Nether Bricks Shipwreck's spawnrate default config value has been changed to make them even more common. The old config values will not change when updating so either delete the RS Shipwreck config file or edit the rates yourself to be 18 or 19.
End Shipwrecks treasure chest cannot have more than 1 Elytra and the Elytra is now more rare (from ~1/17 chance to now 1/20)
Increased chances of a lucky banner from End Shipwreck's map chest.
Nether Strongholds library chest cannot have more than 1 kind of explorer map at a time now.
Ruined Portals:
End Ruined Portals chests cannot ever have more than 1 End City explorer map in a single chest.
Loot Tables:
Explorer maps in the RS structures now only have zoom level 2 or 1 to massively speed up creation of these maps in chests. This is most noticeable with the explorer maps created in the End themed RS structures. May even prevent servers from stalling.
Changed the explorer maps in the RS structures to no longer skip existing chunks for finding structures.
This means maps may locate structures that you already found before but this should reduce the lag on pre-generated servers.
By now checking already generated chunks, maps should load much faster from RS's loot blocks.
If you wish for the maps to find unexplored structures again, download the loot table datapack from here:
Then change "skip_existing_chunks": false
to "skip_existing_chunks": true
for all minecraft:exploration_map entries.
Cleaned up the lucky banner pools in RS loot tables so that it is 100% vanilla now and the updated loot table datapack can work on servers without RS on.
Removed treasure enchant possibilities for tools in many non-End RS loot tables for better balance. (Mending is a treasure enchantment for example)
(V.3.2.1 Changes) (1.16.5 Minecraft)
Fixed config values not properly working for changing size of RS Mineshafts, RS Fortresses, and RS Strongholds structures. Should be working correctly now.
Added configs to allow changing of RS Villages size. Note, you will need to re-add the changes you have done to RS Village config for spawnrates if you edit it before.
Renamed netherStrongholdSizeSH and endStrongholdSizeSH configs entries to netherStrongholdSize and endStrongholdSize.
(V.3.2.0 Changes) (1.16.5 Minecraft)
Loot Tables:
Added special "bonus_rolls" pool to all RS's structure loot! If you have a mod that gives you the luck attribute or luck status effect, you may start to see certain kinds of new items in RS's chests! Especially new banner designs! Every RS Structure has a unique banner so get a mod or datapack that gives you luck and start collecting all the banners! See what you can find when you are lucky!
Harshly nerfed the rates of Minecarts in all RS Mineshafts as it was spawning too many Minecarts.
Fixed Snowy, Desert, and Birch Mansions using the wrong loot table or had the wrong loot table path in the chests.
All RS Mansions storage room chests may contain loot, make the dirt room chest have loot, and fixed a non-moisturized farmland block for farm room.
Added a secret extra chest to End Pyramids that will have loot based on luck. (The other chest's loot are generated automatically at creation due to the Comparator blocks)
Fixed Stone Igloo basement chest not using the right loot table file.
Fixed typos in 2 of the default values in the allowDimensions config entry.
Corrected two entries in the ru_ru.json lang file (Thank you DrHesperus!)
(V.3.1.3 Changes) (1.16.5 Minecraft)
Fixed ANOTHER serverside crash due to clientsided code called. RS should be stable now hopefully and I ran it on server to make double sure.
(V.3.1.2 Changes) (1.16.5 Minecraft)
Fixed Dolphin mixin crashing because I screw up again in my rush to release a fix aaaaaa
(V.3.1.1 Changes) (1.16.5 Minecraft)
Fixed serverside crash when generating End Mineshafts and End Strongholds. Sorry about that!
All RS Mansions spawnrate default config value has been changed to make them much less common and better spaced out in the world. The old config values will not change when updating so either delete the RS Mansions config file or edit the rates yourself to be around 225.
Fed Dolphins have a 24% chance of leading the player to an Ocean Pyramid!
Hard nerfed the Enchanted Golden Apple rates for End Pyramids.
Removed chance of spawning Enderman spawners in Warped Nether Temples.
Soul Nether Temple and Warped Nether Temple now only have 1 mob spawners instead of 2.
Warped Nether Temple now has 2 hidden puzzle chests instead of 1.
Grassy Igloos will now utilize the surface blocks of biomes it is in. So if the Grassy Igloo is added to a modded biome with their own custom grass block, the Grassy Igloo will be made of that modded block now to blend in better!
Fixed potential problems that could arise internally in code if user is using Turkish language settings. (Java's toUpperCase/toLowerCase infamous interaction with Turkish)
Fixed a possible crash if trying to spawn spawn certain structure pieces by Jigsaw Blocks manually placed by players. Worldgen was safe. This is just a rare edge case scenario 99.9% of people won't know about lol.
(V.3.1.0 Changes) (1.16.5 Minecraft)
Mod Compat:
Fixed using the wrong path for importing End Remastered's loot into RS's structures chests.
Added End Strongholds! Super rare and only spawns on within islands beyond 8000 blocks of the center of the End Dimension! You better bring your Elytra as the entrance is actually not on the surface but underside! But beware! It is very dangerous and massive to explore! And it also seems... off somehow... Can you figure out what is strange about it?
Buffed Underground Bastion loot a bit more and added "bonus_roll" to more of their loot tables. If you have increased Luck attribute (usually from another mod), you may find increased loot in Underground Bastion's chests.
Wandering Traders will now have a rare chance to sell a map to an Underground Bastion.
In End Dungeons, Shulker Boxes now won't try and spawn on top of Shulker Boxes or turn the below Shulker Box into a Pig Spawner.
Crimson, Warped, and Nether Bricks Shipwreck's spawnrate default config value has been changed to make them significantly more common. The old config values will not change when updating so either delete the RS Shipwreck config file or edit the rates yourself to be 27 or 29.
Made the default config value for Hot Land Ruins and Warm Land Ruins higher so those ruins are a bit more rare. The old config values will not change when updating so either delete the RS Ruins config file or edit the rates yourself to be 42 or 45.
If RS Mansions are turned off in the spawnrate configs, they will remove their map trades from Cartographers.
If Jungle Fortresses are turned off in the spawnrate configs, they will remove their map trades from Cartographers.
Increased maximum config value allowed for Jungle Fortresses size up to 30.
Fixed vertical range config for Jungle Fortresses not actually applying when changed.
Increased maximum config value allowed for RS Mineshaft size up to 30.
(V.3.0.4 Changes) (1.16.5 Minecraft)
Restrict y range for the Bubble Column processor so that Ocean Pyramids do not crash if it tries to spawn below y = 0 or above y = 255.
(V.3.0.3 Changes) (1.16.5 Minecraft)
Optimized many RS structures so they check their piece's bounding boxes more efficiently at generation! Some people reported having lag spikes once in a while when a RS Mineshaft spawns. This should reduce that significantly.
Russian translation added by DrHesperus! Thank you!
Fixed double chests only having loot for 1 chest instead of 2 in RS Dunegons.
Fixed Skeletons in Underground Bastions so they spawn with correct amount of health.
Adjusted bottom of Unit Rooms in Underground Bastions to be a bit less ugly in center.
Fixed prison trapped Wither Skeletons in Nether Strongholds so they spawn with more health now.
Fixed Ocean Mineshaft center room sometimes have random Prismarine placed awkwardly.
Simplified and finalized the default configs for what structure spawns in lotr mod's dimension. No RS Structure with mobs will now spawn in that dimension. The modified entries will be automatically added to your current entries the first time you launch v3.0.3 RS.
Fixed spawnrate, min y, and max y configs not working for Mineshafts.
Fixed spawnrate, min y, and max y configs not working for Nether Strongholds.
Fixed spawnrate, min y, and max y configs not working for Jungle Fortresses.
Fix potential issue where the structure check code may not work for preventing two specific structures from spawning on top of each other.
(V.3.0.2 Changes) (1.16.5 Minecraft)
Increased the default separation config value for RS's Overworld Villages to make them less cluttered in the world
RS Overworld Villages centers will not spawn within 6 chunks of Vanilla Villages or Outposts
Fixed Oak Villages placing Birch Planks when roads go into water
Significantly sped up /locate for RS Mineshafts
Lowered the default config height values for End Mineshafts
Added more dimension allow/disallow config entries. The new entries will be automatically added to your current entries the first time you launch v3.0.2 RS.
Fixed typo with Underground Bastion advancement name and typo with Igloo advancement description
(V.3.0.1 Changes) (1.16.5 Minecraft)
Mod Compat:
Updated loot table references so compat with End Remastered's loot now works again for newer versions of that mod
Added End Remastered eyes to the rest of the Overworld RS Pyramids and to Underground Bastions as well
Jungle Fortresses end pieces now can spawn decoration properly
Nerfed rate of Drowned in Jungle Fortresses a bit
Fixed Bubble Columns in Ocean Pyramids not fully creating their column after pyramid generation
Prevent Ocean Pyramids from generating above sealevel. Instead, they may be entirely buried below sealevel if the land is above sealevel.
Removed the random Grass Block that Hot Land Ruins spawned by mistake
Fixed Dead Bush not generating in side pieces of Hot Land Ruins
Fixed Tall Grass not generating in side pieces of Warm Land Ruins
Added Stonebricks layer to bottom of Unit and Stables giant rooms in Underground Bastions to reduce chances of it getting burned down by lava
Changed versioning format in jar and jar name to match semantic versioning format
Improved error message from structures that can fail to spawn their pieces due to the height range being set to be too narrow in RS's configs.
(V.3.0.0 Changes) (1.16.5 Minecraft)
Heavily cleaned up and improved the configs. They now exist in config/repurposed_structures-forge folder
Fixed some structures and features not working with the dimension/biome configs correctly
Added configs to allow dimensional/biome allowing or disallowing much better!
Added configs to control natural mob spawning over time in structures!
Added ModdedLoot configs so users can turn off Repurposed Structures's modded loot importing system easier for its structures.
Fixed issue where the ending pieces of some Mineshafts won't have decorative blocks like vines or seagrass or minecarts
Fixed Tropical Fish dying in Mushroom Pyramid's pit at generation
Mushroom Pyramid's pit is slightly adjusted to not be so cramped
Added Chains to Ocean Pyramids so the Drowned won't walk into the Magma Block and take damage
Adjusted looks of Warm Land Ruins so it doesn't look as bad as it was before
All wells now use processor lists to randomize their chances of having ores or bells. The well's block tags and bell config entry have been deleted as they are no longer needed.
Increase default chance of Nether Wells spawning.
Wells are more likely to have a Bell now.
Forgot to add xp reward for several advancements.
Cleaned up backend code. Might had introduced a bug or two. Please report the bugs you find!
Properly centered several structures so they match up with their land/water/terrain checks centered on the structure itself.
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57Publication date
September 23, 2021 at 4:25 PMPublisher