Minecraft: Java Edition
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Published last year
Updated last year
- update sakuralib to 1.5.3
- Switch from Archeology book to the new sakuralib dynamic book
- Using dynamic lang entries for the book
- Moving away from deprecated APIs (now only some tick and updateNeighbor methods need to be replaced)
- Rewritten networking and inventory code (Now the inventory content is always synced)
- Some loot table fixes
- Fixing nbt data of villagers spawned by archeology camps
- Remove some entities from other structures (they spawn there anyway)
- update sakuralib to 1.4.0
- Changing config options no longer requires a restart (however you need to call /reload to apply them if you were in game)
- switch to maven modrinth for arrp
- inject artifact shards into Dungeons and Taverns archeology table loot
- Rework of penetrating strike
- Now it reduces the armor of the target by (effectiveness) per level
- Default max level is now 3
- The effective armor reduction can be configured default is 1
- Reworked implementation of Artifact Enchantments
- All artifact enchantments now are added to a loot table (evenbetterarcheology:artifact_enchantments)
- Moving the register code into the class
- Moving Artifacts Compatibility into its own class
- Use the new enchantment loot table in the archeology table loot
- Add initial patchouli book
- Generate Patchouli pages in datagen of BetterBrushItem
- Rewoked chest loot tables
- Now there are common loot tables to unify some of the outputs
- Update sakuralib to 1.2.2 (fixes a crash in singelplayer and removes several classes)
- Hotfix for the loot tables (I added the shards as extra pool not entry)
- actually have loot in the underwater chests
- get loot from underwater sus gravel
- Simplify archeology loot tables
- All vanilla archeology loot tables contain artifact shards
- Now the custom structures also use the vanilla loot tables (other mod items that are injected into that loot table will also be found in the custom structures)
- Use now external sakuralib for datagen (by default it is included in the jar)
- Adding enchantment descriptions (works when enchantment descriptions mod is installed)
- Setting sakuralib format_version to 1
- Fix underwater structures
- Move away from some deprecated apis
- Prepare for datafixing better archeology
- Moving all data declarations into registry package
- Creating a mixin plugin to handle mixin loading for mods that are loaded
- Enable seas bounty enchantment
- Add Seas Bounty to Archeology Table loot
- Simplify the Enchantments code
- Generating tag for fossil parts
- Generating most of the structure data in code
- Changing the structure sets to actually conform to minecrafts structure set format
- More config options
- Disable Artifacts from Loot in Archaeology Table
- Change the weight of the artifacts in the Archaeology Table
- Simplified Data generation API
- Move worldgen tags to the new data generation API (This should allow for easier adding of mod biomes)
- Use more tags instead of specifying biomes directly. The following mods should generate Even Better Archeology structures now:
- terralith
- wider wild
- terrestria
- Traverse
- William Wythers' Overhauled Overworld
- Regions Unexplored
- Create an Identifier class that allows tags
- Create a loot distribution class to generate loot tables
- Generate the Archeoloy Tabe loot table in code
- add all levels of soaring winds to loot table
- add artifacts form the artifacts mod as possible loot
- Use mc-publish github action to publish releases to modrinth
- Another rework of the Datageneration API (Should be mostly stable now)
- Generating all blockstate and item models in code
- Generating all recipes in code
- Rewritten implementation of the fossils (they now share as much code as possible)
- Rewritten vases (loot vase and regular vase are the same class now just with a bool to differentiate them)
- Renamed rotton_x to rotton_wood_x (eg. rotton_planks -> rotton_wood_planks). This should be the last breaking change.
- Adding some documentation using doxygen
- Creating all tags using the data generation API
- Transition loot tables to use the new data generation API
- Updated nbt data of the structures (now they actually have the mod blocks and the chests have loot)
- Migrate the structure processors to the new data generation API
- More work on the data generation API
- Generation of blockstates, block models and block item is now split
- Created interface to generate data in block classes
- Generating models for items
- Generating more block models
- Allow automatically adding items to creative menu
- Adding custom annotations to generate data of blocks
- Using Arrp to generate even more data
- moving some textures in other folders
- Using arrp to generate data dynamically
- Fixing broken build due to implementation of the ItemRarity Tag
- Using owo-lib to register items and blocks
- Using owo-lib for creative menu
- Using data generators to register brushes
- Support for Numismatic-Overhaul
- Added helper class for villager trades
- reworked villager trades and costs
- renaming stuff that was missed before
- Support for Trinkets API
- Using OwO lib for config
- support for higher levels of soaring winds
- rename form BetterArcheology to EvenBetterArcheology
Release channel
BetaVersion number
Game versions
1.20–1.20.1, 1.20.2-pre1–1.20.2-rc2, 1.20.2Downloads
39801Publication date
October 12, 2023 at 5:46 PMPublisher