Minecraft: Java Edition
Supported environments
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Internal Changes
- Optimized Surface Rules (Fixes Terrablender Fix Compat in theory)
- Changed Vanilla Block and Item Tags to be datagenned instead
- Made Logs use vanilla's CreateLog method for compat's sake
- Code Organization and Clean Up
- Vanilla Boats
- Optimize Textures
- Port non-updated methods
- Pluralization of Cattails and Bearberries
- Lotus Stem less redundant and extend Block instead
- Removed Logging Biome and Region configs from console
- Flattened Willow Vine field to Vine
- Flattened colored wisteria vines to colored vines
- Optimized Pizza Model Rendering
- Made Maple Leaves extend Cherry Leaves
- Refactored Pizza Block Entity Variables to use proper casing
- Readded lambdas instead of method references in enum
- Renamed All classes with Nature's Spirit or Hibiscus to use NS
- Removed Block State Provider Mixen
- Redirected NSSimpleStateProvider to go to MC protected one
- Removed Random Files
- Restructured all Files
- Simplified Vines Code for Wisteria and Willow
- Simplified Leaves Code for Wisteria and Willow
- Added ability to modify Maple Leaves Particle Block Chance
Bug Fixes
- Cheese Placement
- server syncing issues with Milk Cauldron
- picking/filling behavior with Cheese Cauldron
- Preset for Larch Trees
- Kaolin, Kaolin Bricks, Chalk Stonecutting Slab Count
- Mosaic Stairs and Slab lacking crafting recipe
- Alluaudia and Joshua Blocks not in Axe Mineable
- Chert and Travertine stairs and slabs not in the stonecutter
- Pizza Toppings Not Saving on Reload
- Coconut not becoming Unfilled
- Pink Sandstone not in Default Tabs
- Willow vines not climbable
- Leaves Rendering
- Sedge Grass Placement
- Flower Stuff To Correct Tags
- Tall Plant Block Breaking Placement Bug
- Willow Vines not in Natural Category
- Biome Tags
- Vine Paradox
- White Cliffs Toggle
- Ghaf Log
- Joshua Sapling
- Joshua Leaves (Bushier)
- Wisteria wood (color)
- Wisteria leaves
- Wisteria door
- Wisteria trapdoor
- Nearly all door items
- Willow Door and Trapdoor
- Blue and Black Iris
- Wisteria Vines and Leaves
- Wisteria Log
- Cedar Log
- Mahogany Log
- Olive Log
- Saxaul Log
- Maple Leaves (Duller)
- Aspen Door
- Aspen Trapdoor
- Aspen Sapling
- Aspen Leaves
- Aspen Logs
- Marigold (Wide Small)
- Pink sandstone textures
- Condensed Green & Black Olives -> Olives
- Olive leaves no longer drop olives
- Lusher Joshua Tree Gen
- Thicker Olive Tree Gen
- Blue Iris yields Light blue Dye
- Removed Trans Cat from general spawns
- Maple Leaf Particles slightly faster
- Removed Young Coconut
- Removed Yellow Larch
- Shearing For Joshua Logs
- Creative Tab Toggle
- Chalk Powder From Calcite Clusters Brushing Feature
- Nature's Spirit Stripped Logs to Create's "modded_stripped_logs" tag
- Added Cedar Thicket Biome
- Begonias (Forest Flowers)
- Olive Branches
- Added Occasional Stratified Desert Mounds
- Music Notification Support
Aspen Forest Overhaul
- Rooted and Coarse Dirt
- Green Aspen Trees
- More Foliage
- Adjusted Coloring
- Bushes
Sugi Forest Overhaul
- Dense Sugi Trees
- Varying Sugi Trees
- Bamboo
- Karsts
- Coarse Dirt
- generate at river areas too
- removed dirt and gravel splotches
- lsuh ferns
- side oak bushes
- vines
Release channel
ReleaseVersion number
Game versions
3261Publication date
November 24, 2024 at 1:09 AMPublisher

Project Manager