Minecraft: Java Edition
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Published last year
Updated 11 hours ago
Release 1.20.1-1.7.4
Updated at 2024-09-21 15:38.
Release 1.20.1-1.7.4
- Added a builtin account chooser, based on AuthMe, present in the Main screen like in LE
- Added Immediate Respawn gamerule in Host Options
- Now, the crossbow charge animation will be similar to LE
- Now, the creative block placing is more precise
- Now, only players won't be able to attack owned entities
- Now, setting the
gamerule to 0 will remove the limit - Now, the swimming animation will appear in first person
- Now, bonemeal won't work in wither roses
- Now, the world cache save will be async, not affecting the server performance anymore
- Now, the autosaving countdown will be removed when disabling autosave
- Now, the mojangles 11 font will be used in more places
- Tweaked third person eating animation to be more similar to LE
- Now, default resource assorts will always be present, even if deleted, to avoid crashes
- Now, default resource packs will be different between mod loaders, to fix issues such as NeoForge Mod Resources being below Minecraft resources
- Now, you can do Direct Connection in the
tab in the Play Game screen - Now, it's possible to open the Chat screen in the Host Options screen
- Now, it's possible to change the order of the layers in the Flat World screen
- Now, loading world templates will be done through the world cache directory, to prevent them from being saved unintentionally
- Now, the demo mode will be more similar to LE
- Now, the selection sprites in the Play Game and Pack selection screens will be smaller and vertically centered
- Now, it's possible to close the Host Options screen by pressing its binding again
- Now, it's possible to close the Pause screen by pressing start button
- Now, the player username will be visible in the background, like in LE
- Fixed resource assort order not being loaded correctly
- Fixed unnecessary resource pack reloads, especially in NeoForge
- Fixed resource pack order changes not being saved
- Fixed Autosave countdown not reaching 0
- Fixed the scoreboard displaying the title instead the scores
- Fixed missing discount sprite in the Merchant Interface
- Fixed crash with Tutorial Toasts
Release 1.20.1-1.7.3 - Added Resource Assorts system, which is basically groups of resource packs that have a customizable title, description, icon and background, which can be easily removed or removed using their selector (which replaces the Resource Packs selector)
- Added sounds with random pitch, like in LE
- Added some common colors:
- Added cyclic navigation to confirmation screens
- Added LE-style textures to the High Contrast builtin resource pack
- Added an activation animation when obtaining
Hero of the Village
orVoluntary Exile
advancements, like in LE - Added Movable Block Entities, along with the
block tag, which determines what can be pushed - Added System Language option in Languages screen
- Added Squid motion bubbles, like in LE
- Added triggers menu navigation (done with Page Up and Page Down keys with kb/m)
- Added
boolean argument (false by default) after the target argument in legacyTip command, to forcibly set the displayed tip, instead of "accumulating" - Added
Search Creative Tab
option in User Interface section - Added
Show Armor Stand Arms
Game Rule - Added
TNT Explodes
Game Rule - Added
TNT Limit
Game Rule, with20
being its default value - Added
Player vs Player
Game Rule, replacing the property value in servers - Added a world cache system, replacing any changes to the world saving
- Added an alphabetical sorting in Mods screen
- Added the possibility to open the Pack Selection screen directory with the
key or the up button - Added the possibility to some game rules be changed even with host privileges disabled
- Added Mojangles 11 font, being used in boss bars and icon holder tooltips in resolutions <=720p
- Added top messages, with small and medium sizes, currently only used for the Autosave countdown
- Re-Added
Autosave When Paused
option in Game Options section - Tweaked
common colors to better match LE - Tweaked the tick box text position to better match LE
- Tweaked the gamma to be more similar to LE
- Enhanced Arrow Navigation, now all interfaces have cyclical navigation, which is according to the
- Now the selected item tooltip height will depend on the amount of lines of hearts, like in the LE
- Now the explosion will have smoke particles and is therefore more similar to LE
- Now, huge explosion particles are darker and therefore more similar to LE
- Now, smoke, gust and huge explosion particles have a smoother frame change
- Now, it's possible to swim without being underwater
- Now, the highlighted widgets will have textures more similar to the LE by default
- Now, the slot highlight will be a texture, like in LE
- Now, the menu background will be a texture, like in LE
- Now, the crafting interface info and item tooltip will have a scroll function
- Now, the mod settings will be saved in
(don't worry you won't lose your settings when updating to this version) - Now, the Edit Box cursors will better match LE
- Optimized Animal InLove client sync
- Now, the Animated Character is more accurate with LE, whether in position, size and rotation
- Now, the Animated Character will appear when exiting containers while using armors, like in LE
- Now, the Vertical View Bobbing won't be applied when flying, like in LElast selected button
- Now, hints won't move the interface if they are disabled
- Now, the Not Enough Ingredients hint won't be displayed if hints are disabled
- Now, looked block and entity hints won't "accumulate" anymore
- Now, the Creative Interface panel will use a separated sprite
- Now, maps won't show blocks outside the world border
- Now, the saved hotbars tab will be shown when the
Display Vanilla Tabs
option is enabled - Now, armor stands will show arms when placed if
Show Armor Stand Arms
is enabled - Now, it's possible to change the pose of armor stands by interacting with them or using a redstone signal, just like in LE
- Now, the hand sway is 50% slower to be similar to LE
- Now, bone meal can be used in flowers, like in LE
- Now, maps will snap in a LE-like grid
- Now, the chat will have a safe zone like in LE, which will change its size according to the
Interface Distance
- Now, the chat edit box will have a safe zone
- Now, the selected item name will appear every time an item is different from the last selected
- Now, the selected item name will remains based on the amount of tooltip lines
- Now, the healthbar is more similar to LE
- Now, all the sprites extracted from vanilla will have the correct path, to improve resource pack compatibility
- Removed
Force Yellow Text
option - Fixed
Invalid player data
when joining a save with other gamemode selected - Fixed Autosave value being loaded incorrectly
- Fixed Elytra crouch pose changing the first person hand
- Fixed Elytra crouch pose having the default crouch pose
- Fixed unloaded entities not saving when the autosave is disabled
- Fixed manual save happening when exiting and save the game, which could cause chunk corruption in rare and specific situations
- Fixed animal leash not being visible
- Fixed
control tooltip appearing for body armors even when there is no equippable mob - Fixed keyboard opening on Edit Book screen when pressing Space key
- Fixed keyboard layouts not working properly
- Fixed incorrect ingredients being consumed when doing auto-crafting
- Fixed some player options not requiring permissions on the server side to be changed
- Fixed tutorial world conversion problems
- Fixed autosave interval not working correctly
- Fixed enchantment screen missing textures
- Fixed boss bar missing textures
- Fixed Classic Merchant screen with the vanilla background being rendered
Release 1.20.2-1.7.1 - Fixed custom recipes advancements not being given to the player
Release 1.20.4-1.7 - Re-Ported from 1.20.6-1.7
- Added Integration with the World Host mod, having access to the friends list
- Added Flying View Roll option in Game Settings section, and its function when fall flying
- Added a multiplayer warning when selecting the Join tab
- Added a Respawning screen, as in LE
- Added Cursor Mode slider in Game Options section
- Added Legacy Creative Block Placing function and its toggle in Game Options section
- Added a fully functional Keyboard Interface, it'll generally appear when pressing edit boxes
- Added PlayStation® Vita Edition Control Tooltip type
- Added Display Gamma option in Graphics section
- Re-Added Autosave Interval slider in Game Options section
- Added LE Player Attack Weak sound when punching the air
- Added possibility to open the LAN in the Host Options Interface
- Added LE Info function to the Crafting Interface
- Added LE "Not Enough Ingredients" hint to the Crafting Interface
- Added Vertical Bobbing, to better match LE
- Added ability to add/change control icons with resource packs. They are selectable even without a controller connected
- The Autosave screen is now more accurate with LE
- Completely reworked cursor system.
- New Cursor modes: Auto (Default) | Always | Never
- Now when a controller is connected, but the mouse is moved (and the cursor mode is set to Auto), the cursor is enabled again.
- Changed Edit Box and Slider Button widgets to be more similar to LE
- Reworked Animated Character, now the fall flying pose will work more similar to LE
- Now packets won't be sent if the mod isn't present in the server
- Elytra flying creative jump will now remove any vertical delta movement when stopping to jump
- It's possible to "Pick Entity" when in survival mode (if you have the respective item)
- Flying will allow to step up like in LE
- Map coordinates are now be based on the player's eye height
- Replaced
byIsXander's libsdl4j
, meaning natives will now be optionally downloaded if selected (needed to work), and with other improvements coming with SDL3 - Now, Use and Attack actions will be more similar to LE
- Interfaces will now move to the left when a hint appears, as in LE
- Completely reworked the Control Icon system. Now using data-driven resources in
, meaning it's possible to change the icons used for keyboard/mouse and controller - The Interface Distance slider was re-added in User Interface Section and affects the Control Tooltips
- The PlayStation® 4 Edition Control Tooltip type uses the 1080p version
- Name Tag Border is more similar to LE.
- Its color will fill the background if you move away from it
- It is now visible behind blocks
- Scoreboard is more similar to the LE style
- Tweaked Experience bar number to be more similar to 1080p version of LE
- Re-Worked the Merchant Interface to support scrolling between off-screen elements, with the mouse or arrow navigation
- The size of the Main Menu Splash is more similar to the LE
- Crafting, Stonecutter and Loom interfaces now support mouse scrolling between off-screen elements
- Holding the Use key mapping when sprinting while flying will no longer have any effect
- It's now possible to open the inventory when an advancement toast is on the screen
- Enhanced Chat Screen
- Now the chat is at the same position as when unfocused
- It's bordered and have control tooltips
- Enhanced Legacy Creative Flight, now its sprint speed is based on effective render distance, and some other minor changes
- If Auto Resolution is active, the mod will try to match the closest standard resolution
- Enhanced Death screen, now matches better with LE
- Now the player's hand will be invisible when dying
- Removed Architectury API dependency
- Fixed selected advancement in Advancements screen being maintained even when changing tabs
- Fixed inaccurate layout spacing and inability to scroll in the Leaderboards screen
- Fixed /legacyTip custom
command not working when there is no item defined - Fixed controllers not being disconnected when changing the selected controller
- Fixed music stopping when changing dimensions
- Fixed inventory item repair not working correctly
- Fixed autosave being performed even with it disabled
- Fixed mouse scrolling and page change not working in the Advancements screen
- Fixed a vanilla bug in the animal love mode, where the love particles only appeared at the beginning, due to the
time not being synchronized with the client, causing the control tooltip to not work correctly - Fixed entities in icon holders with parts being rendered outside of it
- Fixed being able to toggle the crouching when the player is in water
- Fixed player crouching when exiting a vehicle
- Fixed player making the crouch pose when in water
- Fixed played data not being saved when exiting a server with auto saving disabled
- Fixed any incompatibilities related to the main menu screen not being the one from the vanilla
Click here for complete changelog
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Game versions
5632Publication date
September 21, 2024 at 3:38 PMPublisher
Owner & Main Developer