Minecraft: Java Edition
Supported environments
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Cobbled StudiosOrganization
Veraxiel -Art Director-

Myslippy -Content Director-
Hiroku -Studio Director-

Torchmarrow Animation Lead
gingledoof0 Animator

Glitch_Ratt Animator

QriviateA Animator

Rogerregoat Animator

Strawberr1Milkshake Animator
EikoBiko Artist
dhi_holo Block Modeler

addy_bromide Builder

Azooreh Builder

drewlordybuilds Builder
Dynamite2pt0 Builder
Mallowu Builder

Mallowuu Builder
MJB-coolness Builder

nickaholic Builder

SamIr0n Builder
SamyTheGil Builder

Valirus Builder
whoisvoxel Builder

Jakotens Character Design Lead

mvthwus Character Designer

Wi2tert Character Designer

giodude1580 Concept Artist

Carmendarr Engineer

FrankTheFarmer Engineer

Genotype Engineer

Kenji_64 Engineer

RedGenesectNinja Engineer

Tyzillion Engineer

konohadaze Game Designer

Sarge54125 Game Designer
SPGesus Game Designer
TheFourthFate Game Designer
HexeChroma Game Designer / Writer

Hysako_ GUI Artist

virtuositas Marketing Lead

BlazingBRO Modeler

boyfriends Modeler
JoeSeff Modeler

maashous Modeler

Reisen Modeler

Gesteyy Modeler / Animator

HeavenlyPiers Modeler / Animator

KleeHubertus Modeler / Animator
TotallyNotAHobo Modeler / Animator
Brotatsun64 Modeling Manager

AmoAsterVT Programmer

Apion Programmer

BlackSpirit Programmer

Charzard4261 Programmer

complacentdev Programmer

Erusel Programmer

JPAKx4 Programmer
MoeBoy76 Programmer

negocio Programmer

NickImpact Programmer

plastered_crab Programmer
Waldleufer Programmer

whatsy Programmer
Sterrezo Sound Design Lead / Composer

Bwavii Trainer Modeler
321retrogamer VFX Designer

DoctorWafflePhD VFX Designer

JadedTeal VFX Designer
lilpebs Web Developer

duckyquackington1 Wiki Writer
Licensed MPL-2.0
Published 2 years ago
Updated last month
1.5.1 (May 27th, 2024)
- Added unique send out particles for Cherish, Dream, Beast, and Ancient Origin balls.
- Made Wooloo and Dubwool dye-able like sheep. So cute!
- Added stat up and down particles.
- Most status effects now have particles! These include: Paralysis, Poison, Sleep, Confusion, Infatuation.
Move Particle Effects
- Confusion
- Cotton Guard
- Growl
- Ice Punch
- Fire Punch
- Thunder Punch
- Minimize
- Quick Attack
- Protect
- Swords Dance
- Sand Attack
- Poison Powder
- Sleep Powder
- Stun Spore
- Powder
- Rage Powder
- Spore
- Thunder Wave
- Sounds for Relic Coin Sacks have been correctly renamed. Relic Coin Pouches received new sounds for breaking and placing.
- Readjusted Petilil portraits so they fit a bit better.
- Improved handling of Pokémon taken from the Restoration Tank block to be a bit more stable.
- Made Mulch cheaper to craft.
- Fixed a bug in which adding organic material to the restoration tank via right click was adding the full count of the stack currently in hand - but only taking 1 of the item.
- Fixed a niche issue where some properties of entities were not initialized correctly, causing Pokémon that appeared to be level 1 until you battle them.
- Fixed Fossilized Drake being missing from the Fossils item tag.
- Fixed Gilded Chest block entity not being cleared on block break, creating spooky ghost blocks. Old ones can be fixed by placing something like a furnace where it was, then breaking the furnace.
- Fixed sherd brokenness on Forge.
- Fixed Supplementaries incompatibility.
- Fixed Fossil Compartment crash with Jade / WAILA forks.
- Fixed pasture block PC lookups when the player is offline.
- Fixed an untranslated battle message that occurs when using a move that just ran out of PP (e.g. Fire Blast that just got spited mid-turn).
- Fixed held items being eaten even when the held item evolutions are already unlocked.
- Fixed Hisuian Decidueye not being Grass/Fighting.
- Fixed both Decidueye forms learning both Triple Arrows and Spirit Shackle.
- Fixed Pineco being unable to evolve into Shulker Forretress.
- Fixed Kabutops T-posing when underwater. It doesn't have proper swimming animations yet, though.
- Fixed Pidgey's missing walk animation.
- Fixed Cyndaquil's hidden flames clipping if it was swimming.
- Fixed Chimecho and Chingling being unable to spawn near bells. They are meant to!
- Fixed Tyrantrum and Wailord Party Overlay models peeking through the chat box. It was kinda funny though.
- Fixed hitbox sizes for Seedot, Nuzleaf, and Shiftry.
- Fixed Budew and Lechonk sliding if they walked for too long.
- Fixed Shedinja T-posing in battle.
- Fixed recoil evolution condition not working, making things like Basculegion unobtainable.
- Fixed issue where poser debug tools didn't work on JSON posers.
- Fixed issue where gilded chests don't close when going far away.
- Fixed issue where the restoration tank's renderer was reading old data, making it appear wrong.
- Fixed issue where the lights on the restoration tank would not animate if it was facing east. Very specific.
- Fixed client crash with the fossil machine when updating block state on a chunk that is unloaded in the client. I don't understand this but the devs are sure that all of those are real words.
- Fixed Restoration Tank crash with Create upon the tank block's destruction.
- Fixed Restoration Tank over consuming items when interacting with Create blocks.
- Fixed addons that add very many moves to a learn-set causing disappearing Pokémon (visually) issues on servers.
- Fixed Hyper Cutter and Big Pecks incorrectly stating that it prevented accuracy from being lowered in battle.
- Fixed missing messages for Rough Skin and Iron Barbs in battle.
- Fixed a bug where sometimes Pokémon sendouts wouldn't create an entity, or the entity would spawn at 0 0 0 which is not a good place for a Pokémon to be. Or any of us, really.
- Fixed issue in which a locked gilded chest would animate to the open state when the client fails to open it, such as when it is locked.
- Fixed a bug where aspects of a form would not be properly reflected on form changes (eg. Normal -> Hisui).
- Fixed generic battle effect sounds not sounding the way they were intended to.
- Fixed particle effects often not having access to some specific entity functions from MoLang.
- Fixed particles sometimes lasting a single tick too long, causing (very quick) visual glitches.
- Fixed particle rotations being inverted.
- Fixed particle events not spawning at the instigating particle's location.
- Fixed a bunch of spam during world generation.
- Fixed a bug in which throwing a Poké Ball at a player owned Pokémon with the ability Illusion would reveal its true species. Hilarious meta strategy.
- Fixed root-part animations not working for JSON posed Pokémon. You didn't notice this but if we didn't fix this in this update then if you use Quick Attack a lot you'd have seen a whole lot of this which is damn funny but very unintended.
- Changed SpawnAction#complete to return a nullable generic R (the spawn action result) instead of a boolean. Provides more information this way.
- Added an event that fires when a fossil is revived, with or without a player.
- Added IVS and EVS property extractors.
- Fixed PCStore#resize not allowing PC boxes size reduction.
Data Pack & Resource Pack Creators
- Added support for MoLang conditions for quirks and poses.
- Changed the AttackDefenceRatio requirement to StatCompare and StatEqual. There is some backwards compatibility for AttackDefenceRatio, though.
- Changed "dimensions" spawn condition to check with dimension IDs instead of effects, so custom dimension IDs can be used.
- Added parametric motion and rotation support to particle effects.
- Added entity_scale as a molang var for particles (likely only applicable to Pokemon)
- Added support for primary quirk animations using the following format:
"quirks": [
"q.bedrock_primary_quirk('<pokemon>', '<animation>', <minSeconds>, <maxSeconds>, <loopTimes>, '<excludedLabels>', q.curve('<waveFunction>'))"
- Updated translations for:
- Simplified and Traditional Chinese.
- Spanish.