Minecraft: Java Edition
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Cobbled StudiosOrganization
Veraxiel -Art Director-

Myslippy -Content Director-
Hiroku -Studio Director-

Torchmarrow Animation Lead
gingledoof0 Animator

Glitch_Ratt Animator

QriviateA Animator

Rogerregoat Animator

Strawberr1Milkshake Animator
EikoBiko Artist
dhi_holo Block Modeler

addy_bromide Builder

Azooreh Builder

drewlordybuilds Builder
Dynamite2pt0 Builder
Mallowu Builder

Mallowuu Builder
MJB-coolness Builder

nickaholic Builder

SamIr0n Builder
SamyTheGil Builder

Valirus Builder
whoisvoxel Builder

Jakotens Character Design Lead

mvthwus Character Designer

Wi2tert Character Designer

giodude1580 Concept Artist

Carmendarr Engineer

FrankTheFarmer Engineer

Genotype Engineer

Kenji_64 Engineer

RedGenesectNinja Engineer

Tyzillion Engineer

konohadaze Game Designer

Sarge54125 Game Designer
SPGesus Game Designer
TheFourthFate Game Designer
HexeChroma Game Designer / Writer

Hysako_ GUI Artist

virtuositas Marketing Lead

BlazingBRO Modeler

boyfriends Modeler
JoeSeff Modeler

maashous Modeler

Reisen Modeler

Gesteyy Modeler / Animator

HeavenlyPiers Modeler / Animator

KleeHubertus Modeler / Animator
TotallyNotAHobo Modeler / Animator
Brotatsun64 Modeling Manager

AmoAsterVT Programmer

Apion Programmer

BlackSpirit Programmer

Charzard4261 Programmer

complacentdev Programmer

Erusel Programmer

JPAKx4 Programmer
MoeBoy76 Programmer

negocio Programmer

NickImpact Programmer

plastered_crab Programmer
Waldleufer Programmer

whatsy Programmer
Sterrezo Sound Design Lead / Composer

Bwavii Trainer Modeler
321retrogamer VFX Designer

DoctorWafflePhD VFX Designer

JadedTeal VFX Designer
lilpebs Web Developer

duckyquackington1 Wiki Writer
Licensed MPL-2.0
Published 2 years ago
Updated last month
1.4.0 - The Friends and Farms Update (October 13th, 2023)
- Added pasture blocks, used to let your PC Pokémon roam around an area.
- Added nicknaming from the summary menu of a Pokémon (click their name).
- Added trading between players. Press R while looking at another player and you'll figure the rest out.
- Added mints for changing Pokémon stats. These are most commonly found at high altitudes.
- Added Revival Herbs, with pep-up flowers when fully grown, growing in lush caves.
- Added Medicinal Leeks, growing on the surface of rivers and ponds. It is a potion ingredient and can be cooked as food!.
- Added Big Roots, generating from cave ceiling dirt which sometimes spread as energy roots.
- Added 69 Berry Trees and Berries. Some are found in village farms, some from planting different berries close to each other.
- Added mulches: Mulch Base, Growth Mulch, Surprise Mulch, Coarse Mulch, Humid Mulch, Rich Mulch, Loamy Mulch, Peat Mulch, and Sandy Mulch
- Added Vivichokes, obtainable from wandering villager trades and some loot chests.
- Added medicine brewing using medicinal leeks and berries in brewing stands.
- Added Pokémon cries when in battles and being sent out.
- Added medicinal items: Berry Juice, Heal Powder, Remedy, Fine Remedy, Superb Remedy, Revive, Max Revive, Potion, Super Potion, Hyper Potion, Max Potion, Full Restore, Full Heal, Antidote, Awakening, Burn Heal, Ice Heal, and Paralyze Heal.
- Added battle items: X Attack, X Defence, X Sp.Atk, X Sp.Def, X Speed, Dire Hit, and Guard Spec.
- Added EV items: Power Anklet, Power Band, Power Belt, Power Bracelet, Power Lens, Power Weight.
- Added food items: Roasted Leek, Leek and Potato Stew, Braised Vivichoke, and Vivichoke Dip
- Added evolution items: Auspicious Armor and Malicious Armor, which can be used to evolve Charcadet into Armarouge or Ceruledge respectively.
- Added (mostly brewing) recipes for HP Up, Protein, Iron, Calcium, Zinc, Carbos, PP Up, PP Max, and Medicinal Leek to Magenta Dye.
- Added held items: Bright Powder, Destiny Knot
- Added AI for Nosepass to point towards world spawn when idle. We just think it's neat.
- Added shoulder mounting for Mimikyu.
- Added flying placeholder animations to Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Pidgeot, Golbat, Crobat, Scyther, Scizor, Zapdos, Moltres, Articuno, Dragonite, Rowlet, Dartrix, and Decidueye.
- Added loot to various vanilla chest loot tables (Link Cable in Ancient Cities, Woodland Mansions, End Cities, and Igloos, Vivichoke Seeds in Jungle Temples, Dungeons, and Plains, Savanna, Snowy, and Taiga Villages, and all 7 Apricorn Sprouts in Desert, Plains, Savanna, Snowy, and Taiga Villages, as well as the Bonus Chest, which can also have 5 of the basic Poké Ball types)
- Added a
gamerule to make it quick and easy to be offered shiny starters. - Added a
gamerule to toggle Pokémon dropping items/exp on death. - Added ability activation announcement when in battle.
- Added animations for Wailord and made it BIGGER.
- Added Cherry Torterra variant.
- Added 2 new face spots for Spinda. The number of unique Spindas increases...
- Added Forretress Shulker variant.
- Added the
/teststore <player> <store> <properties>
command allowing command block/mcfunction users to query a party, PC or both for Pokémon matching specific properties and returning the match count, this will be a cheat command in the Minecraft permission system or use the permissioncobblemon.command.teststore
if a permission mod is present. - Added the
/querylearnset <player> <slot> <move>
command allowing command block/mcfunction users to query a party slot and check if the Pokémon can learn a specific move returning a 1 if yes otherwise 0, this will be a cheat command in the Minecraft permission system or use the permissioncobblemon.command.querylearnset
if a permission mod is present. - Added the
/testpcslot <player> <slot> <properties>
command allowing command block/mcfunction users to query a pc slot and check if the Pokémon matches specific properties returning a 1 if yes otherwise 0, this will be a cheat command in the Minecraft permission system or use the permissioncobblemon.command.testpcslot
if a permission mod is present. - Added the
/testpartyslot <player> <slot> <properties>
command allowing command block/mcfunction users to query a party slot and check if the Pokémon matches a specific properties returning a 1 if yes otherwise 0, this will be a cheat command in the Minecraft permission system or use the permissioncobblemon.command.testpartyslot
if a permission mod is present. - Added the
/clearparty <player>
command for emptying a player's party. - Added the
/clearpc <player>
command for emptying a player's PC. - Added the
/pokemonrestart <reset_starters>
and the/pokemonrestartother <player> <reset_starters>
command allowing command block/mcfunction users to reset a players Pokémon data.
Pokémon Added
Gen 2
- Chikorita
- Bayleef
- Meganium
- Totodile
- Croconaw
- Feraligatr
- Cyndaquil
- Quilava
- Typhlosion
- Spinarak
- Ariados
- Shuckle
- Chinchou
- Lanturn
- Aipom
- Gligar
- Hoothoot
- Noctowl
- Mareep
- Flaaffy
- Ampharos
- Sudowoodo
- Snubbull
- Granbull
- Phanpy
- Donphan
- Teddiursa
- Ursaring
Gen 3
- Taillow
- Swellow
- Relicanth
- Duskull
- Dusclops
- Shroomish
- Breloom
- Cacnea
- Cacturne
- Poochyena
- Mightyena
- Wingull
- Pelipper
- Numel
- Camerupt
- Clamperl
- Huntail
- Gorebyss
- Surskit
- Masquerain
- Chimecho
- Barboach
- Whiscash
- Volbeat
- Illumise
- Zigzagoon
- Linoone
- Ralts
- Kirlia
- Gardevoir
- Nincada
- Ninjask
- Shedinja
- Beldum
- Metang
- Metagross
Gen 4
- Carnivine
- Shinx
- Luxio
- Luxray
- Ambipom
- Gliscor
- Dusknoir
- Chingling
- Bonsly
- Chatot
- Combee
- Vespiquen
- Buizel
- Floatzel
- Starly
- Staravia
- Staraptor
- Gallade
Gen 5
- Bouffalant
- Roggenrola
- Boldore
- Gigalith
- Venipede
- Whirlipede
- Scolipede
- Yamask
- Cofagrigus
- Patrat
- Watchog
- Lillipup
- Herdier
- Stoutland
- Cottonee
- Whimsicott
- Pidove
- Tranquill
- Unfezant
- Timburr
- Gurdurr
- Conkeldurr
Gen 6
- Scatterbug
- Spewpa
- Vivillon
- Skrelp
- Dragalge
- Bunnelby
- Diggersby
- Phantump
- Trevenant
- Fletchling
- Fletchinder
- Talonflame
Gen 7
- Wishiwashi
- Cutiefly
- Ribombee
- Stufful
- Bewear
- Comfey
- Alolan Exeggutor
- Alolan Raichu
- Alolan Meowth
- Alolan Persian
- Komala
- Wimpod
- Golisopod
- Crabrawler
- Crabominable
- Mudbray
- Mudsdale
Gen 8
- Arrokuda
- Barraskewda
- Nickit
- Thievul
- Falinks
- Galarian Farfetch'd
- Sirfetch'd
- Rookidee
- Corvisquire
- Corviknight
- Galarian Ponyta
- Galarian Rapidash
- Yamper
- Boltund
- Galarian Zigzagoon
- Galarian Linoone
- Obstagoon
- Galarian Meowth
- Perrserker
- Ursaluna
Gen 9
- Sprigatito
- Floragato
- Meowscarada
- Fuecoco
- Crocalor
- Skeledirge
- Quaxly
- Quaxwell
- Quaquaval
- Flittle
- Espathra
- Garganacl
- Fidough
- Dachsbun
- Armarouge
- Ceruledge
- Cetoddle
- Cetitan
- Shroodle
- Grafaiai
- Tandemaus
- Maushold
- Varoom
- Revavroom
- Squawkabilly
- Glimmet
- Glimmora
- Annihilape
- Tinkatink
- Tinkatuff
- Tinkaton
- Maschiff
- Mabosstiff
- Lechonk
- Oinkologne
- Paldean Wooper
- Clodsire
- Removed the existing shoulder effects from Pokémon until we have more balanced versions of them (they're too powerful!)
- Updated models and textures of Weedle, Dwebble and Crustle, Spiritomb, Koffing and Weezing, Kadabra and Alakazam, Emolga, Oshawott, Doduo and Dodrio, Dratini and Dragonair and Dragonite, Sneasel and Weavile, Gyarados, Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan, Chesnaught, Spinda, Mamoswine, Steelix, Misdreavus and Mismagius, Buneary and Lopunny, Golduck, Meowth and Persian, Fennekin and Braixen and Delphox, Snivy and Servine and Serperior, Ratatta and Raticate, Nidorina and Nidoqueen, Nidoran Male and Nidoking, Riolu and Lucario, Haunter and Gengar, Mankey and Primeape, Mew and Mewtwo, Arcanine, Magnemite and Magneton and Magnezone, Exeggcute and Exeggutor, Elekid and Electabuzz and Electivire, Pichu and Pikachu and Raichu, Wooper, Drowzee and Hypno, Aerodactyl, Spearow and Fearow, Lickitung and Lickilicky, Pidgey and Pidgeotto and Pidgeot, Scyther and Scizor and Kleavor, Popplio and Brionne and Primarina, Torchic and Combusken and Blaziken, Happiny and Chansey and Blissey.
- Updated animations for Steelix, Turtwig and Grotle and Torterra, Ponyta and Rapidash, Piplup and Prinplup and Empoleon, Drowzee and Hypno, Farfetch'd, Exeggcute and Exeggutor, Bidoof, Chimecho, Lickitung and Lickilicky, Popplio and Brionne, Luvdisc, Chimchar and Monferno and Infernape, Sobble and Drizzile and Inteleon, Greninja, Heatmor, Aerodactyl, Ditto, Lotad and Lombre and Ludicolo, Pumpkaboo and Gourgeist.
- Updated sprites for EV medicines, the rare candy, and the apricorn door item.
- Updated textures for apricorn doors and all the evolution stone ores.
- Ponyta and Rapidash now have animated textures; they look insane.
- Updated Apricorn Leaves color.
- Wild Pokémon now heal if you are defeated by them or flee from them.
- Doubled the default time between ambient Pokémon cries (they have cries if you're using a resource pack to add them)
- Moved spawn attempts per tick to a config option (ticksBetweenSpawnAttempts)
- PCs can now be waterlogged
- Starter selection prompt now appears as a tutorial-esque toast instead of plain text
- Reorganised the advancements recipes folder
- Pokéedit command now supports IVs and EVs.
- Reorganised creative categories
- Pokémon can now wander into non-solid blocks such as foliage
- Thrown Poké Balls now despawn after 30 seconds so that they don't fly forever.
- Dive Balls will now have the same motion speed underwater as if they were thrown in the air.
- Hardcoded potion shoulder effects have been removed. You can now use any potion vanilla or otherwise with the parameters you'd like, for more information see the Datapack & Resourcepack Creators section.
- Clicking categories of the Stat subsection or the party reorder button in the Summary screen will now produce a click sound.
- Updated PC Recipe.
- Improved Pokémon AI and movement.
- Friendship will slowly increase when Pokémon are shoulder-mounted.
- Master Balls are now unable to be burned when dropped into fire/lava. They're made from stronger stuff.
- Pokémon will appear red when hurt, like regular entities, except when they're fainting.
- Pokémon's air meter no longer depletes while battling underwater.
- Sleeping partially restores PP of Pokémon
- Shoulder mounts now match the shoulder position a bit more accurately when sneaking.
- Poison Heal will now cause poisoned Pokémon to heal outside of battle.
- Updated Poké Ball, PC, UI, evolution and Healing Machine sounds.
Added cries to the following Pokémon:
- All starters and their evolutions
- Caterpie, Metapod, Butterfree
- Weedle, Kakuna, Beedrill
- Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Pidgeot
- Rattata, Raticate
- Spearow, Fearow
- Ekans, Arbok
- Pichu, Pikachu, Raichu, Alolan Raichu
- Cleffa, Clefairy, Clefable
- Mankey, Primeape, Annihilape
- Ponyta, Rapidash, Galarian Ponyta, Galarian Rapidash
- Farfetch'd, Galarian Farfetch'd, Sirfetch'd
- Onix, Steelix
- Tauros
- Ditto
- Eevee, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, Glaceon, Sylveon
- Hoothoot, Noctowl
- Mareep, Flaaffy, Ampharos
- Aipom, Ambipom
- Wooper, Quagsire, Clodsire
- Snubbull, Granbull
- Miltank
- Poochyena, Mightyena
- Taillow, Swellow
- Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevoir, Gallade
- Shroomish, Breloom
- Nincada, Ninjask, Shedinja
- Buneary, Lopunny
- Chingling
- Chatot
- Riolu, Lucario
- Pidove, Tranquill, Unfezant
- Roggenrola, Boldore, Gigalith
- Venipede, Whirlipede, Scolipede
- Maractus
- Dwebble, Crustle
- Yamask, Cofagrigus
- Bunnelby, Diggersby
- Fletchling, Fletchinder, Talonflame
- Scatterbug, Spewpa, Vivillon
- Honedge, Doublade, Aegislash
- Skrelp, Dragalge
- Phantump, Trevenant
- Pumpkaboo, Gourgeist
- Bergmite, Avalugg
- Mudbray, Mudsdale
- Stufful, Bewear
- Mimikyu
- Rookidee, Corvisquire, Corviknight
- Nickit, Thievul
- Wooloo, Dubwool
- Yamper, Boltund
- Tandemaus
- Fidough, Dachsbun
- Squawkabilly
- Nacli, Naclstack, Garganacl
- Charcadet, Armarouge, Ceruledge
- Maschiff, Mabosstiff
- Shroodle, Grafaiai
- Flittle, Espathra
- Tinkatink, Tinkatuff, Tinkaton
- Varoom, Revavroom
- Glimmet, Glimmora
- Cetoddle, Cetitan
- Tatsugiri
- Fixed spawning moon phase dependent Pokémon only when the moon phase is wrong (that's a funny woopsy)
- Fixed large Pokémon spawning partially inside walls where they suffocate.
- Fixed custom Pokémon in your party or PC not being removed when the addon is removed, causing major issues.
- Fixed messages for entry hazards, screens, weather, damage, healing, Tailwind, Perish Song, Destiny Bond, Shed Skin, Uproar, Forewarn, Disguise, Arena Trap, Yawn, Curse, Clamp, Whirlpool, Liquid Ooze, Miracle Eye, Safeguard, Magic Bounce, Lock On, Focus Energy, Confusion, and more.
- Fixed Porygon not evolving with an Upgrade.
- Fixed super sized Pumpkaboo not having any moves.
- Fixed Infernape look animation.
- Fixed Garchomp T-posing while swimming which was very funny.
- Fixed a bug that caused sleeping Pokémon to stay asleep. Forever. The years passing them by as they dream of a world without hate...
- Fixed a bug that would freeze a battle when a Pokémon gets trapped by an ability, making the trap abilities even scarier and trap-like than they were before.
- Fixed the Poké Ball close animation canceling whenever colliding with a block.
- Fixed lighting and Pokémon label issues when a Pokémon item frame is nearby.
- Fixed Pokémon being able to spawn outside the world border as a tease.
- Fixed deepslate water stone ore items looking like deepslate fire stone ores. Huh?
- Fixed a bunch of client-side logging errors when Pokémon are shoulder mounted. You didn't notice? Good.
- Fixed a crash when wild Pokémon have to struggle under specific circumstances.
- Fixed uncolored pixels on Yanma's shiny texture.
- Fixed apricorn tree leaves looking gross on the Fast graphics mode.
- Fixed hoes not breaking apricorn tree leaves any faster.
- Fixed Shiftry's PC model position.
- Fixed the /pc command not playing the opening sound.
- Fixed different forms of Pokémon not being able to appear as different sizes.
- Fixed the Healing Machine soft locking you from using others when removed by non-players.
- Fixed animations being sped up when using the Replay Mod.
- Fixed particle animations not running when a Pokémon is off-screen.
- Fixed Pokémon variants and layers not rendering correctly when shouldered and playing on a dedicated server, existing shoulders affected will need to be retrieved and shouldered again.
- Fixed shoulder effects not staying applied through situations that remove potion effects such as drinking milk.
- Fixed Shedinja not being able to recover naturally.
- Fixed Shedinja evolving to use the consumed Poké Ball and removed the held item to prevent dupes.
- Fixed Shedinja healing above 1 HP.
- Fixed Shedinja, basically.
- Fixed shearing Pokémon dropping 0-2 wool instead of 1-3.
- Fixed some alignment issues in the stat hexagon of the summary menu. OCD people rejoice.
- Fixed capture calculations not applying ball bonuses entirely correctly.
- Fixed battles soft-locking when consecutive Pokémon faint on switch-in.
- Fixed timing and color of battle window messages.
- Fixed players being able to trade, battle and let out their Pokémon while in spectator mode.
- Fixed Galarian Yamask not being able to evolve and by proxy the
evolution requirement. - Fixed Bisharp not being able to evolve and by proxy the
evolution requirement. - Fixed White-Striped Basculin not being able to evolve because of a broken
evolution requirement. - Fixed Primeape, Qwilfish and Stantler not being able to evolve because of a broken
evolution requirement. - Fixed Bramblin, Pawmo, and Rellor not being able to evolve because of a broken
evolution requirement. - Fixed displayName property in spawn files not doing what it's meant to do.
- Fixed Pokémon not sleeping in the wild like we wanted them to.
- Added SpawnEvent, ThrownPokeballHitEvent, PokemonSentEvent, PokemonRecalledEvent.
- Added BattleFledEvent, BattleStartedEvent, BattleFaintedEvent.
- Added persistent NBT property inside Pokémon to store quick and simple data.
- Species and FormData have had their evolutions, pre-evolution and labels properties exposed. It is still recommended to work using a Pokémon instance when possible.
- Added capture check to BattleVictoryEvent.
- The various hardcoded potion shoulder effects have been removed, make use of PotionBaseEffect.
- Added ContextManager for tracking causes and contexts of conditions created during a battle. See BattleContext for types of conditions that are tracked.
- Added MongoDB support for storing Pokémon and Player data. Must be enabled in config, requires MongoDB core and sync drivers (4.10.0+).
- CobblemonShowdown updated to version 10.
- Generation of a battle can be set in BattleFormat.
- Pokémon now have
, andgmaxFactor
properties. Gimmicks can be used during battle by adding the respective identifiers tokeyItems
in PlayerData:key_stone
, andtera_orb
. Dynamax is only supported in Gen 8 battles. Mega Evolution and Z-Power require custom held items to be added (e.g. an item with the pathgengarite
will allow Gengar to Mega Evolve). Currently custom Z-Crystals and Mega Stones are not supported.
Datapack & Resourcepack Creators
- All potion related shoulder effects have had their IDs changed. They now all share the same type being
and use the vanilla Potion data parameters. For example, here is the converted Pidgey asset:-
{ "type": "potion_effect", "effect": "minecraft:slow_falling", "amplifier": 0, "ambient": true, "showParticles": false, "showIcon": false }
- Renamed the
evolution requirement toblocks_traveled
. - Added support for scale in animations.
- Added support for jump keyframes (i.e. pre and post keyframes)
- Added structure spawning conditions
- Added Advancement trigger for defeating Pokémon and collecting varieties of Pokémon.
- Added support for "isBattle" and "isTouchingWater" properties on resource pack Pokémon poses. This allows your custom Pokémon to be posed differently when in battle.
- Added support for "isVisible" on a transformed part on resource pack Pokémon poses. This allows your custom Pokémon to have bones disappear in specific poses, such as hiding Greninja's throwing star when not in a battle pose.
- Added support for battle music. Sounds can be added to the
sound events. - Added 'enabled' optional property on model layers, allowing later variations to disable previously-defined layers. See this issue for how this looks.
- Cobblemon items can now all have their own tooltips via resourcepacks. To add a tooltip, add a lang entry like "item.cobblemon.{item_id}.tooltip". If you want to add multiple tooltip lines you can do so with "item.cobblemon.{item_id}.tooltip_1" and upwards.
- Item interaction evolutions and held item requirements now support NBT by creating an object JSON containing the key
for what used to be the existing condition support and anbt
key for the NBT format, this is the string format expected in commands. Existing data does not need to be updated. - Fixed faint animations not working properly in add-ons.
- Fixed non-existent species in spawn pool files causing random species to spawn.
- Added partial translations for Dutch, Polish, Swedish, Hungarian, Czech, Cyprus Greek, and even Esperanto.
- Updated translation for French and Canadian French, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish and Mexican Spanish, Pirate English, German, Thai, Turkish, Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese, Ukrainian, and Russian.
Release channel
ReleaseVersion number
Game versions
313445Publication date
October 14, 2023 at 2:38 AMPublisher
-Studio Director-